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中图分类号: TN911.74文献标志码:A


Implementation of gray level error conpensation for optical 4f system


HAN Liang*, JIANG Ziqi, PU Xiujuan


College of Communication Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China英文摘要)


To compensate the gray level error in optical 4f system, a method for gray level error compensation based on histogram matching and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network was proposed. The nonlinear transformation of histogram between input and output images in optical 4fSystem was fitted by RBF neural network, then the optimal estimation of curve for histogram matching between input and output images was obtained. The gray level error compensation image was obtained by utilizing histogram matching according to the optimal estimation of curve for histogram matching. The average Peak SignaltoNoise Ratio (PSNR) gain achieved was 2.96dB and the visual effect of images processed was improved by utilizing the proposed method in actual optical 4f system. The experimental results show the gray level error in optical 4f system can be compensated effectively and the precision of optical information processing was improved by the proposed method.

To compensate the gray level error in optical 4f system, one method for gray level error compensation based on histogram matching and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network is proposed. The nonlinear transformation of histogram between input and output images in optical 4f System is fitted by RBF neural network, then the optimal estimation of curve for histogram matching between input and output images is obtained. The gray level error compensation image is obtained utilizing histogram matching according to the optimal estimation of curve for histogram matching. The averagely PSNR gain achieved is 2.96 dB and the visual effect of images processed is improved utilizing the proposed method in actual optical 4f system. The experimental results show the gray level error in optical 4f system can be compensated effectively and the precision on optical information processing is improved by the proposed method.

英文关键词Key words: optical 4f system; gray level error; Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network; histogram matching

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由于光学器件和实验环境的原因,光学4f系统存在一定的噪声干扰,主要包括随机噪声、相干噪声以及系统灰度误差等。为此,Migukin等[5]提出一种利用背景补偿和相位调整的光学4f系统相位恢复方法,有效抑制随机噪声和相干噪声;Xu等[6]提出一种利用多谱点图像融合的光学4f系统降噪方法,既能有效去除随机噪声和低频相干噪声,又能较好地保存图像的有用信息;Katkovnik等[7]提出一种利用空间光调制器(Spatial Light Modulator, SLM)进行相位调制的光学4f系统降噪方法,有效抑制光学4f系统中的衍射产生的噪声;徐鑫等[8-9]提出利用阶跃响应的4f光学系统图像复原方法和应用图像纹理连续性的非下采样轮廓波变换域降噪方法,有效处理系统中的随机噪声和相干噪声,同时注重保护图像细节;李灿等[10]提出基于液晶纯相位光调制器的4f 系统去噪方法,主要抑制透镜等光学器件引入的随机噪声。但是,针对光学4f系统灰度误差的补偿方法还没有出现,这将对基于光学4f系统的光学信息处理的精度产生一定影响。