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【Abstract】As the continuous development of high-tech, multimedia technology in colleges has gradually replaced the traditional chalk and blackboard teaching mode, it is bring very great progress in teaching, but at the same time it has a lot of problems, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia technology, in order to promote the teaching efficiency.

【Key words】multimedia technology; college teaching; English teaching

1.The application of multimedia technology in our country

Usually, Chinese colleges use computer, projector and projection screen multimedia facilities. The main characteristics is that the audio, video and other multiple feelings, that is to see, we use images, voice, text, animation, graphics and lectures integrated together, from the perspective of multiple levels, melt student's vision, hearing and other relevant experience. This way greatly increased the original single exposure English knowledge, the text in a real English language environment to stimulate their initiative, follow teachers' participation in classroom activities, so as to realize the students' knowledge structure and thinking space greatly expand and improve their awareness and skills, enhance the teaching efficiency. Another technical characteristics is able to make multimedia information diversity, the new teaching pattern should take the modern information technology, especially network technology, make the English teaching not limited by time or place, take the student as the center both teach general language knowledge and skills, pay more attention to develop language skills and autonomous learning ability of teaching mode.

2.The influence of multimedia technology on education

2.1Vocabulary study

Vocabulary is widely regarded as the most boring and forgetful part in the language study. Using multimedia assisted vocabulary teaching have more advantages than the traditional teaching, it can mix text, voice, image, video and other means to attract students, some difficult memorize words can be understand, even the abstract words become more intuitive, vivid, easy to understand.

2.2 Text reading

In order to make students have a sense of "immersive", we must understand the related background knowledge, and use this knowledge to read and better understand the meaning of the text. Multimedia is a very good method to create a favorable context for students to learn English.

2.3 Writing training

The database of the network is very big, along with a variety of writing theories, outstanding model essays which are greatly enriched the writing teaching resources and efficiency.

2.4 Listening practice

Multimedia has lots of advantages, like simple operation, easy to save the content, strong timeliness and various forms. When the teacher has the listening class, he can choose fine listening and pan-listens to train the students' listening comprehension, the listening material can also be from easy to difficult, from short to long. The use of multimedia provided students more chance to listen and practice, students can download listening resources according to their levels and repeatedly listen.

3.The problem of the multimedia teaching

Teachers may excessively emphasize the production of the courseware, ignored the teaching content, thus in the teaching time scattered students’ attention. Multimedia teaching may replace the dialogue between teachers and students with man-machine dialogue communication which lack of emotional communication. The teaching speed is too fast students can’t listen while note-taking.


The purpose of college English teaching with multimedia teaching is in order to improve the teaching effect, change education idea and teaching methods, cultivate creative students, make them adapt to the society. In the process of multimedia teaching, the teachers should pay attention to the teaching strategies, put the application of various teaching strategies to the multimedia college English teaching.


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