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abstract: The paper analyze the stylistic feature of the poem from the perspective of its stanza, rhyme, syntax and discourse.

Key words: stanza rhyme syntax

The author of the passionate shepherd to his love is Christopher Marlowe from Britain, who was a great master of poetic dramatist in Sixteenth century, the predecessor of Shakespeare, famous for “mighty line”, and an expert in writing love and the beauty.

The genre of this poem is pastorial lyric, and according to its topic it is also a love poem. It is one of the most popular poems in Elizabeth Empire.

The poem consists of six stanzas, each one with equal four lines.

In the first two lines, with and will begin with the same two sounds. Will and all end with the same sound; so do prove and love. Live and love start and end with the same sound. Come has the same middle sound as love. By repeating sounds in words like this, poets can build up very intricate patterns.

These two lines, rather amazingly, include examples of almost all the different kinds of sound patterning used in poetry.

1) rhyme: me /mi/――be/bi/ love/l v/――prove/pruv/ The me ――be rhyme is internal rhyme, rather than end rhyme. The words love and prove would probably have both been pronounced with the same vowel sound by Marlowe (a sound more like our modern pronunciation of prove than of love). Therefore they would have been a rhyme then, although to us they sound like a half――rhyme, or like consonance.

2) alliteration: me/mi/――my/mi/pleasures/plz/――prove/pruv/The initial consonants are identical in alliteration. As you can see, pleasures and prove, though both start with /p/, have consonant clusters initially:/pl/ and /pr/. Therefore they are not completely alliterative, because the consonant clusters are not identical.

3) assonance : live /liv/――with /wi/――will/wil/ come/k m/――love/l v/

Assonance describes syllables with a common vowel.

4) consonance : will /wil/――all/ l/Syllables ending with the same consonants are described as having consonance.

5) reverse rhyme: with /wi /――will/wil/ Reverse rhyme describes syllables sharing the vowel and initial consonant (rather than the vowel and the final consonant as is the case in rhyme).

6) pararhyme: live/liv/――love/l v/ Where two syllables have the same initial and final consonants, but different vowels, they parahyme.

Wood and yeeld end with the same sound。

In the fourth line Steepie has the same middle sound as yeeldes.

In the first line of the second stanza will has the same middle sound with sit.

“Come live with mee, and be my luve” is the core of the whole poem, from which the poem develop. The whole poem describes imaginary scene after they live together. The first sentence of each stanza is the key sentence of each stanza. In first stanza the sentence “we will all the pleasures prove, all the pleasure prove ”is in inverted order. So is “thee and move” in fifth stanza the third line “ if these pleasure may thee move ”.

From the perspective of discourse, the first word “and ”in the second and third stanza functions as cohesion.

From the perspective of figure of speech, the sentence “melodious byrds sing Madrigalls” is personification.


[1]A linguistic guide to English poetryGeoffrey N. Leech 2003 Foreign language Teaching and Research Press

[2] 英国诗选王佐良主编2002上海译文出版社