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赏析 / 陈榕

西蒙·范布伊(Simon Van Booy) 1975年生于伦敦,幼年在威尔士的乡村度过,后毕业于南安普顿大学,获得了艺术硕士学位。成年后的范布伊旅居巴黎、雅典等地,目前住在美国纽约,在纽约视觉艺术学校任教。2007年,范布伊出版了他的第一部短篇小说集《因为。爱》(The Secret Lives of People in Love)。《爱,始于冬季》(Love Begins in Winter)是他的第二部短篇小说集,2009年出版后获得了英美文学界短篇小说大奖——弗兰克·奥康纳国际短篇小说奖。他的首部长篇小说《缘生,万物梦成真》(Everything Beautiful Began After)于2011年出版。2011年,西蒙·范布伊曾访问中国。


We were two people in a car not speaking. I2) think it was a French writer who said that we perceive3) when love begins and when it declines by our embarrassment while alone together.

Hannah4) flew up to San Francisco for the concert. It took place in the afternoon. There were more children present than usual because of the time. As I drew5) each note from the instrument, I could sense her out there, watching, listening—biting her lip.

Anna6)’s form appeared as always, but it felt far away. When I turned to look, I could see only the outline of her body. She was leaving me, and I wasn’t surprised. I wondered where she would go. I would miss her in a new way.

We left San Francisco that afternoon by driving in a straight line over hills. The reflection off the water made the light seem golden; many of the houses were red and wore small towers at their corners. People sat in parks and drank water from plastic bottles. A man in a black T-shirt walked his dog and chatted on a cell phone. A girl on a bicycle ticked past. Her basket was full of lemons. Her hair was very curly. The sidewalk cafés were packed. Faces hidden by newspapers. Groups waiting for a table.

Our car moved forward slowly—it took hours to get out of San Francisco, but we were together, the only two passengers on a journey where the destination was unimportant. Hannah talked about my concert. She said she was the only person not clapping at the end. She said that for her the concert would never end.

When we turned true south onto the Pacific Coast Highway, Hannah said nothing for quite some time. I thought she was enjoying the scenery. A motorcycle passed us. Then we caught up to an RV7) and drove slowly behind it for several miles.

I began to ask Hannah questions, but she answered only with a word or two. I told her about the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York—about the long fountain full of coins.

“I wonder how many of those wishes have come true,” she said.

More silence.

“Do you hear that?” I asked.

“What?” she said. “I don’t hear anything.”

“That’s the sound of keys on my ring,” I said. “Sooner or later I’ll find the one that unlocks you.”

She didn’t say anything but placed her hand on top of mine.

I took several very sharp curves, and then the road straightened out.

I looked at the sea. I thought of fish bobbing along the bottom. The motion of weeds.

Then Hannah said, “I want to tell you about Jonathan8).”

And little by little, his life was placed before me like a map with a small and beautiful country at its center.

I saw him with his book in the garden, sketching.

Then a body stretched out in the snow.

The fist of acorns9).

The severed10) hand of her father in the shed.

The dumb hanging ladder.

Years later:

The many meals that would sit in front of her mother and turn cold.

The guilt of her father as he’d laugh at something on the television, then suddenly stop laughing and leave the room.

One night, Hannah said, he went out in his socks, took the chain saw from the shed, and cut the tree down. Her mother didn’t think it was possible. But he managed it somehow with his right hand and the stump11) of his left arm. It took six hours. When the tree fell, it crushed the neighbor’s greenhouse. That afternoon they found a note in their letter box. It was from the neighbor. It read:

I never liked that greenhouse and was going to knock it down this week.

I’m so very sorry for you.


Then I see my Anna.

The rainy day.

The accident.

A car speeding away.

The back wheel of her bicycle still spinning.

I stopped the car and we sat at a picnic table and held hands. After a couple of hours a park official with long gray hair came over and told us we had to pay five dollars to picnic, so we left. It wasn’t the money, but the atmosphere had changed. I started the car with my foot on the brake.

When we were back on the road, Hannah said she was hungry.

It had clouded over.

Fog wrapped the cliff in its thick coat.

Then it started to rain.

The swoosh12) of the windshield wipers was reassuring.

We turned inland at the first road.

The fog thinned out.

There were birds flying in the opposite direction—away from land. I couldn’t think where they were going. Perhaps to a tall wet rock, far out at sea.






1. 节选部分选自小说集的同名短篇《爱,始于冬季》,描写的是男女主人公(布鲁诺和汉娜)驱车离开旧金山时,在路上的谈话和思绪。

2. I:指短篇中的男主人公布鲁诺,是一位来自法国的大提琴演奏家。

3. perceive [p?(r)?si?v] vt. 察觉,发觉;感知

4. Hannah:汉娜,短篇中的女主人公,来自英国威尔士。

5. draw [dr??] vt. 拉(小提琴的弓等)

6. Anna:安娜,布鲁诺的初恋女友,12岁时因车祸去世。

7. RV:旅游房车(recreational vehicle)

8. Jonathan:乔纳森,汉娜的弟弟,四岁时被冻死在树上。

9. acorn [?e?k??(r)n] n. [植]橡树果,橡子

10. sever [?sev?(r)] vt. 切断

11. stump [st?mp] n. 剩余部分残肢

12. swoosh [swu??] n. 哗哗(或嗖嗖)作响的移动