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The Application of Cooperative Learning in Middle School English Teaching

Dou Chunling


This paper explains that cooperative learning is a variety of interactive groups working toward a common goal and in which each student, in a cooperative group with students of mixed abilities, different genders and different cultural backgrounds, is individually accountable for the entire group's success. Through a literature review it evaluates the advantages of cooperative learning over competitive and individual learning, grades, test scores, etc. and other methods. It looks at the general theory and provides a general implementation plan for applying it to today's English teaching in our middle schools. Then it also investigates the effects of cooperative learning model in improving English as a Foreign Language and in enhancing students' academic self-esteem.

【Key Words】Cooperative learning;Face-to-face promotive interaction;Individual and group accountability;Interaction

In the traditional English teaching pratice, the teacher's primary functions are lecturing, designing assignments and tests and grading. Obviously the teacher is the center of the class, the teacher dominates the class and knowledge is transmitted in one-way process, while the learners are silent, obedient and passive. Students only sit there listening to their teachers, write down important points they are told and answer the teacher's questions when being asked. Under this teaching style the students have no initiative at all. So very often they don't have any interest in learning, not mention their desire to absorb knowledge. It is their task to sit there learning. In such circumstances, it is very necessary to reform and improve our English teaching approach. The first step teachers should take is to change their ideas from teacher-centeredness to learner-centeredness. A number of teachers have been looking for ways to change the traditional forms of instrument in class. This desire to make learning more student-centered reflected in widespread attempts, in different areas of the curriculum, to introduce approaches, which engage students actively in the learning process. Cooperative learning is a group-centered and student-centered approach to classroom teaching and learning. Yet in no way does this statement detract from the decisive significance of the teacher's role in the conduct of classroom learning. The role of the teacher is largely mediating learning. Successful mediation helps students connect new information with their experiences and with what they have learned in other areas, helps them figure out what to do when they are stumped, and makes them understand how to learn. Above all, the teacher as a mediator adjusts the level of information and support so as to maximize the students' ability to take responsibility for their learning.