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Welcome to Our Growing-up City―Baise

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Baise city is located in the west border area of Guangxi, linking to Guizhou in the north, neighboring Yunnan in the west, connecting Nanning in the south, and bordering on Vietnam with a boundary length of 360.5 km in the south.This city has a population of 3.7 million in total, of which 87% are minorities including seven nationalities, namely, Zhuangzu, Hanzu, Yaozu, Miaozu, Yizu, Gelao, and Huizu, while the Zhuangzu occupies a biggest portion of 80%.

In recent years, the economy of this city keeps a good tendency of rapid increasing.In the year of 2004, the total production value of this city reached 20,299 million Yuan with an increasing rate of 15.3%; the financial revenue achieved 2,470 million Yuan with an increasing rate of 22.9%; and the investment of fixed assets had arrived at 10,299 million Yuan with the increasing rate of 34.97%. In 2003, a decision about to build baise the most important base of aluminum industry in China and even in the Asia was made in Guangxi. So, in recent years, around the aluminum industry the government of Baise did put great efforts of the whole city to vigorously enhance the construction of its infrastructure and the construction of other related industries, and made the determination that the city should have the achievement of gaining about 100,000 million Yuan of total production value and 10,000 million Yuan of financial revenue within a period of 10 years or so.

Baise has quite some advantages as following

1. Politics

The political advantage has been shown in the fact that Baise can enjoy the favorable policy of the great development in the west of China, the favorable national policy of supporting the poor, and the favorable policies on the trade of minority and border area as well. In recent years, the municipal Party committee and government of Baise issued in succession six documents of decision, such as ″Decision on the further extending of opening to the outside world″, ″ Decision of quickening the economy development of non-public economies″, etc., and 17 accessory documents including ″The 20 rules about improving the soft environment of investing″, ″The practice procedure of promoting the rapid development of individual economy″ and so on. All these documents did have opened a wide door for investors from outside to make their development in Baise.

2. Location

Baise lies on the upper reaches of the Pearl Liver, and the central area of the State-assigned Nanning-Guiyang-Kunming Economic Zone.This city is the transportation hub in the border areas of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi, an important logistics-distributing center and the throat of the way out to sea from the great Southwest, and the front line of the multi-opening between China and ASEAN as well. With the two bordering counties, i.e. Jingxi and Napuo, Baise has a boundary line of 360.5 km with Vietnam; while 3 border ports and also 6 trade spots in addition have now been set, among them the Longbang port belongs to Grade-I State port and the Yuexu port and Pingmeng port Grade-II. Featuring convenient traffic, these ports and trade spots are really the golden treasure places for doing direct trade or transit trade between the Pan-Pearl-River Delta & the Southwest of China and Vietnam.

3. Communication

Baise is the throat and transportation hub of the way out to sea from the great Southwest and towards South and East Asia. This city has highways connecting Nanning in the east, going to Vietnam in the south, linking Guizhou & Hechi in the north, and reaching Yunnan in the west; while all counties of Baise are connected with Grade-II highways. As a bridgehead of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Zone, the two border counties, Jingxi and Napuo, do have a convenient traffic owing to the run-through of Grade-III highways along the border. The Nanning-Kunming express highway has been partly put in use, while its Baise-Tanluo section is under construction at present.Passing through Baise in 270 km, the Nanning-Kunming rail way offers an annual transportation ability of 10-odd million tons, while its construction of double track has been listed in the plan of State Communications Ministry; so its transportation capability will surely be enhanced quite a lot after the plan is completed.As for the waterway transportation, it is available to directly navigate from Baise to Nanning through the Youjiang River and further to Guangzhou or even to Hong Kong and Macao. After the project of Baise Water Control Pivot is completed, 1000-ton class vessels can be put in use for the navigation from Baise to Guangzhou. It is quite certain that along with the building up of the multifunctional Baise Airport for both military and civilian service, a modern traffic cubic network of Baise, which integrated aviation, railway, highway, and waterway, will be formally founded.

4. Climate

Baise lies on the area featuring subtropical monsoon climate, and its climate will be more comfortable along with the completing and putting in use of the Baise Water Control Pivot. This pivot will have the function of forming a huge lake that possesses a capacity of 6 billion m3 and will play the role of a natural thermo regulator of Baise as well. The fertile valley of Youjiang River has no frost all the year round and so provides an excellent natural condition for developing the production of grain, vegetable, and fruit.The Youjiang River valley has been assigned to be a State Agricultural Science and Technology Park Zone and the breeding base of Guangxi, and even the State, for high-quality rice, and excellent fruit & vegetable. The planting area of vegetable in this zone has reached 87.2 thousand ha. with an output of 1.5606 million tons, and so has been a national base for supplying vegetable from the south to the north.This zone is also fruitful of excellent subtropical fruit, such as mango, banana, lichee, longan, and orange, etc.; while the annual yield of those fruit has reached 343.6 thousand tons and makes the zone the biggest home of mango and the State production base of subtropical fruit in China.

5. Water energy

One-third of the land area of Baise belongs to Karst landform, which used to contain huge underground water system verified as high quality mineral water. The water in Baise Dengbihe Reservoir and Jingxi Quyang Reservoir are both of First Grade drinking water. Rivers in the area of Baise have the features of crisscrossing in length and breadth, great fall, and rich water resource. Rivers on the earth's surface of Baise have an annual average run-off of 17.24 billion m3, while the annual average inflowing water from the outside reaches 4.078 billion m3, and the total underground water resource has the amount of 4.1 billion m3. The average annual rainfall of the whole city is about 48 billion m3, i.e. over 2 times as the national average annual rainfall. Because the northwest part of Baise belongs to the remaining of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, rivers in this zone used to have great fall, and so to contain great resource of water energy.According to primary measuring and calculating, the passing through Hongshui River and Youjiang River do have great resource of water energy, while its applicable water electricity resource might be over 5 million kW.

6. Forestry

Baise has rich forest resource and forestry products & by-products.There are 2.145 million ha. of forestry land and 1.9928 million ha. of forest area in this city. With over 44 million m3 of wood storing up, 54.32% of forest coverage rate, and over 0.4 million m3 of annual output of wood production, this zone should be the most important timber forest base of Guangxi. Local products such as tong oil, tea oil, cassia bark, aniseed, fennel oil, black fungus, Badu bamboo sprout, Baihao tea, and flue-cured tobacco, etc. are fruitful and of good quality in Baise, and so make this area the main production base of aniseed and fennel oil in China and the pioneer of gaining high yield of forestry by-products in Guangxi.Among them, the Lingyun Baihao Tea has won 9 gold medals and 5 silver medals in the international or domestic events since 1999. Baise also has large numbers of botanic resources including 236 families, 955 genera, and 2,775 varieties. The particular soil texture and climate condition of Baise ensures the successful gestation of lots of high quality medicine material and supports this city to own the name of ″The storage of local specialty″ and ″The natural storage of traditional Chinese medicine″.

7. Electricity

The developed and under developing water electricity installed capacity of Baise have reached about 4.5 million kW in total, of which the Tianshengqiao first stage and second stage hydropower stations, a national key project, has an installed capacity of 2.52 million kW.Three hydropower establishments―each of them has been assigned as one of the ten symbolized national projects of the Southwest great development, namely, the Baise water control pivot with an installed capacity of 0.54 million kW, the Pingban hydropower station of 405 thousand kW, and the Dongba hydropower station of 72 thousand kW are about to be completed and put in use in the year of 2005, while the construction of a batch of small size hydroelectricity generators will also be completed one afterthe other.The Tiandong Thermal Power Plant with an installed capacity of 270 thousand kW is due to be completed in this year (2005), while the construction of Tianyang Thermal Power Plant has already been under way too. In addition, the Longlin Thermal Power Plant and the Baise Thermal Power Plant are also in the stage of strenuous preparation.It is out of question that the successful establishment of all these electricity generators will provide forceful electrical support to guarantee the steady construction of Baise's aluminum industry, and the rapid development of Baise's economy society as well.

8. Mineral resource

Baise has very rich mineral resource, which features large numbers of varieties, big reserves, high quality, shallow depositing, and easy to exploit, etc.Up to now, 57 mineral varieties have been discovered; 13 mineral varieties have been proved up; and 26 mineral varieties have been developed to put into production.The main dominative mineral varieties of Baise are bauxite, copper ore, coal, manganite, petroleum, gold ore, antimony ore, crystal, and lime stone, etc., of which the bauxite, copper ore, crystal, and lignite, etc., have the largest reserves that are top-ranked in Guangxi.According to experts' exploration, the coal reserves of Baise reaches 700-odd million ton; while the petroleum about 100 million ton, the natural gas about 8000 m3, and the bauxite over 1000 million ton.The Pingguo Aluminum Company has been one of the nine largest nonferrous metal production base of China, while the Baise Yinhai Aluminum Plant and the Longlin Aluminum Plant have also been constructed and put into production. In addition, with a total investment of 15 billion Yuan and a designed annual output of 3.2 million ton the Huayin Aluminum Plant begins to construct as well.Baise is now step by step becoming an important aluminum industry base of China, and even of Asia.

9. Tourism

Baise has the superiority of long history, beautiful landscape, humanistic sighting spots, and colorful folk-custom. Its tourist resources are rather abundant and have great potential, while the foreground of developing tourist industry is vast enough too. In recent years, relying on the features of green hills, clean waters, powerful waterfall, beautiful lakes, deep and serene cannon, mystical pit, rugged cliff, deep valley and excellent humanistic sighting spots, Baise has put great efforts to exploit the humanistic and natural resources, and has successfully recommended to the market with several elaborate touring itineraries, such as the itinerary of touring the congenital pit group, the cannon group, the relics group, the border pass, and the folk-custom touring, etc.

There are Countless Business Opportunities in Baise

Facing to domestic and overseas market, Baise has decided to more widely open the door and more extensively invite investment.

1. The key industries

a) Mineral products―mainly including bauxite, manganite, ―magnesite, and copper ore, etc.

b) Deep-processing of aluminum―mainly including the deep-processing of aluminum foil; Aluminum wheel hub; magnalium die- castings; aluminum plate, strip, and pipe; compound section-aluminum, wire, cable, rare-earth aluminum lead, etc., and its up-related and down-related accessory industries.

c) Tourism―mainly including the scene spots of Jingxi cannon group, Leye Dashiwei congenital pit group, Tianyang Wenzhuangshan Buluotuo culture relics group; Baise Dahuangling Forest Park; Lingyun Lingwang Laoshan Virgin Forest Tourist Holiday Zone and Longlin Tianshengqiao Ecological Tourist Holiday Zone; the development of Lingyun Shili Peach Blossom Park, Tiandong Longxuhe Forest Park, Tiandong Five-Kilometer Lotus Pond of Ecological Agriculture Tourist, Debao Xiangshui Park, Napuo Black-Dress Zhuangzu Folk-custom Garden; the accessary facilities of Leye Buliuhe River Landscape Zone, Leye Chuandong congenital pit; and the scene spots construction of Xiongjia West-East Cave, and Leye Huomai, etc.

d) Breeding & deep-processing of agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry―mainly including dominative vegetable, subtropical fruit, organic tea, wood, bamboo, traditional Chinese medicine, aniseed, cassia bark, seed of tong tree, ginger, bamboo sprout, Chinese chestnut, walnut, cassava, well-bred cow, and birds, etc.

e) Municipal construction―mainly including the 5 km2 new down town project of Chengnan new area of Youjiang District,Baise; 50 ha. development project of the east links extending area of Youjiang District, Baise; second-stage construction of the 2.42 km river bank real estate project of Youjiang District, Baise; the comprehensive water control pivot project built for flood-control of the city; river bank construction; infrastructures of port, public traffic, parking area, water supply, garbage treatment, and public utility, etc.

f) Energy resource―mainly including hydropower station, thermal power station, and nuclear power station, etc.

g) Logistics industries―mainly including the following:

① Baise Comprehensive Trade Market;

② Pingguo Comprehensive Trade Market;

③ Tianyang Logistics Center;

④Tiandong Logistics Center;

⑤Debao Aluminum Logistics Base;

⑥The logistics base of Jingxi County;

⑦ The logistics base of Napo County.

h) Communications industries―Mainly including the Baise-Leye congenital pit group landscape area highway, and the Baise-Debao-Huayin Alumina-Jingxi-Longbang Port highway, etc.;

i) The structure reform of State-owned enterprises―Mainly including 20-odd State-owned enterprises involving sugar industry, paper making industry, highway transporting, waterway transporting, chemical industries, mineral products, and State-owned forestry farm.

2. The important parks and zones

The Baise Industry Park Zone lies in the southeast of Baise City 10 km apart from the downtown of Baise, and 5 km from the Baise Railway Station.With a developing area of 26 km2 and some, this zone is planned to be an industrial function area of the downtown of Baise.Having planned in this area, the Longwang Light Industry Zone has the planned lands of some 400 ha.; while the Datong Logistics Zone has about 300 ha. , the Liutang Aluminum Industry Zone has about 1000 ha., and the Guangzhou Industry Park has 1000 ha. and some too.Up to now, a sum of 56.64 million Yuan has been pumped into the construction of the water supply and electricity supply infrastructures of the whole Industry Park Zone.The overall arrangement of the whole Industry Park Zone has been settled as: A group of aluminum deep-processing enterprises should be assigned as the key construction project, which deal with some short in supply products, such as high precision aluminum plate and foil, cable-use foil, foil used for industrial electronic condenser, aluminum foil with water-affinity, big-size section-aluminum, rare-earth aluminum lead, aluminum-plastic plate & pipe, aluminum foil base, car aluminum plate, aluminum wheel-hub, coated section-aluminum, magnalium die-castings, etc.After the construction of the whole Industry Park Zone is completed, the achievement of over 10 billion Yuan of industrial production value and over one billion Yuan of tax revenue are surely expected, and a large-scale provincial Economy & Technology Development Zone concerning the deep-processing of aluminum products will finally be build up.

3.The key items

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