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Part One 单词专讲

1. received


His invention was well received by the scientists. 他的发明得到了科学家的认可。

【拓展】receive 用作动词,意思是“收到;接收/受;接待”。

His sister received a good education in Japan. 他姐姐在日本受到了良好的教育。

be warmly received 受到热情接待

We were warmly received by the mayor of the city. 我们受到了市长的热情接待。

2. wisdom


As I looked back upon those years, I am struck by Annie’s wisdom. 当我回顾这些年的时候,我被安妮的才智所吸引。

These books are full of the wisdom of the ancients. 这些书中满是古人的名言。

The professor is said to be one of the best wisdoms of our nation. 据说这位教授是我国最好的贤人之一。

【拓展】wise 用作形容词,意思是“明智的;聪明的;有见识的”。

Lincoln was a wise and warmhearted leader. 林肯是个英明的热心的领导。

He made a wise decision not to attack the enemy at that time. 他作出了明智的决定那时不攻打敌人。

It is wise to do such a thing at the moment. 此刻做这样的事是明智的。

3. bargain

【分析】bargain 作名词,意为“便宜货,划算的买卖,讨价还价”。

Today we have got a real bargain. 我们今天真正买到了一个便宜货。

Finally they made a bargain on six dollars a pound over the beef. 最终他们以六美圆一磅的牛肉做成了一个划算的买卖。

【拓展】bargain vt. 经过讨价还价促使vi. 讨价还价

At last they bargained the price of the radio down. 最终他们讨价还价使得收音机价格降下来了。

Jim is used to bargaining with the seller for the vegetables. Jim习惯于跟卖菜人讨价还价.

4. dip


He went on writing after dipping his pen into the ink. 他把钢笔在墨水中蘸以后继续写。

【拓展】dip vt. 伸进

The boy dipped his hand into the pocket to take something to eat. 小男孩把手伸进口袋里去拿吃的东西。

It is too cold, so you should not dip your hand into the water. 天太冷,你不应该把手伸进水里.

dip vi.浸泡

Jeff dipped a few minutes in the water to cool himself off. 杰夫在水里浸泡了几分钟来使自己凉爽。

dip into浏览

I’d like to dip into some the detective stories whenever I am tired. 我疲劳的时候喜欢浏览侦破故事。

5. terrify

【分析】terrify v. 意思是“恐吓;使感到恐怖”。

What he did at the meeting terrified everyone. 他在会上的举动吓了大家一跳。

The ghost story terrified the children. 这个鬼故事使得孩子们恐怖。


terrified 用作形容词,意思是“感到恐怖的,感到害怕的”。

The little girl was terrified of snakes. 这个女孩怕蛇。

She tried to hold back her tears, terrified of crying out. 害怕哭出声来,她拼命忍住眼泪。

terrifying 用作形容词,意思是“令人恐怖的,可怕的”。

His travel in Africa is a terrifying experience. 他的非洲之行是一次可怕的经历。

6. direct

【分析】direct v. 指挥,导演

Do you know who directed the play? 你知道这出戏是谁导演的?

Can you direct me to the station? 你能告诉我去车站怎么走吗?


There’s a direct train to Shanghai tonight. 今晚有一列直达上海的火车。

Would you please give me a direct answer? 请给我一个直截了当的回答好吗?


She drove directly to school. 她立即开车去学校。

A new manager has been appointed to direct the project. 一个新经理已经被任命来管理这个项目。

The accident was a direct result of carelessness. 事故是由于疏忽造成的直接后果。

7. interrupt


Don’t interrupt him while he is doing homework. 他在做作业时,不要打扰他。

To their disappointment, the traffic was interrupted by the floods. 使得他们失望的是,大雾阻断了交通。

【拓展】辨析:disturb, bother, interrupt

Disturb指人心、睡眠、安静等被“打扰,扰乱”。Bother 指为一些小事所“烦扰、打扰”,还有稍微抱怨及经常打扰的意味。Interrupt多指由于外界因素而停下来,中断。

I’m sorry to bother you, but can you tell me how to do it? 对不起打扰你了,我可以告诉你怎么做吗?

Heavy traffic disturbs the neighborhood. 繁忙的交通打扰了邻里。

You’d better not interrupt him; he is reading. 你最好不要打断他,他在看书。


8. satisfaction


I expressed my satisfaction by nodding my head. 我用点头的方式表达我的满意.

Reading and collecting stamps in his free time is his greatest satisfaction. 空余时间阅读和集邮是他最大的满足.

【拓展】satisfy vt.

1) 使满足,使满意; 满足(要求、欲望、需要等)

The new dress satisfied her. 那件新衣服使她满意。

Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did it cost? 我只是出于好奇心,这花了多少钱。

be satisfied with对……感到满意

辨析satisfactory, satisfied和satisfying

satisfactory,修饰物,有主动的意味,“令人满意的”,表示某物“足够的好或充裕的; satisfied 与satisfying前者是“感到满意的”,后者的是“令人满意的”。

9. sensitive

【分析】sensitive作形容词,意为“敏感的;易受伤害的;敏锐的”。常用于:be sensitive to 对……敏感; be sensitive about 介意,在乎。

He is very sensitive about his weight. 他很忌讳别人说他胖。

I am very sensitive to cold. 我对冷非常敏感。

His mother is very sensitive to the mistakes I made. 他母亲对他出的错误很敏感。

【拓展】sense n. 感觉;意义;观念;判断力。

His younger brother has a sense of humor. 他弟弟有幽默感。

sense vt. 意识到,感觉到

He sensed that he was wrong when I pointed out what he did. 当我指出他所做的时, 他意识到他错了。

Part Two 词组专讲

10. be admitted to

【分析】be admitted to/into 获准进入,被……录取, 主动结构为admitto/into…


My brother was admitted to a university last year. 我哥哥去年被一所大学录取了。

Sorry, only the grownups are admitted to the cinema. 对不起,只有成年人才允许进入电影院。

【拓展】admit (doing) sth/ that…承认admit +n. +to be/that…


The man admitted stealing a computer at last. =The man admitted that he had stolen a computer at last.


The suggestion that Li Ming put forward was admitted to be useless. 李名提出的建议被认为是没有用的。

11. cut out

【分析】cut out意为“裁剪出,切掉”。

She showed me the pictures she had cut out of the magazine. 她给我看了他从杂志上剪下来的图片。

My mother carefully examined the cloth before starting to cut out a garment. 在裁剪出衣服之前我母亲仔细看了布。

Be careful. The picture should not be cut out of the magazine. 当心,图片不应该从杂志上剪掉。

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

【拓展】cut away一般用来表示“砍去”。

They have cut away all the dead branches from the tree. 他们砍去了树上的所有的死枝。

cut down表示“把……砍倒;降低”。

We should try our best to cut down accident rate. 我们应该尽力去降低事故率。

cut off表示“切断;割掉”。

Our electricity supply has been cut off because of our failure to pay the bill in time. 由于没有能够及时付帐我们的电力供应被切断了。

12. be drunk with

【分析】be drunk with意思是“沉溺于……;醉心于”。

He is a workaholic and is always drunk with his work. 他是个工作狂,总是沉浸于工作中。

My whole family are drunk with my success. 我们全家陶醉于我的成功中。



He was dead drunk last night and sent home. 他昨天喝得烂醉,被送回了家。

drink 可作动词,意思是“喝,干杯”。

Let’s drink to your health and success. 咱们为你的健康和成功干杯。

In recent years, more and more students are drunk with computer games. 近年来,越来越多的学生醉迷于电脑游戏。

13. In defence of

【分析】in defence of意思是“为……辩护;保卫”。

The man gave his life in defence of his country. 那人为保卫祖国而献身。

She is to make some reply in defence of her friend. 她将作出回答为自己的朋友辩护。

【拓展】defence n. 意思是“辩护;保卫;防卫”。

The Chinese people built the Great Wall as a defence against the foreign invaders. 中国人民建造长城作为反对外国侵略者的防卫。

defend v. 意思是“辩护;保卫;防卫”。

I am going to make a long speech to defend my ideas. 我要做个长的演讲来为我的想法答辩。

【即时训练】选词填空:defence/ defend

①Three policemen died in _______ of the people’s interests.

②Later more walls were put up to _______ the borders of the different kingdoms.


①defence ②defend

14. as long as

【分析】as long as,意思是“如果,只要”。也可以用so long as.

As long as you are going to the post office, you can do something for us. 如果你去邮局,你就能为我们做点什么.

You may use the classroom so long as you clean it afterwards. 只要你后来打扫你就可以用教室.

【拓展】as long as 还可表示“长达,长到”。

as much as多达;达到……程度 as soon as一……就……;尽早as far as远到……;据……;就……as well as和……一样好;和。

The bridge over the river is as long as 2,000 meters. 河上的那座桥长达2 000米。

15. on the contrary

【分析】on the contrary正相反

The ocean floor is not flat like a plain. On the contrary, it is more mountainous than the land. 海洋底部并非像平原般平坦,恰恰相反,它比陆地还要起伏不平。

to the contrary 相反的(地)

Since he did not express opinions to the contrary, the decision was made. 既然他没有表达观点,相反地,决定做下来了。

Although sometimes they have contrary opinions, the two girls are still close friends. 尽管有时她们的观点相对,两个女孩还是亲密的朋友。

Why do you think we can’t solve the problem? On the contrary, we can. 你为什么认为我们不能解决这个问题?相反,我们能。


1. The book of popular science are _______ by the middleschool students.

A.good received

B.well receiving

C.good receiving

D.well received

2. The shoes were sold at 100 yuan, but he had only 80 yuan, so he _______ the shopkeeper for a discount.


B.argued with

C.bargained with


3. My father used to _______ some of the novels when he was tired.

A.look into

B.take into

C.dip into

D.make into

4. On his way to the mountain for some herbs, he was _______ at a tiger’s sudden appearance. Fortunately, he escaped from it later.

A.to terrify




5. He lived far away, but he said he would come .





6. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _______ to the sudden changes of weather.





7. Wang Hong’s elder sister was _______ to Nanjing University last summer.


B.to admit

C.being admitted


8. My deskmate showed me the pictures she had of the magazine.

A.cut in

B.cut up

C.cut out

D.cut down

9. After two years of hard work, he got his novel published and he was _______ his success.

A.drunk onB.drunk in

C.drunk atD.drunk with

10. The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him _______ I did.

A.as much as

B.as long as

C.as soon as

D.as far as

11. The Internet seems like a jungle, which contains wonders _______ dangers.

A.as long as

B.as far as

C.as soon as

D.as well as

12. _______ all our expectations, he has found a wellpaid job and a nice girlfriend.

A.Similar with

B.In terms of

C.In common with

D.Contrary to


1-5DCCDB 6-10ADCDA 11-12DD