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Reunion for Gratitude to Our Teachers

Hills do not change, nor does the water.

Reunited are the students ever.

Time passed, leaving nothing remembered,

But our teachers warm the mind, with home town together.

An ancient man named Confucius

Has been said to love, as do our teachers.

乌夜啼 花开廿年




Ode to the 20 years

In Guilin this summer we’ll meet,

Happily is the mind filled indeed.

Twenty years ago we parted, sadly waving sleeves.

The longer we didn’t answer, the more we missed.

Young are we not now,

And few do we not know about,

While we’d like to go back there,

For best wine, pure love, and happy words

Fill the mind without air.

长相思 围观“花开二十年”同学会有感



Ode to the “Miss You 20 Years” reunion

Guilin, where our school is located,

Steered the typhoon away and embraced us dated.

For we missed you more as the age’s added.

You all look unchanged and high-spirited,

The teachers young and the students contented.

Hand-in-hand is love forever transmitted!

菩萨蛮 观昭中87同学小凉河聚会强烈有感



Ode to the Reunion at Xiao Liang He

In the green woods along the stream,

Leaves were the men and flowers the women,

Reuniting to play the old days.

The ball flew up to tell the slim,

And the table was the game for man,

But girls drinking no less today.

Coupling made true the young dream,

And smiling was not to wives and men,

But to the one at home who stayed.

Happiness and time never make a team,

So the day passed like a moment,

Extending laughter as long as it may.

卜算子 群静如斯



Quiet As Such

With summer followed by fall,

The hot talks have no more.

While the world is changing all,

Why have the chats decayed ashore?

It’s been the time without romance,

And the career should’ve been framed.

It’s been the time to make life further advance,

And endlessly exchange should the minds unnamed.