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WHAT does a moral person do, given all the problems and suffering in the world? How do you focus?” Larry Brilliant illustrates how difficult this is by recalling a friend’s struggle to decide how best to allocate a few 2)rupees among the beggars waiting to die in the 3)Hindu sacred city of 4)Benares, in India. Such a place could hardly be more different from Google’s headquarters in5)Mountain View, California―with its population of 6)geeky 20-somethings, free food, volleyball courts and fake dinosaur―where Dr.省略, the Internet giant’s philanthropic 7)arm, which Dr Brilliant leads.

As well as adopting the informal company motto, “Don’t be evil”, the Internet search firm’s co-founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, decided to commit Google to engage in serious philanthropy. Innovative as ever, they created a new sort of philanthropic 8)entity, a 9)division of the company that could pursue its mission through both for-profit investing and making charitable 10)grants. This, they hoped, would one day “11)eclipse Google itself in overall world impact by ambitiously applying innovation and significant resources to the largest of the world’s problems.” It would be funded with 1% of the firm’s 12)equity, annual profits and employees’ time.

In February 2006, after a lengthy search, Dr.省略. What attracted his new employers was his unique record of success, both in running 13)Silicon Valley tech firms and in implementing large-scale solutions to big social problems. In the 1970s, an appearance in a film featuring 14)The Grateful Dead had taken him to India, and 15)thence to a job with the World Health Organisation, where he helped to lead its successful 16)smallpox-17)eradication programme. Later he created the 18)Seva Foundation, which has prevented an estimated 3 million people in nine developing countries from going blind. As a businessman, he ran two public firms and, in 1985, co-founded The Well, a pioneering online service.省略, Dr. Brilliant has not been taking things easy. But he is a 19)driven man, travelling widely and seeking advice from hundreds of people, pushing himself harder than friends say is wise for a 20)sexagenarian.省略 he found extraordinarily high expectations, a blank sheet of paper to fill with a strategy, and “21)microscopic attention” from outside on what it was doing.省略 had compiled a list of over 1,000 ideas. These were reduced to 11, focused on the world’s “biggest, most 22)imminent, least well resourced problems”.省略 team, who acted as its 23)advocate in a process of further 24)scrutiny and selection that Dr. Brilliant 25)likens to being in court. In these 26)deliberations, the focus was on what Google specifically had to offer in each area, given its technological and27)engineering capabilities, mastery of information, entrepreneurial culture and global reach.

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In broad terms, the outcome is not terribly surprising.省略 will pursue five “core initiatives” in three areas: fighting climate change (a particular obsession of Brin and Page); economic development (a passion of 28)Sheryl Sandberg, the unseen driving force behind the creation of ); and building an early-warning system for 29)pandemics and other disasters―something Dr. Brilliant wished for when he won the 2006 30)TED Prize, which first brought him to Google’s attention.省略 has made a $5m grant to InSTEDD, a non-governmental organization that is building a rapid-reporting platform to connect people on the ground with those monitoring pandemics. It hopes to raise the quality of public services in poor countries by improving the flow of information both to those who run them and to those they serve. It has big ambitions to help small and medium enterprises in developing countries. It is investing in the development of a 31)plug-in electric car. And it has launched a project called RE. Each of these initiatives is deliberately high-risk and high-return, says Dr. Brilliant.省略 plans to 33)scale up fast; at the moment it is spending much less than Brin and Page promised.

In the 1960s Dr. Brilliant bought into the anti-corporate 34)Zeitgeist, but “I must have been wrong,” he says. Now he believes that companies can play a big part in solving the world’s problems.省略, with its innovative mix of for-profit and non-profit strategies and political advocacy, within a corporate structure that denies it some of the tax and regulatory advantages of a traditional foundation, a new model for how a big firm should engage with society? “Let’s see how we do first,” says Dr. Brilliant, showing why he has a reputation for being wise.省略的发展战略达成了一致。



20世纪60年代,布里恩博士曾投身于反对企业的思潮,但是他承认:“我当时肯定是做错了。”现在,他相信,企业能够在解决世界问题上扮演重要角色。Google.省略 会成为大公司承担社会责任的新模式吗?“先看看我们做得怎样吧。”布里恩博士说。难怪他会拥有“智者”的美誉。

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