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芬兰首都赫尔辛基濒临波罗的海,是一座古典美与现代文明融为一体的都市,既体现出欧洲古城的浪漫情调,又充满国际化大都市的韵味,被世人赞美为“波罗的海的女儿”。洁净优美的环境让这座港口城市在英国《经济学家》杂志(The Economist)今年公布的世界宜居城市榜中位居



Finland was not exactly the most logical place to end my nine-week 1)backpacking tour of Eastern Europe, but I’d received an invitation from my Parisian friend and former roommate Agathe to come and visit her new place of 2)residence, and I couldn’t resist such a golden travel opportunity.

From the moment I stepped off the airport 3)shuttle on the eastern side of Helsinki’s Railway Square, I felt small. In front of me, Helsinki Railway Station 4)dominated the square. Its distinguishing features are its clock tower and the two pairs of statues holding the 5)spherical lamps on either side of the main entrance. Everywhere I looked was a 6)succession of large and beautiful buildings.

Agathe would be at work until late afternoon, so I would explore a few of Helsinki’s cultural and historical highlights before meeting up with her.

For centuries, Helsinki has been a 7)strategic military center, due to its close 8)proximity to Russia, Germany and the Baltic countries. Founded by King GustavⅠof Sweden in 1550, Helsinki remained part of Sweden until Finland declared independence in 1917.

My first stop was one of Helsinki’s proudest historical landmarks Suomenlinna Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The fortress was built on six 9)interconnected islands, just 15 minutes by ferry from the mainland. It was designed to be the “Gibraltar of the North,” a 10)stronghold to protect the then-Swedish nation from the growing Russian threat.

To my eyes, Suomenlinna looked more like a peaceful suburb than a fortress. A school, a church, seven museums most of them related to the military, as well as a toy museum and several small shops were 11)scattered amid grassy hills surrounding the walls.

Parks and beaches provide numerous opportunities to enjoy the 12)serenity of the islands. I 13)strolled and enjoyed the 14)stunning views over the Gulf of Finland. Along the outer walls, aging cannons gazed out to sea, as if defending the islands against some 15)invisible enemy.

The afternoon was already 16)waning by the time I got back to the city center, so I called Agathe and arranged to meet her for a choir concert at the 17)intriguing Temppeliaukio (Rock Church).

Carved out of a solid rocky 18)outcrop in 1969, the dome-shaped church is famous for its excellent 19)acoustics. My footsteps echoed in the cave-like 20)interior, and the many candles burning in 21)sconces along the walls added to the 22)hushed atmosphere.

A local elementary school choir performed a variety of classical songs. The children were adorable, and I was interested to note that most were blond haired and blue eyed, like the majority of people I’d seen in Helsinki thus far. That morning, I’d seen so many tall, blond, beautiful people I’d begun to feel as if I’d walked into a Calvin Klein注 ad.

After the concert, Agathe and I walked along some of Helsinki’s main streets. Sidewalk cafes were filled with people sipping coffee, and the shopping district 23)buzzed with 24)pedestrians laden with bags. Most of the side streets were quiet and peaceful, the lack of pedestrians and traffic almost 25)unsettling to my city girl eyes.

This quiet proved to be 26)deceptive. As I learned that evening, Helsinki comes alive after dark, when young people head to the city’s many 27)bustling bars and nightclubs. By midnight, Agathe and I were standing in a long queue of well-dressed partiers outside a trendy nightclub.

Agathe and I danced with some Finnish girls most of the night, and had a few 28)giggles about the fact that, even with high heels, we were the shortest of the group.

At dawn, we found ourselves walking barefoot back to Agathe’s apartment, our shoes 29)dangling from our fingertips. Next time we go dancing all night in Helsinki, we promised, we’d wear sneakers.

The day before I returned home, I took the 30)elevator up to the terrace bar of the Sokos Hotel Torni, to get one last look of the city from above. Along the waterfront, the 31)choppy waters of the Gulf of Finland reflected the cloudy sky in 32)fragments, as if I were gazing into an 33)infinity of broken mirrors.

In front of me, the streets were silent once again. Yet inside those buildings, I knew, people drank and danced, ate and talked, made friends and fell in love. For those people, Helsinki was not just a place to visit. It was home.




















议会广场和大教堂(Senate Square and Cathedral)



岩石教堂(Temppeliaukion Church)


乌斯别斯基东正教教堂(Uspenski Orthodox Church)


西贝柳斯公园(Sibelius Park)

