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1. Spring comes after winter. (改为一般疑问句)


2. He has a good friend called Tom. (改为否定句)


3. He often does his work late. (改为否定句)


4. It costs 100 yuan. (就划线部分提问)

__________ ____________ ____________it cost?

5. This mooneake tastes very delicious. (改为what引导的感叹句)

_____________________________________________ it is !

6. There is an orange coat here. (改为复数句子)



1. Mr Hunt enjoys __ after his flowers after work.

A look B looking

C to look D looked

2. --Do you often hear John_______ in his room?

--Listen ! Now we can hear him ________ in his room.

A sing; to sing B singing; singing

C to sing; singing D sing; singing

3. Would you mind________ your address here?

A leaveB to leaveC leavingD left

4. The big box is too heavy for me ________

A to carry B to carry it

C that carry D that carry it

5. I heard Mother_______with Father in the next room when I passed.

A talk B talking

C to talk D is talking

6. --Do you like this kind of paper?

--Yes, it_______ very nice.

A is felt B felt

C is feeling D feels

7. My father______ the Party three years ago. He_____ a Party member for three years.

A has joined; has been B joined; was

C joined; has been D was joined; is

8. My uncle______ to see us. He'll be here soon.

A comes B is coming

C has come D had come

9. This dictionary mustn't ______ from the library.

A take away B taken away

C are taken away D be taken away

10. We'll go to the park if it _______ tomorrow.

A isn't rain B doesn't rain

C won't rain D will rain

11. He fell off the chimney but _______ hurt.

A wasn't bad B didn't bad

C didn't badly D was badly

12. He_______ the street when he was hit by a car.

A was just crossing

B has just crossed

C just crossed

D was just crossed

13. Can you tell me whom the play_______in 1998?

A was written by B was written

C is written by D is written

14. I went out to see what_______.

A is happening B was happening

C is going to happen D will happen

15. Could you tell me where ______? I want to buy some stamps.

A is the post office

B the post office is

C the post office was

D was the post office

16. My brother while he his bicycle.

A fell; was riding

B felt; was riding

C had fallen; rode

D had fallen; was riding

17. --I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

--Oh, not at all. I _______ here only for a few minutes.

A was B had been

C have been D will be

18. John, you_______play with the knife, or you______hurt yourself.

A won't; can't B mustn't; may

C shouldn't; must D can't; shouldn't

19. You_________to school tomorrow if you go to the hospital to look after your mother.

A don't need come

B won't need come

C needn't come

D needn't to come

20. The city cleaners ____ repeat their work many times a day during the dust-storm season.

A may B can C might D have to













1. Does spring come after winter?

2. Hedoesn't have a good friend called Tom.

3. He-doesn't often do his work late.

4. How much,does it cost?

5. What a delicious mooncake it is !

6. There are orange coats here.

1―5 BDCAB 6―10 DCBDB

11―15 CAABB 16-20 ACBCD

1. How do you like the book? /What do you think of the book?

2. I'll close the window if she doesn't mind.

3. There goes the bell.Let's go into the classroom.

4. The policemen usually work heart and soul when traffic accidents take place(happen).

5. It's a fact that Taiwan is part of China.

6. Sometimes they quarrel about the desk but later they are OK.

7. Children are taken good care of.

8. The old person is always ready to help others.

9. --When does the train leave?

--About 10:00 o'clock.

10. It's time for you to look over your body in the hospital.