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绝大多数情况下,单个形容词作定语时,形容词应位于名词之前,例如:beautiful flowers, interesting work, other people等;副词修饰形容词或另一副词时,这个副词应位于形容词或另一副词之前,例如:very kind, completely wrong, pretty well等。


(一)形容词修饰something, anything, everything, nothing时应后置,例如:something important, anything necessary, everything possible, nothing serious等。

(二)else修饰something/ anything/ everything/ nothing, somebody/ anybody/ everybody/ nobody(包括one结尾的,如someone)及who/ what/ when/ where等词时应后置,例如:anything else, nobody else, who else, where else等。

(三)enough修饰形容词或另一副词时应后置,例如:old enough, quickly enough等。

(四)such修饰单数可数名词表示“如此……的”时,such位于不定冠词之前,其后是“形容词+单数可数名词”,例如:such a naughty boy, such an old house等;so与单数可数名词连用表示“如此……的”时,so位于形容词之前,其后是“不定冠词+单数可数名词”。例如:so naughty a boy, so old a house等。注意:不可数名词和复数可数名词前只能用such,不能用so,例如:such dirty water, such tall trees等。



1.(2012年连云港卷)―ave you bought for Lindas birthday?

―Not exactly. Just some flowers.

A. something unusual

B. anything unusual

C. unusual something

D. unusual anything

2.(2012年达州卷)―Is there in todays magazine?

―Yes. Premier Wen Jiabao saw “stayhome children” May, 2th.

A. anything special; hundreds of; on

B. something special; hundred of; at

C. special anything; hundreds; on

D. anything special; hundreds of; in

3.(2012年自贡卷)―Lets have a birthday party for you this Sunday evening.

―hanks, but I dont think its to have it for me.

A. enough special

B. special enough

C. specially enough

4.(2012年连云港卷)he First uaguoshan International Golf Open was success that we enjoyed ourselves very much.

A. such a greatB. a such great

C. so a greatD. a so great

.(2012年苏州卷)It was lovely weather we decided to spend the day on the beach.

A. such a; thatB. such; that

C. such; asD. so; that

【简析】1. B。形容词unusual修饰anything时应后置。

2.A。形容词special修饰anything时应后置;表示“数百个”要用hundreds of;“某月某日”前要用介词on。


4. A。such位于不定冠词之前,其后是“形容词+单数可数名词”。

. B。不可数名词和复数可数名词前要用such,本句属such that结构。





1.(2012年上海卷)he baby feels while his mother holds him in her arms.

A. saveB. safe

C. safelyD. safety

2.(2012年黄冈卷)―he mountain in our hometown isnt very .

―I agree with you. Few like to go sightseeing there.

A. touristy; touristsB. touristy; tour

C. tourists; touristyD. tourists; tourists

3.(2012年无锡卷)he action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.

A. 130minuteB. 130minutes

C. 130 minuteD. 130 minutes

4.(2012年黑河卷)A girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.

A. threeyearold

B. threeyearsold

C. three years old

.(2012年咸宁卷)hree injured students died in a hospital in East Chinas Jiangsu Province last year.

[KG-*9]Sorry to hear that. But our government much about the school bus safety management.

A. serious; did

B. bad; did

C. seriously; has done

D. badly; was done

【简析】1. B。空格前的feel是连系动词,意思是“感觉……”,因此后面应接形容词safe作表语,表示“感到安全”。save是动词,safely是副词,safety是名词,在本句的feels后均不适用。

2. A。第一空的前面是副词very,因此后面应填形容词touristy;第二空的前面是形容词Few,因此后面应填复数名词tourists。本题其他三个选项中所给单词的词性或词形与相应空格不“匹配”。

3.A。空格后是名词action film,因此前面要用形容词作定语,因此应选择带连字符的130minute。带连字符的形容词,其中的名词不用复数形式,因此130minutes属不正确的构词形式。130 minute和130 minutes不能用作定语,因此在本句中也不适用。


.C。第一空的后面是过去分词形容词injured,因此后面应填副词seriously;从but的转折看,本句的时态应该是“现在完成时”,因此第二空应填has done。本题其他三个选项中所给单词的词性、时态、语态均不适用。


英语形容词、副词均有三级:原级、比较级、最高级。以形容词good为例,原级是good, 比较级是better,最高级是best。再以副词carefully为例,原级是carefully,比较级是more carefully,最高级是most carefully。下面分项细述这三级的考查形式和解题对策。

(一)考查原级。中考英语单选题中,考查原级的表达法主要运用“as as”“not so as”或“倍数词+ as as”等形式,并用比较级词和最高级词作为干扰项。按英语形容词、副词的用法规则,在as as和not so as之间要用形容词或副词的原级。例如:as good as中的good不可用better或best;not so old as中的old不可用older或oldest;as carefully as中的carefully不可用more carefully或most carefully。另外,as as的前面可以与一个表示“倍数”的单词连用,表示“是……的多少倍”,例如:twice as much as, three times as fast as,此时在两个as之间也要用形容词或副词的原级。

【解题对策】如果试题的形式是“as as”,我们可以毫不犹豫地选择那个“原级”形容词或副词。如果选项的内容是“A. as three times much asB. three times as much asC. as much as three timesD. as much three times as”,我们可以毫不犹豫地选择B项的“倍数词+ as as”结构。


1.(2012年株洲卷)I play basketball every day because I want to play as as Yao Ming.

A. wellB. betterC. best

2.(2012年梅州卷)Is this kind of pet a pet dog these days?

A. as trendy as

B. more trendier than

C. much trendy than

D. not so trendier as

3.(2012年杭州卷)We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen we speak.

A. as twice much as

B. twice as much as

C. as much as twice

D. as much twice as

【简析】1. A。在两个as之间要用形容词或副词的原级。

2. A。trendy是形容词原级,因此as trendy as是正确的表示法。D项not so trendier as是错误的,正确表达法是not so trendy as。(关于B、C两项的错误,参见下条“考查比较级”中的解释。)

3. B。表示“是……的多少倍”,要用“倍数词+ as as”结构。

(二)考查比较级。比较级的最常用句式是“A is/ does +比较级词+ than B”。在这种句式中,比较级词不能与the连用。比较级词前可用much, little或a little等词,但不能与more或most连用,如,不能说more better,也不能说most better等。还有一种表示“越……,越……”的句式,要用“the +比较级词,the +比较级词”。


1. 空格后给出than,即“ than”;

2. 空格前有much, little或a little等词,即“much (little, a little) (than)”;

3. 两个空格前都是the,即“the (), the ()”。



―What do you think of the concert last night?

―errible! Ive never watched a one before.

A. badB. badly

C. worseD. worst


2. 如果题干中所给的比较范围是“of the two ()”,比较级词前必须与the连用。例如:

Which do you think is of the two dictionaries?

A. more usefulB. most useful

C. the more usefulD. the most useful

答案是C。比较的范围是“of the two dictionaries”,因此比较级词前要有the。句意是:你认为这两本字典哪本更有用些?

【解题对策】如果空格后是than,即“ than”,选择比较级词;如果空格前是much,即“much ”,选择比较级词;如果两个空格前都是the,即“the , the ”,选择比较级词;如果句子是完成时态,且句中有not或never时,选择比较级词。


1. More and more people have a lowC life and the air is than before.

A. goodB. more good

C. betterD. the best

2.(2012年北京卷)I work hard this term,but Peter works much .

A. hardB. harder

C. hardestD. the hardest

3.(2012年南安卷)―Which season do you like , summer or winter?

―Oh, thats a hard question.

A. goodB. betterC. best

4.(2012年河北卷)You are doing great! Ive never had answer before.

A. betterB. best

C. a betterD. the best

【简析】1. C。空格后是than,因此应选择比较级词better。


3.B。比较范围是summer or winter,因此应选择比较级词better。

4.C。句子是现在完成时,句中有否定词never,answer是单数可数名词,因此应选择a better表示“以前我从未得到过比这更好的答案”。

(三)考查最高级。最高级用于三个及以上人或物的比较,因此比较范围通常是of all, of all the, in the country, in the world等。形容词最高级前通常要用the,副词最高级前的the可用也可不用。

中考英语单选题中,考查最高级的形式主要有:1. 题干中直接给出三个人或物,如,“om, Jack or Bill”;2. 题干中直接给出很大的比较范围,如,“in the world”;3. 题干中给出“one of”;4. 题干中给出“ one of the class (school, country, the world)”等。

【解题对策】如果句中所给的比较对象是三个及以上的人或物,或比较范围是of all或in the world等,均选择最高级词;如果空格前是“one of”,即“one of ”,选择最高级词;如果空格后是“one (in)”,即“one (in)”,选择最高级词。


1.(2012年济南卷)―Which province is one in winter?

―It should be ainan Province, I think.

A. warmB. warmer

C. warmestD. the warmest

2.(2012年天津卷)Who listens , om, Jack or Bill?

A. the most carefullyB. more carefully

C. the most carefulD. more careful

3.(2012年上海卷)Pudong International Airport is one of airports in the world.

A. bigB. bigger

C. biggestD. the biggest

4.(2012年广东卷)Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident in Gansu Province. Its one that I have ever heard of.

A. a very seriousB. a more serious

C. the most seriousD. the least serious

.(2012年泰安卷)he population problem may be one of the world today.

A. the mostB. most difficult

C. the greatestD. more interesting

6.(2012年福州卷)Shuow Lin is now one of basketball players in the NBA.

A. popularB. more popular

C. the most popular

【简析】1. D。暗含的比较范围是中国所有的省份,空格后是one,形容词最高级词要与the连用,因此应选择the warmest。句意是:哪个省冬天最暖和?

2.A。比较范围是om, Jack or Bill,谓语是行为动词listen,因此应选择最高级the most carefully表示“最认真”。

3.D。比较范围是in the world,空格前是one of,因此应选择最高级the biggest表示“最大的”。

4.C。空格后是one,定语从句that I have ever heard of暗含比较大的范围,因此应选择最高级the most serious表示“最严重的”。

. C。空格后是one,根据句意“人口可能是当今世界……的一个问题”,可判断出要用最高级,因此应选择the greatest表示“最大的”。

6.C。空格前是one of,比较范围是in the NBA,因此应选择the most popular表示“最受欢迎的”。




We lost the match because they had players. hey had eleven and we had only nine!

A. strongerB. younger

C. fewerD. more

分析“hey had eleven and we had only nine!”的句意是解答本题的关键。通过对句意“他们有11人,而我们只有9人”的理解,我们可以看出“我们队输了比赛”的原因是他们队的选手要“多些”,因此本题应选择D项。


1.(2012年连云港卷)―Why did you vote for Maggie?

―Because she is very . She always shares things with others.

A. practicalB. active

C. generousD. energetic

2.(2012年安徽卷)Mike hurt his back seriously and can get out of bed without help.

A. quicklyB. easily

C. nearlyD. hardly

3.(2012年连云港卷)―I didnt know you go to school by taxi.

―Oh, I take a taxi to school, but my bike needs repairing.

A. alwaysB. sometimes

C. oftenD. seldom

4.(2012年温州卷)My cousins have collected stamps for two years. hey have stamps from different countries.

A. a fewB. many

C. muchD. little

.(2012年徐州卷)―Why are you so , Amy?

―I thought I lost my purse, but I didnt. I found it in my study!

A. angryB. happy

C. sadD. nervous

6.(2012年济南卷)―China won homas Cup mens badminton again.

―We are all it.

A. excited aboutB. worried about

C. angry withD. terrified of

7.(2012年黄冈卷)―i, Ann! I won the first prize in the English Speech Contest.

―Congratulations! And I guess your parents must you.

A. be mad atB. be proud of

C. be angry withD. be impolite to

8.(2012年宜昌卷)―Why not ask Bob to join us in the school trip?

―I cant tell if hes able to. es always with his work.

A. carefulB. familiar

C. casualD. busy

9.(2012年广东卷)―Did you go to the cinema to see [WBX][SBX]3[SBZ]D itanic[WBZ] last night?

―No, I go to the cinema. he tickets are too expensive.

A. hardlyB. nearly

C. stillD. only

10.(2012年杭州卷)―Do you consider yourself as a rude person?

― not. I always have good manners.

A. ProbablyB. Usually

C. GenerallyD. Certainly

【简析】1. C。“She always shares things with others.”的意思是“她总是与他人分享东西”,这一点表明前面空格中应填入generous表示“大方的、慷慨的”。practical“实际的、实用性的”,active“积极的、活跃的”,energetic“精力充沛的”,均不合句意。

2.D。“Mike hurt his back seriously”的意思是“迈克的背部受了重伤”,据此判断空格处应填入hardly表示“几乎不、简直不”。quickly“很快地”,easily“容易地”,nearly“几乎、差不多”,均与句意不符。

3. D。根据“but my bike needs repairing”的意思推断,说话者通常是“骑自行车去上学”,也就是说“很少”坐出租车去上学,因此应选择seldom。另外三个频度副词的意思与句意不符。

4.B。“集邮已经两年”,根据常识判断,应该是收集了“很多”邮票,因此选择many。a few意为“一些、几张(个)”,much和little修饰不可数名词,均不适用。


6. A。上句的意思是“中国赢得了汤姆斯杯男子羽毛球比赛”,据此判断,下句应该是“我们对此感到非常激动”,因此应选择excited about。worried about“对……担心”,angry with“对……生气”,terrified of“害怕……”,均与对话的语境不符。

7.B。根据上文“我在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖”的意思推断,答语的意思应该是“我猜你父母一定为你感到自豪”,因此应选择be proud of。be mad at“对……气疯了”,be angry with“和……生气”,be impolite to“对……不礼貌”,均不符合对话语境。

8.D。“I cant tell if hes able to.”的句意表明“他总是忙于工作”,因此应选择busy。careful“小心的、细心的”,familiar“熟悉的”,casual“随便的、非正式的”,均不合句意。

9.A。根据“No”和“he tickets are too expensive”的意思推断,空格处应填hardly表示“几乎不”。nearly“几乎”,still“仍然”,only“仅仅”,均与句意不符。

10.D。根据“I always have good manners.”的意思推断,空格处应填Certainly,Certainly not表示“当然不是”。probably“可能”,usually“通常”,generally“普遍地、一般地”,均不合句意。