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Sanqing Mountain:Divine Beauty

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sanqing mountain, literally meaning the Mountain of Three Purity, is also called Shaohua Mountain or Ya Mountain. It is located at the bordering area between Yushan County and Dexing City in Jiangxi Province. It is the main mountain of the Huaiyu Range, and known as the World Natural Heritages and First-Tier National Place of Interest.

People familiar with the Taoism know the Three Purity actually refers to the patriarch of the Taoist Pantheon. Three of its highest peaks Yujing, Yuxu and Yuhua represent the three top deities in the Taoism. Therefore, Sanqing Mountain was established as a sacred place for the Taoism.

The Taoist history started in the Jin Dynasty, when Ge Hong, a famous Taoist follower and alchemist, came to San- qing Mountain to “make elixirs”. In the Song Dynasty, the first monastery enshrining the Three Purity was built there, but it was soon destroyed in the following wars and famine. The temple was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, an important minister at the court paid frequent visit to this monastery and contributed the inscriptions of this place, thus highlighting this sacred place and spreading its fame.

Sanqing Mountain was chosen as a sacred place for the Taoism for its own reason. Being a result of the crest movement millions of years ago, Sanqing Mountain boasts enough natural wonders consisting of stones, waters and caves. The climate here, gives priority to the mild temperature and nonrainy days. However, the gap between the temperatures at day and night, and between the foot and top of the mountain is huge, leading to the misty clouds that shroud the mountain top.

With all these features, Sanqing Mountain is also dubbed the “most beautiful mountain” in China. It boasts the religious solemnity and natural appeal, which matches and supports each other well.

Presently, Sanqing Mountain is divided into ten scenic areas. Each of them has its own charm and wonder.

1. South Purity Garden

The South Purity Garden is located at the central area of Sanqing Mountain. It is the most wonderful and typical place of interest in the entire area. Even though it is called a Garden, it is actually a peak with the height of 1,577 meters. The peak shows the landform and geological features caused by the millions of years’ crust movement, which are considered the essence of Sanqing Mountain’s natural beauty.

This place contains the most impressive scenes of Sanqing Mountain. Visitors could encircle the area to see these wonders. However, they should be notified that the tour to the South Purity Garden might be one of the most staminaconsuming journeys in Sanqing Mountain, not only due to the long road, but also the narrow and steep steps. In addition, there are too many scenic spots along the line, requiring tourists’ attention from time to time or else you might miss some interesting places.

If you have enough stamina and are careful enough, you cannot miss these scenic spots. The first one is a rock named Goddess of the Spring. It is one of the landmark scenes in Sanqing Mountain. The rock is 86 meters high from foot to top and takes the shape of a maiden with hairs let loose to the shoulder. The crust movement, as well as the erosion of wind and water, creates this maiden-like rock, which has been sitting there for multimillion years.

The Python out of the Mountain is another rockbased scenic spot in the South Purity Garden. As its name implies, it is a snakelike rock protruding from the ground, like a python moving out of the ground and penetrating into the sky. The rock is 128 meters high and the thinnest part’s diameter only spreads seven meters. The legend said that the Goddess of the Spring and the python, which was originally a human, used to be lovers. Their marriage was banned by the heavenly court. The two found the separation unbearable and turned into two huge rocks standing face to face, keeping their marriage and bond eternal.

2. The Three Purity Temple

The area of Three Purity Temple is located at the northern part of Sanqing Mountain. It is a scenic spot with the collection of cultural relics. It is considered to be a “open-air museum” of ancient Taoist architecture complex. The architecture complex is standing in a place 1530 meters high above the sea level and could date back to over 1600 years ago.

The complex follows the delicate pattern of Eight Diagrams with the Three Purity Temple as the center surrounded by other lesser buildings. People can only grasp the importance of Taoism in Sanqing Mountain after visiting this area. The temple was built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty Ge Hong and rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. It is a building facing south and is divided into the front hall and rear pavilion flanked by several wing rooms. The rear pavilion’s base is 2 meters higher than the front hall’s. Inside the two buildings are heavily decorated beams, pillars, walls and doors, most of which are made of precious lumber or hard granite.

This temple itself is located in a place with a wonderful layout. It borders mountains at three sides with one side facing the open air. Three ponds could be found there. The basin is also filled with dense forests and weird-looking rocks, a result of the ice mountain movement in the ancient time. With water and mountain, this place is considered to be a place of fortune according to Chinese theory known as fengshui. In addition to its religious importance, this place is also called the“Fortune Place of Three Purity”.

3. Scenic Area of Yujing Peak

The scenic area of Yujing Peak, or Jade Capital Peak, is the world’s natural heritage. It gives priority to Yujing Peak, the highest peak of Sanqing Mountain. With the total height of 1819.9 meters, Yujing Peak offers a wonderful and the best place in Sanqing Mountain to see the sunrise. If you miss the sunrise, you do not need to feel sorry, because the peak itself could provide stunning scenes as well. The eastern, southern and western sides of the peak are flattened cliff, leaving the northern side the only way for tourists to reach the top.

It is a tiring trip to get to the top of 1000-meter peak, but those having made it are rewarded with the stunning scenes they are going to see. Two precipitous rocks stand at each side of the peak. The eastern one carries the name of its host, or you can say the name of the peak comes from this rock. The three characters meaning “Yujing Peak” were carved into the rock in the Ming Dynasty, below which there is a modern inscription reading “Virtue for Heaven and Earth”. The western one is called “Ascension Stone” as the legend said that the immortals ascended into the heaven from this rock in ancient time.

In addition to Yujing Peak, Yuhua Peak and Yuxu Peak, the other two major peaks of Sanqing Mountain, are also included in this scenic area. Both peaks are hard to climb. Yuhua Peak was known for its stone carvings and Yuxu Peak is known for the natural-made rare stones, adding different features into the scenic area.

4. Western Coastline Scenic Area

The Western Coastline Scenic Area is the most exciting place in Sanqing Mountain. Unlike the other scenic areas, its name is not based on the mythology or religion, but on geological history. The researchers found that Sanqing Mountain was submerged by seawater thrice in the history and the Western Coastline Scenic Area is the coastline at that time.

A 4-km road is built along the face of cliff suspends over 1660 meters high from the sea level, allowing people to roam this area and travel from northern peak to the southern peak. The cliff-attached road is the longest one in the world. Walking on the road is like an adventure and a journey full of excitement. People can see the cloud, rocks, mountains and forests along the journey. If they are lucky, they are also able to see the mirage and sunglow.

In addition, tourists could meet the waterfalls, flying birds and others during their 30-40 minute journey there. From there they can also get to other important scenic spots of Sanqing Mountain.

5. Eastern Coastline Scenic Area

This area is a counterpart for the Western Coastline Scenic Area. It was finished in 2005 with the original name of Sunshine Coastline. Like its western counterpart, it also has a suspended road built along the cliff face.

It connects the Western Coastline Scenic Area and Yujing Peak. It could also provide the same experience like traveling in the Western Coastline Scenic Area.

6. Longevity Garden Scenic Area

Located in the south, the Longevity Garden, as its name implies, features the elements of longevity. It is a modern facility but enchanted with several ancient and natural things.

All things inside this Garden features the pursuit of longevity with the Taoist methods. Some tourists describe this area as a huge bonsai.

The name of this area came from the Longevity Pagoda inside the garden. This building was built in the Ming Dynasty and is the oldest building inside this area. The pagoda is 40 meters tall. 87 white marble Buddhist statues and 102 stone steles are embedded in the exterior walls of this building. The other part, including the interior wall and the floor, are decorated with the bricks covered with patterns and Chinese or Manchurian characters.

7. Jade Essence Monastery

Tourists getting into Sanqing Mountain through its eastern entrance cannot miss the Jade Essence Monastery, one of the top scenic areas of this mountain.

This monastery was built in the Ming Dynasty and followed the same style of Three Purity Temple. The monastery was once used to consecrate Lord Wang, a said heavenly guard in the Taoist pantheon. The monastery was destroyed and rebuilt several times in the history and the current one was established in 1995 with slight changes to its original layout.

The Monastery is standing opposite to Western Essence Platform, forming the entrance to the Fortune Place of Three Purity.

8. Western Essence Platform

The Western Essence Platform is also in the list of top 10 scenic spots in Sanqing Mountain. Though it bears the name as a platform, its main building is actually a granite-made tower-like building standing 7.69 meters tall.

The tower is surrounded by natural and green trees, forming a garden-like landscape. An ancient path that could date back to the Tang Dynasty could lead people to local villages, further increasing the charm of this place.

9. Stone Drum Hill

The Stone Drum Hill is located in the east of Sanqing Mountain. This place gives priority to the waterfalls and streams. Of them, the Jade Curtain Waterfall is the biggest waterfall in Sanqing Mountain. With the height of 34 meters and width of 30 meters, the waterfall looks like a huge crystal curtain rolling down from the mountain.

Another grand waterfall named “Stone Gate Quad-Layered Waterfall”, flows by a natural stone gate spreading only one meter in the width. The water flow is carved into two halves by the stone gate. Then the waterfall hit the ground after falling 50 meters and turns into three streams. The last stream is added when the waterfall hits the pond 70 meters below the second layer.

In addition to the waterfalls, there is a drum-shaped stone standing in a stream of this area. This is also the origination of this scenic area’s name.

10. Three-Cave Entrance

Located in the west of the mountain, this place is different from other areas is that it is a huge valley instead of high mountains. People can explore the maze-like underground world of Sanqing Mountain and gain different views of the peaks by looking at them from the distance.