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导读 18世纪的爱尔兰处在英国的监控和盘剥之下,人民生活极度贫苦,连小孩也养不起,许多母亲便带着孩子流落街头,以乞讨为生。在这种背景下,乔纳森・斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift, 1667~1745)创作了讽刺短文《一个温和的建议》(A Modest Proposal),用反语法(irony)提出了一个“公平可行的建议”:建议母亲们把孩子养肥,在他们一岁的时候卖给富人作美味佳肴,皮也可以加工成手套和靴子,这样不仅可以使孩子免受未来的苦难也可以增加父母的收入。《一个温和的建议》用温和冷静的语言讽刺了英国政府对爱尔兰的压迫,文字“不温不火,绵里藏针”,颇能体现斯威夫特的讽刺风格。

When people walk through the great town of Dublin(都柏林) or travel in Ireland they will see the streets crowded with female beggars, followed by three, four or six children, all in rags, and asking every passerby for food or money. These mothers instead of being able to work for an honest living, are forced to employ all their time in begging to support their helpless children who, as they grow up, either become thieves due to lack of work, or leave their native country to fight for other nations.

I think it is agreed by all people that this large number of children is a big problem for the country; and therefore whoever can find out a cheap and easy method of making these children useful members of Ireland, would deserve so well of the public, as to have his statue set up in the nation. As to my own part, having turned my thoughts for many years upon this important subject, I propose that instead of being a burden upon their parents, these children shall, on the contrary, contribute to the feeding, and clothing of many thousands.

There are 120,000 children born of poor parents every year. The question therefore is how these children shall be raised and provided for? Under the present situation, we can neither employ them in handicraft(手工艺)or agriculture since we neither build houses nor cultivate(耕作)land. Furthermore, they can seldom pick up a livelihood by stealing till they arrive at six years old. I shall now propose my own thoughts, which I hope will not cause the least objection.

I have been assured by a very knowing(世故的)American in London that a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious food, whether roasted, baked, or boiled. I do therefore beg the public to consider that of the 120,000 children, 100,000 may, at a year old, be offered in sale to the persons of quality and fortune. And the mothers should be advised to let their children suck plentifully in the last month so as to make them fat enough for a delicious meal. A child will make two dishes at a party for friends, and when the family dines alone, one part of the child will make a dish. I have estimated that a new-born baby weighs 12 pounds, and in a year, will increase to 28 pounds. I believe this food will be somewhat dear and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured(吞食)most of the parents, seem to have the right to eat the children.

I have calculated the expense of raising a beggar’s child to be about two shillings per year and I believe no gentleman would refuse to give ten shillings for a good fat child, which, as I have said, will make four dishes of excellent meat when he has only some particular friend, or his own family to dine with him. Thus the landlord will grow popular among his peasants, and the mother will have a profit of eight shillings. Those thrifty gentlemen may make the skin of the children into gloves for ladies and boots for fine gentlemen.

(Note: This is an excerpt from A Modest Proposal: For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public which was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729 and adapted by the author of this article.)

Ⅰ. Words and Expressions.

1. be in rags 衣衫褴褛;如:

Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery. 【谚语】宁可空而有志,不可富而失节。

2. passerby 过路人;

【注】 passerby的复数形式是passersby。

3. employ one’s time (in) doing sth.;

【近义词组】 spend one’s time (in) doing sth.。

4. due to 由于;如:

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the lecture was postponed. 由于无法控制的情况,讲座推迟了。

【近义词组】 owing to。

5. lack of 缺乏;如:

Like many local organizations, this organization suffers from a lack of money, forcing it to use its resources creatively. 和许多地方组织一样,该组织缺乏资金,这迫使它创造性的使用其资源。

6. set up 建立;如:

Recently, the network began helping hair stylists throughout the southeast set up similar programs in theirs shops. 最近,这一网络教育机构开始帮助整个美国东南部的发型师在他们的理发店里建立类似的项目。

7. on the contrary 相反;如:

He is not poor, on the contrary, he is a millionaire. 他不穷,相反,他是个百万富翁。

8. contribute to 贡献,有助于;如:

Honesty and hard work contribute to success and happiness. 诚实加苦干有助于获得成功和幸福。

9. provide for 供养;如:

I have a big family to provide for. 我要供养一个大家庭。

10. assure v. 使确信;如:

We should book early to assure ourselves of seats. 我们应及早订票以确保有座。

11. estimate v. 估计;如:

I estimate it will take three months to build the bridge. 我估计建造这座桥得用3个月时间。

【常用句型】It is estimated that...

Ⅱ. True or False. Read the passage and mark the statements T (True) or F (False).

1. ____ The mothers of the children are unwilling to make an honest living.

2. ____ When the author says these children should contribute to the feeding of many thousands, he means that they should be sold to the rich for food.

3. ____ The author proposes that 20,000 children should not be sold to the persons of quality and fortune.

4. ____ It is estimated that a new-born baby can grow 16 pounds in one year.

5. ____ When the author suggests the children be sold for food, he really means it.

Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.

in rags, due to, lack of, contribute to, provide for, set up, on the contrary, instead of, pick up, so as to

1. Because of ________ money and necessary equipment, it took a very long time for the company to improve the quality of its goods.

2. When the old man passed away, he ordered that a fund be ________ to help the hard-working students from poor families.

3. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; ________, I think it’s rather beautiful.

4. When Alex retired, he ________ some expensive hobbies like golfing.

5. Does smoking ________ lung cancer?

6. Many Chinese believe it’s wise to save some money and ________ the future.

7. The two countries were on the point of war ______ territorial disputes.

8. Laurence visited us ________ John who was unfortunately ill.

9. The two lovers dropped back ________ be alone.

10. Walking in the street, I often see beggars ________.

Ⅳ. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using an attributive clause(定语从句).

1. The LV bag ______________________________________ (昨天在沃尔玛超市丢失的) has been found by the police and given to the owner.

2. I’ll never forget Shangri-la ________________________________ (我和我的妻子在那里度过了蜜月).

3. Susan received her PhD degree (博士学位) from the president, _______________

____________________________________________________________ (这让她激动不已).

Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 小王把所有的课余时间都用于打魔兽争霸游戏了,无怪乎他英语考试挂科了。(employ his spare time doing)


2. 据估计,2012年中国的毕业生数量将达到680万,这会让找一份好工作更加困难。(It is estimated that...)


3. 如果你每天坚持听2个小时的《美国之声》,我保证你会在听力上取得巨大的进步。(assure sb. that...)


4. 婷婷并不在意他是否有房,相反,她在意他是否有一颗可以依赖的好心。(on the contrary)



Ⅱ. 1-5. FTTTF

Ⅲ. 1. lack of 2. set up 3. on the contrary 4. picked up 5. contribute to

6. provide for 7. due to 8. instead of 9. so as to 10. in rags.

Ⅳ. 1. which was lost in Wal-Mart yesterday

2. where my wife and I spent our honeymoon

3. which made her very excited

Ⅳ. 1. Since Xiao Wang employed all his spare time playing Dota it is no wonder that he failed in the English examination.

2. It is estimated that the number of college graduates will reach 6.8 million in 2012, which will make it more difficult to find a good job.

3. If you keep listening to VOA for two hours every day, I will assure you that you will make remarkable progress in listening.

4. Tingting doesn’t care whether he has a house or not; on the contrary, she cares whether he has a good heart to lean on.

Quotes by Jonathan Swift

1. Men are content to be laughed at for their wit, but not for their folly.

2. Although men are accused for not knowing their weakness, yet perhaps as few know their own strength.

3. No wise man ever wished to be younger.

4. It is a miserable thing to live in suspense; it is the life of a spider.

5. Every man desires to live long; but no man would be old.