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摘 要:




Research status and development trend of human computation英文作者名

YANG Jie1*, HUANG Xiaopeng2, SHENG Yin1


1. School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210093, China;

2. Department of Overall System, No. 724 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Nanjing Jiangsu 210003, China英文摘要)


Human computation is a kind of technology to combine the human ability with the distributed theory to solve problems that computer cannot solve. The concept of human computation and its properties were introduced. Meanwhile, the distinctions of human computation with many other similar concepts got clarified. According to the reference review, the current research methods and design criterion of human computation were sorted out. Finally, research directions and development trends of human computation were discussed.

Human computation is a kind of technology to combine with the distributed theory to solve problems that computer cannot solve yet, but for people it’s easy. The concept of Human Computation and its properties have been introduced. Meanwhile, the distinction of human computation with many other similar concepts has been clarified. Based on the literatures, the current research methods and design criterion of human computation have been sorted out.. Finally, research directions and development trends of human computation, which provides a new path for the development of intellectualizing, have been concluded.

Key words: human computation; Games With A Purpose (GWAP); distributed human computation; design

0 引言

对Human Computation的翻译在国内学术界还没有一个共同的认识,网络上主要的翻译有人计算、人脑运算、人类计算等,本文采用“人计算”的翻译法,其主要思想是针对计算机不能或难以解决的抽象问题,在网络环境下,以特有的且非任务的形式交由人来做,比如,一张风景的图片,人可不假思索地回答出其中包含的景物内容,但对计算机是难以回答的。

2005年卡内基梅隆大学的von Ahn[1]最先提出并发表以“Human Computation”为题的博士学位论文,并在其中对人计算做出了下面的解释:

Human Computation,a paradigm for utilizing human processing power to solve problems that computers cannot yet solve.


人计算可将验证码(Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Human Apart,CAPTCHA) 作为其起点,对扭曲的文字计算机无法识别这一特性可区分人与计算机的操作,应用于网络安全中以防御网络上的骇客行为。由CAPTCHA后来衍生出了另一种验证码(reCAPTCHA[2]),即现在研究的人计算的思想来源。网民进行网站注册等行为时,会被要求输入验证码,reCAPTCHA则将此验证码的内容转换为需要被电子化的文献资料,人在输入验证码的同时,就能帮助计算机将文献资料电子化,可以达到节省人力资源与时间的目的,对人的恶意错误输入也有很好的防御机制。由于旧的需要被电子化的文献资料,计算机对其扫描后的文档识别率很低,最终仍然需要人工校验;而使用人工操作完成资料的电子化,由于工作量大,需要大量的人花费大量的时间枯燥地坐在电脑屏幕前敲击键盘,而且易发生错误。在reCAPTCHA中会有两个字符串(或两个词语),其中一个已经根据CAPTCHA的历史输入,计算机知道了正确的答案,另一个是文献资料中需要电子化的且已被扫描为电子版的字符串,计算机根据用户对已知道正确答案的验证码输入的正确性判断另一个字符串输入的正确与否。由于用户不知道哪个字符串(两个字符串是随机排序的)是计算机知道正确答案的字符串,因此作弊的几率较低,能很好地防御用户的恶意输入行为。