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【Abstract】slash become a very popular literature issue right now, a great number of girls are attracted by it. However, there are few people can really understand the truth about slash. Through the paper maybe can tell reader bit of fact about why women enjoy them deeply.


【中图分类号】TP79 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1009-5071(2012)04-0004-02

Slash fiction has been described as an importance to the LGBT community and the formation of queer identities[1]; in fact , it is a kind of Romantici literature affected by the feminist movement and feminism. It shows one eternal theme that the female always ties to pursue the romantic love and wants to believe in true love.

The feminist movement and feminism help the female writers be emancipated from constraints, both erotism and ethics bondage[2], a great many of female writers became writers of pornography for women. Slasher is a unique group in that.


Slash fiction is a genre of fan fiction that focuses on the depiction of romantic or sexual relationships between fictional characters of the same sex. The characters are from the movies, TV-shows or novels, even comics. It is created by fans for fans. Fans will give a disclaimer in their works that the characters or any copyright do not belong to them; it will not be used to make any profits.

Now, fan fiction is not the only kind of slash ; it also includes fan arts such as PS-photos, paintings, MVs ,videos and so on. Fans roleplay is more commonly seen in Japan than in Europe.

B. Progress

Through 40 years of slash history, one can make a clear image that slash grows up with the feminist movement and feminism. Slash first appeared in the late 1970s ; at that time, The Third Wave Feminism movement led feminine literature into the Female Phase[3], which means women concentrated on their needs, care more of their female characteristics, and no longer trying to build male images in the patriarchal culture; instead, women attempted to construct a pure female image.

Slash is one the factors created for women’s own satisfaction in literature. In the late 1990s, the feminist movement encouraged women to face their own eroticism. There was a great disagreement among feminists on how to treat pornographic products. Some thought pornography was a kind of violence targeting women, no matter violent or not, so it must be banned. While others proposed that females should develop a female pornography field. They believed in forbidding men using women as sex objects was not a good way to fight against the patriarchal culture .The better way for females was to become consumers using male as a sexual product or female themselves. They recommended women to produce pornography by themselves for themselves[4].

Slash is the result of that theory. A gay love story written by women only has one goal; that is, to serve females. Just as heterosexual men enjoy watching lesbian activities, heterosexual women can also get pleasure from watching gay activities[5].

These theories matched the consensus of my survey in the slasher group which I knew of. These slashers gave me three main reasons why they liked slash.

Firstly, two handsome men together is a very enjoyable view. Similar as men enjoy two beautiful women together. Secondly, two men in a relationship does not involve women, so women cannot get hurt, precisely the men who they liked, are really gentlemen,those gentlenmen will not hurt woman, they will make women feel safe. The third reason is that they will be very jealous if the perfect heroes get anther woman, so they rather like heroes to have male mate instead of girls who are not themselves.

However, two behaviors have one large different which is female request emotional commitment[6],especially in slash fictions.

C. Slash Community and Specialty

1. Community:Before the internet came to the general public in the early 1990s, slash was hard to find, published only in fan-edited non-profit fanzines, usually priced just high enough to recoup printing costs[7], sold via adzines or at conventions.省略, LJ, FanPOP and so on; some slashers even have their own websites. As slash publishing gradually moved to the internet, the field became open to more writers, and a greater quantity of material was published.

2. Specialty:Slash has one particular specialty that is by Women for Women. It is sometimes assumed that the producers and consumers will be gay people, because the fan art totally describes the homosexual relationships, but according to the Daily Mail, a “Study also reveals women enjoy reading about romances between two men.[8]”That ’women’ means straight women, not only lesbian.

TvGuide also likes to use the word “bromance” in the article; the word is a combination of brother and romance, sometimes websites will set some votes make fans to vote, like “Best male-binding”. It helps with the DEMO.

3. Emotional involvement:“Kirk/Spock” from Star Trek is still one of the most popular slash topics, and a slasher tends to writen about few characters whom she liked as long as possible. The biggest difference is readers; the readers, usually already have deep liking for the characters before they read slash. They cannot feel satisfied by their own fancy, so they go for the slash. And ordinary readers do not have that desire. That is the reason why outsiders think slasher is more fanatical than common fans.

Due to the slash filling of the sexual behavior depiction, a lot people think slash is just pornography. In fact, it is not that simple, outsiders may overlook that the fancies are based on characters from movies or TV-shows; they are all heroes, almost perfect. Both writers and readers put in great energy and emotion to develop those fantasies.

Slash is not just pornography; the point is aesthetic love. Sexual behavior is for the emotion, even in the NC-18(Not Coming Until 18 years old- Adult Content Notice) works.

4. Highly educated writers and readers:Most people think the slashers are poorly educated because they like spend time on the TV-shows or Comic fantasies. The truth is, however, to the contrary; according to a little available demographic information; most of slashers or slash fans are heterosexual women with college degrees[9].

This status is concerned with slash’s both content and form. Slash is a highly controversial area. Study shows higher Education makes people more inclusiveness to homosexual, bisexual or transsexual. Meanwhile, the well education also can effect on the slasher to creating talent works and appreciate it.

D. BDSM in Slash

BDSM means bondage and discipline,dominance and submission,sadism and masochism. They are the most disputed topic in slash because flogging, punishment, obedience, and other violence sexual contents. Generally speak, feminist tend to identify BDSM are abused to women, they believed BDSM is humiliated and damaged to women . It is a kind of abusive behavior; this kind of abusive behavior should be banned or illegalized. And they tend to be convinced of women all feel offended by that and women all hate that.

Those people, who are firmly opposed to BDSM based on human rights or dignity, make a mistake like all the outsider. They misunderstand the concepts between forced abuse and two adults’ behavior with mutual consent. BDSM in slash fiction is not about power, control or conquer, it is about affection, which is different from those work of male writers.

Numerous female slashers have engaged in BDSM slash writing. And it can be considered as one great result of the feminist movement, it represents the positive effect on the modern women by the feminist movementand feminism.

Female no longer feel ashamed to enjoy the sex or eye candy male. They put male into a position that male are can be consumed. Yet there is a different with men. Women request affection by nature, they need some other than sex, so they are willing to invest emotional factors in the stories to satisfy their own affection needs.

According to Madonna’s Album Sex, once she talked about their own experiences with some BDSM favorers, The difference between abuse and BDSM is respondence. Definition of the BDSM is you let someone hurt you because you know the person will never hurt you. The thing between them is a mutual choice. The BDSM may have sexually behavior or may not, it is about spirit.[10]’That explains why some people like the BDSM, which is those people need feel safety through trusted someone by put self in their hands, let someone to control all of their body and mind.

Descriptions like these are the foundation of Slash. Both the dominating party and the submissive party are equal, and that they are mutually[11] chosen by one another in good faith[12]. This corresponds better to the female psychological needs of security, faith, trust and intimacy.

This behavior is a spirit tour; it is more satisfied female’s psychological demands . The demands are all about love, trust and safety.

The difference among us makes our special, the special make the world so beautiful. We have different ways to live our lives, why judge others’ lives just because they enjoy the things you may not agree with.


[1] Weaver, John A.; Karen Anijar, Toby Daspit. Science Fiction Curriculum, Cyborg Teachers, & Youth Culture(s),US: P. Lang, 2003. 84

[2] Mordell, Albert; The erotic motive in literature, ShangHai: Whbooks,2005.149

[3] Showalt, E.A;Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lessing. US: Princeton University Press,1977.3

[4] Li, Yin He; Sadomasochism Subculture. Hohhot: Inner Mongolia University Press, 2009.154-155

[5] Li, Yin He; Sadomasochism Subculture. Hohhot: Inner Mongolia University Press, 2009.154-155

[6] Daily Mail Reporter. Internet sex study reveals what people really REALLY want, from

[7] Kustritz, Anne; Slashing the Romance Narrative, The Journal of American Culture. US: 2003-09,371-384

[8] Daily Mail Reporter. Internet sex study reveals what people really REALLY want, from

[9] Kustritz, Anne; Slashing the Romance Narrative, The Journal of American Culture 26 (3): 2003-09,371-384

[10] Madonna, SEX. US: Warner Books, 1992

[11] Li, Yin He; Sadomasochism Subculture. Inner Mongolia: Inner Mongolia University Press,2009.11-13

[12] Li, Yin He; Sadomasochism Subculture. Inner Mongolia: Inner Mongolia University Press,2009.24-25