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Following the death of District Attorney[地方检查官] Harvey Dent (Two Face), Batman took the blame for Harvey Dent’s crimes to protect Dent’s reputation[名声], hoping that the public that believed in Dent the dogooder[不实际的社会改良家] would continue the work of saving Gotham.

The story begins eight years later, with Bruce Wayne still recovering from the physical and psychological[心理上的] traumas[创伤] of his experience with Joker and Two Face, Batman still a scapegoat[替罪羊], and Gotham prospering[昌盛] from the lie. “At least superficially[浅薄地],” says Christopher Nolan. “The movie deals with the idea that if you’ve papered over[粉饰,掩盖] the cracks, then you’re just solving the problems in a way that may not hold for the future.”

While grappling with[努力克服] the repercussions[反响] of the conspiracy[共谋] he hatched[策划] with Gotham’s police commissioner[(政府部门的)长官], Jim Gordon, Bruce Wayne will have to repair his troubled relationships with faithful butler[男管家] Alfred and weapons master and vehicle designer Lucius Fox. New characters include a cop played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and a Wayne Enterprises board member[董事会成员]. And then there are Batman’s mysterious enemies: Selina Kyle, a.k.a. Catwoman, a burglar[夜贼] who hides behind high-tech spyglasses, and the brilliant, muscular terrorist Bane[毒药], who hides behind a mask.

If you’ve seen the first six minutes of the movie and the trailer, then you know that Bane and his followers are capable of extraordinary acts of mass destruction. You may have also concluded that Bane will be almost impossible to understand, thanks to Tom Hardy’s peculiar[奇特的] inflection[音调] and the effect of Bane’s mask. Don’t sweat[担心] this, Nolan says. “I think when people see the film, things will come into focus. Bane is very complex[复杂的] and very interesting, and when people see the film they will be very entertained by him.”



