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双语阅读 第3期

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The memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between China and the USA to facilitate outbound tourist group travel grants the US Approved Destination Status (ADS) after years of negotiations, making it the 134th country on China's list.


The windy city is also the most wired, according to a survey that showed people in Chicago are the most caffeinated in the United States.


“Sex”was the keyword most frequently searched by Internet users on Google in?Egypt, India and Turkey , according to a survey of the search engine giant. But on the Chinese mainland, it was money and technology that took the honors last year.


A telephone company cut off an FBI international wiretap after the agency failed to pay its bill on time. The Justice Department's inspector general faulted the FBI for poor handling of money used in undercover investigations, which it said made the agency vulnerable to theft and mishandled invoices.


China has one of the highest suicide rates in the world,also one of the few countries where rural suicides outnumber urban suicides. It is the only country where suicides among women outnumber men. Recent statistics show more than 287,000 people end their own lives every year on the Chinese mainland.


Poland, currently in talks with the United States over the establishing of a US missile defense base on its territory, has switched to a more hard-line stance and raised its demands in exchange for agreeing to host the base.


Asian and European stock markets plunged Monday following declines on Wall Street amid investor pessimism over the US government's stimulus plan to prevent a recession.
