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Bobby was named after his best friend, his grandfather, Bob.

OneofthebestthingsBob and Bobbydid was to play with the old wooden blocks that were kept on a shelf, in the small sewing room under the front stairs. The blocks had letters on two sides, numbers on two sides and pictures of animals and other things on the last two sides. Bob and Bobby would slowly, veryslowlyputtheblocksoneontopoftheother,buildingatall tower. Therewerethirtyblocks. Sometimesthetower would fall down when only half the blocks were piled up. Sometimes the towerwouldbealmostfinished.

“Just one more block,”Bob would say.“And that’s the elephant block,”Bobby would say. And they would carefully put the elephant block on the very top. But Bob would sneeze andthetowerwouldfalldown.Bobbywouldlaughandlaugh.

“Elephants always make you sneeze, Bob,”Bobby would say.“We’ll just have to try the next time,”his grandfather would say. Then Bob would sit Bobby on his knee and tell him stories.“Bob, tell me the story about how you taught me to walk,”Bobby would say. And his grandfather would tell Bobby how he held Bobby’s hands and said,“Now one foot, now the other.”

Not long after Bobby’s fifth birthday, his grandfather got very sick. Bobby came home and his grandfather wasn’t there.“Bob is in the hospital,”Dad told Bobby.“He’s had what is called a stroke.”“I want to go see him,”Bobby said.“You can’t, honey,”Mom told him.“Right now Bob’s too sick to see anyone. He can’t move his arms and legs, and he can’t talk. The doctor’s not sure if he knows who anyone is. We’ll just havetowaitandhopeBobgetsbetter.”

Bobby didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to eat; he had a hard time going to sleep at night. Bob just had to get better.Monthsandmonthsandmonthswentby.Bobwasstillin thehospital.Bobbymissedhisgrandfather.

One day when Bobby came home from school, his father toldhimthatBobwascominghome.“Bob isstillverysick. He can’t move or talk. When he sees your mother and me, he still doesn’t know who we are, and the doctor doesn’t think he’ll get any better. So, don’t be scared if he doesn’t remember you.”Dad said. But Bobby was scared. His grandfather didn’t remember him. He just lay in bed. And when Dad carried him, Bobsatinachair.Buthedidn’ttalkorevenmove.

One day, Bob tried to say something to Bobby, but the soundthatcameoutwasawful.Bobbyranoutoftheroom.“Bob sounds like a monster!”Bobby cried.“He can’t help it, Bobby,”Momsaid.So,Bobbywentback totheroomwhereBob was sitting. It looked like a tear was coming down Bob’s face.“I didn’t mean to run away, Bob. I was scared. I’m sorry,”Bobby said.“Do you know who I am?”Bobby thought he saw Bob blink his eyes.“Mom, Mom,”Bobby called.“Bob knows whoI am.”“Oh, Bobby,”Mom said.“You’re just going to upset yourself.Yourgrandfatherdoesn’trecognizeanyofus.”

But Bobby knew better. He ran to the small sewing room, under the front stairs. He took the blocks off the shelf and ran back to where Bob was sitting. Bob’s mouth made a small smile. Bobby began to build the tower. Halfway... Almost to the top...Onlyoneblockleft.

“OK, Bob,”said Bobby.“Now the elephant block.”And Bob made a strange noise that sounded like a sneeze. The blocks fell down and Bob smiled and moved his fingers up and down. Bobby laughed and laughed. Now he knew that Bob wouldgetbetter.AndBobdid.

When the weather got nice and warm, Dad carried Bob outtoachairsetuponthelawn.Bobbysatwithhim.

Then Bob stood up very slowly.“You. Me. Walk,”said Bob.BobbyknewexactlywhatBobwantedtodo.

Bobby stood in front of Bob and let Bob lean on his shoulders.“OK, Bob, now one foot.”Bob moved one foot.“Now theotherfoot.”Bobmovedtheother.












