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It’s nearly the end of summer break and my son goes out with friends. Ten minutes after he leaves home, I receive his text: Here. It’s the same message I’ve received hundreds of times before―our agreed-upon shorthand to reassure me, and probably him that he has arrived safely at his destination. In a matter1) of days he’ll head to college, and this routine, along with many others that have framed our days and nights, will come to an end. Reading that text triggers images stored safely away in my memory, a tiny flip book2) of our lives together.

My constant companion of nine months emerges with his eyes wide open. He’s placed on my chest. I feel his heartbeat reverberating3) through mine. All I see are beginnings. Friends who visit caution that time is elusive4), that he’ll grow up faster than I can imagine, and to savor every moment. But I can’t hear them; it’s all too clichéd5) and my child has only just arrived. He’s intoxicating6): the beautiful bracelet-like creases in his wrists, the way he sounds like a little lamb when he cries. I’m filled with a renewed sense of purpose, of hope, of love. The first few months after he’s born are topsy-turvy7)―day is night, night is day. When sleep finally returns, so does work. My business suit is tight, my mind preoccupied. I pump milk in a cold, gray bathroom stall.

His teeth begin to appear. Baby bottles give way to solid foods. He points high above his chair to the clock on the wall. “Clock,” he says. It’s his first word, minus the “l,” and it makes me laugh. Soon he is walking, skipping, making angels in the snow.

I’m promoted at work. It becomes harder to find the time to make play dates and pediatrician8) appointments. At lunch I read books about nurturing, teaching, inspiring your child. He calls my office with the help of his baby­sitter. “Momma,” he says, “I’m making you a present.”

The tooth fairy9) arrives and leaves him handwritten notes. He discovers knock-knock jokes10) and learns how to add, subtract, and read. He builds giant castles with giant Legos11), rides his shiny bike down a country road with his feet off the pedals.

I quit my job to do freelance writing―everything from training programs to marketing brochures12) to essays―usually when the rest of the family is sleeping. There’s never enough money, but now at least we have time.

Saturday nights are always family nights, spent at home. There are countless sporting events. He tries baseball, soccer, and track, then falls head over heels for13) basketball. He swings from tree limbs, wears superhero costumes, develops crushes, friendships, and fevers.

I volunteer at his school: cut, paste, read, nourish, fund-raise, chaperone14). I like this job.

There are marathon bedtime story rituals, endless questions about how things work, and monsters under the bed. Lego pieces grow smaller and castles more intricate. He tries the guitar, plays the trombone15), saves quarters to buy video games, and collects trading cards16), which he keeps in a shoebox under his bed.

We get a dog. He loves this dog with all his heart. The dog loves him back.

One day his height surpasses mine and, seemingly the next, his father’s.

He reads an essay by a sportswriter. It lights a fire in him. He starts to write his own stuff, wandering into my office as I try to juggle17) freelance assignments.

I feel privileged to read his work.

Orthodontics18) are removed to reveal straight pearly whites. He earns his first paycheck as a baseball referee but wishes that it had been as a writer.

He learns to do the laundry, scrub19) the bathroom, and make pasta, though he often professes to forget how to do all three.

He turns 18.

On a cold and rainy Election Day we head out together to vote. After two hours waiting in line, he’s the only teen in sight. It is not lost on20) him―by the next morning he has written all about it.

He gets a job as a blogger, then starts his own website. And all the while there are macroeconomics, physics, and college applications.

The flip book’s down to its last pages.

I’ve defined myself as a mother for 18 years. Who am I now? I look in the mirror. In my quest to help him grow wings, I forgot to grow some of my own. Can I find a new sense of purpose, rechannel21) the love?

Before I was a mother I was a daughter, infused with energy and the reassurance that my parents would always be there. But I can’t be a daughter again. I’m on my own.

Does purpose―mine, yours, anyone’s―require someone to nurture it, or is it inherent in all of us?

I’ll soon be putting these competing theories to the test.

As I sit down to write this piece, I receive his text: Where are you?

Here, I text back.

For now.



他开始长牙了。婴儿奶瓶换成了固体食物。他指着座椅上方高高挂在墙上的时钟,说:“Clock (钟)。”这是他会说的第一个词,说的时候还发不出“l”的音,这逗得我笑开了怀。很快他便会走路,会蹦来蹦去,也会躺在雪地里画天使了。
























1. matter [ˈmætə(r)] n. [表示数量]近似值,近似量

2. flip book:手翻书,又名动画手翻书,指包含多张连续动作图片的书,当快速翻动该书时,书里的图片就像变成了动画。

3. reverberate [rɪˈvɜːbəreɪt] vi. 发出回声

4. elusive [iˈluːsɪv] adj. 难以捉摸的,难以抓住的

5. clichéd [kliʃeɪd] adj. 陈腐的,陈词滥调的

6. intoxicating [ɪnˈtɒksɪkeɪtɪŋ] adj. 醉人的,迷人的

7. topsy-turvy [ˌtɒpsiˈtɜːvi] adj. 颠倒的,乱七八糟的

8. pediatrician [ˌpiːdiəˈtrɪʃn] n. 儿科医师

9. tooth fairy:牙仙,美国民间传说的人物。传说小孩掉乳牙后将之放在枕头底下,牙仙就会取走乳牙,并留下一定报酬给小孩。

10. knock-knock joke:西方小孩子经常玩的一种问答游戏。玩法大致如下:第一个人模仿有人敲门的样子,说:“Knock, knock.”第二个人则问:“Who’s there?”第一个人说出自己想好的一个单词(比如Wendy);第二个人重复第一个人的单词并接着说who (比如Wendy who);第一个人则利用自己之前说的单词的谐音来变换自己表述的意思(比如When did he go),以达到让人感到意外的效果。

11. Lego:乐高,世界著名的儿童玩具品牌,其代表性产品为积木。此处用Lego指代乐高积木。

12. brochure [ˈbrəʊʃə(r)] n. 小册子

13. fall head over heels for:非常喜欢,着迷于

14. chaperone [ˈʃæpərəʊn] n. 在场监护的年长者,行为监督人

15. trombone [trɒmˈbəʊn] n. 长号

16. trading card:交换卡片,用卡纸或厚纸制成的小卡片。卡片上通常印着某个特定的人物、地方或事件,并配有相应的简短说明。

17. juggle [ˈdʒʌl] vt. 同时做(两件或两件以上的事情)

18. orthodontics [ˌɔːθəˈdɒntɪks] n. 畸齿矫正术,常在治疗过程中用到牙套。

19. scrub [skrʌb] vt. 清洗

20. be lost on:对……没有影响,对……不起作用

21. rechannel [ˌriːˈtʃænl] vt. 使转移,使改道