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If your flight radius exceeds 3,000km

If most of your flights exceed more than 3,000km, you would need an intercontinental flight. An appropriate jet will get you to your frequent destination without stop. Most intercontinental business jets can fly directly to Europe, but requires a stopover in the Middle East or Europe if you want to fly to America.



Choose the one with high market share

The higher the market share, the more mature the technology, and more satisfactory customer service and technical support. If an aircraft type has authorized customer service and technical support providers in China, you will not have to fly abroad for maintenance and repair. It also means that it will be must easier for you to find pilots and engineers of that aircraft type.



Bargain is necessary

The final price of an aircraft is always lower than its list price and can only be decided after rounds of negotiations. So before negotiation, it is advisable to collect information from various channels so you would not pay more than others due to lack of intelligence. A jet owner in Shandong, for example, overpaid 20 million RMB for his BBJ due to lack of information.
