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It is known as the “cradle of civilization.” Beneath the desert of modern Iraq, in the greatest depths of history, the civilizations of Mesopotamia developed

between the Tigris and Euphrates

Rivers. Much of what we know has come from the painstaking[艰苦的] excavations of ruined cities and intensive translations of clay tablets[碑,匾]. Archaeologists have found traces of early agriculture in the north that date back 9,000 years.

But recorded history begins further

south with a group known as the

Sumerians注1. Around 5,000 BC, people settled into an agricultural lifestyle in the fertile alluvial[冲积的] plain fed by the Tigris and Euphrates. In a land of little rainfall, Mesopotamians built dikes[堤防], created canals and channels to capture the life-giving floodwaters. These irrigation[灌溉]

systems ensured bountiful[丰富的] harvests every year. What

developed were the world’s first string of cities with names like Ur and Eridu. Crop surpluses[剩余] allowed the population to

expand and its society to flourish[繁荣]. Towns of brick were built with the temple at their centre. The temple grounds housed many functions of daily life. There, one could find grain stores, a treasury[金库,国库] and quarters[聚居地] for priests, officials,

entertainers and craftsmen. Above it all rose the Ziggurat注2, a holy tower with a spiraling[螺旋形的] ramp[斜坡].

Kings were revered[尊敬] as representatives[代表] of the Gods on Earth. From this model, towns evolved into city-states and even empires. As society became more complex, people needed tools for recording the trade of animals and food.

Using tablets made of raw clay, early Mesopotamians

developed Cuneiform[楔形文字], the first written language. By pressing wedge[楔]-shaped forms into the soft wet material, they kept transaction records of commodities[商品] like sheep and grain. It spread to other uses and scribes[抄写员] recorded the first major literary work known to western civilization, The Epic of Gilgamesh注3, following the story of King Gilgamesh, who embarks on[从事] a quest for immortality[永生] but ultimately fails.

Perhaps the best known of Mesopotamia’s civilizations was Babylon. During the second millennia注4 BC, it rose from a provincial capital to become the centre of a kingdom that encompassed[包围] southern Iraq and beyond. Its hanging gardens注5 were famous throughout the western world as an ancient wonder and its King, Hammurabi注6, left his mark with a collection of laws. Hammurabi’s Code, as it’s known today, defined private property as well as legal decisions for crimes, family disputes and commerce.

Although it was eventually lost to the sands of time,

Mesopotamia left a legacy of law, literature and engineering for modern civilizations to build on.










注5:详见CE:Teens 06年11月号“探索区”。

注6:古巴比伦王国第六代国王汉谟拉比(公元前1792-1750年在位)因统一两河流域与颁行法典的历史活动而著称。他所颁布的法典《汉谟拉比法典》(The Code of Hammurabi)是迄今所知古代第一部最完备的成文法。现在我们看到的汉谟拉比法典刻在一块黑色玄武岩石柱上,是1901年由法国考古学家戴摩根在伊朗古城苏萨发现的,现存巴黎卢浮宫博物馆。