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When I was a young girl, my father’s leaving home devastated our finances, making us lead a hard life. My mother1 food from an uncle that worked at a seafood packing plant that2torn and shredded food for free3 they could not sell it. I remember times when my mother would be in such4trying to spread what little cash she had over the need for groceries to feed us and to this day it 5 me to see others in that condition.

One day this winter, I6 into a store to buy a last minute item. Times this winter were very7 on us with the construction industry being so slow, but I felt it was quite 8to do something for the woman and her two sons ahead of me in line. She ran out of cash and had to put back some things in order to be able to9for her order. Watching this play out was very10 .

When she was done, the clerk11my order and I asked to add a12card onto my order. The clerk didn't have the amount I asked for and had to13 for it. I was stressed thinking that I wouldn't have time to find the lady in the parking lot14it took much more time to get the gift card I wanted to buy.

Finally the clerk15my order. The money I used was what I had16at the time and thought for a moment that I might be creating a17for myself. Luckily I found her, she rolled down her window and I18her the card saying, “Please, go home and watch the movie. Pay it Forward.”

I quickly walked19 , got in my car and deeply sobbed. I was so thankful for the20to do that. A little happiness goes a long way!

1. A. accepted B. cooked

C. prepared D. bought

2. A. produced B. sold

C. offered D. made

3. A. before B. so

C. which D. as

4. A. delight B. despair

C. debt D. trouble

5. A. surprises B. pains

C. interests D. attracts

6. A. dropped B. knocked

C. burst D. broke

7. A. cold B. warm

C. hard D. convenient

8. A. possible B. boring

C. fantastic D. necessary

9. A. beg B. answer

C. pay D. apply

10. A. shameful B. confusing

C. amusing D. painful

11. A. took B. placed

C. kept D. gave

12. A. cash B. gift

C. telephone D. birthday

13. A. wait B. count

C. search D. apologize

14. A. unless B. if

C. when D. since

15. A. received B. completed

C. checked D. put

16. A. free B. favourite

C. extra D. valuable

17. A. friendship B. trouble

C. wonder D. hardship

18. A. handed B. wrote

C. threw D. fetched

19. A. up B. forward

C. away D. in

20. A. idea B. opportunity

C. attempt D. favour


A)1~5 ACDBB 6~10 ACDCD 11~15 ABCBB 16~20 CDACB

1. A 从上下文得知,因为家境贫困,不得不接受外来的救济。

2. C 从下文看得出来,因为海产品卖不出去,所以免费提供。免费生产不合乎逻辑。

3. D 连词as此处相当于when。

4. B 入不敷出,如何安排花钱是母亲最头疼的事情,也是很绝望的。

5. B pain此处用作动词,意思是“直到今天,每当看到别人处境困难时,都深深刺痛着我”。

6. A drop into意为“走进”。

7. C 从上下文得知,这个冬天我们过得很艰苦。

8. D 应为同病相怜,作者感觉有必要做点什么来帮助眼前的母子三人。

9. C 钱花光了,不得不把选好的某些商品放回去,以便能支付得起所购之物。

10. D 上文有提示,作者感到很难过。

11. Atake one’s order这儿指记下我要买的物品。

12. B 从本段下文“it took much more time to get the gift card I wanted to buy.”得到提示。

13. C 因为没有,所以服务员需要为作者查找他所要的。search for查找,其他几项搭配合适,但意思不妥。

14. B if引导一个条件状语从句,如果找卡片耗时很多,作者担心时间不够,找不到那母子三人。

15. Bcompleted完成。

16. C 作者用来买卡片的钱,是额外准备的,以备不时之需。

17. D I might be creating a hardship for myself意思是“或许在某时身陷困境”。

18. Ahand“用手递进去”表达的动作比较合乎常规。

19. C 夙愿已了,迅速走开。walk away走开;walk up的意思是走上前,意思不合适。

20. B 已经做完的事情,所以不是try或attempt,更不是idea。作者终于有机会帮助他人,所以感到很开心。