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1.She――Japanese when she was in Japan Now she can speak it freely.

A.picked out

B.made out

C.made up

D.picked up

2.It's already 10 o'clock.I wonder how it――that she was two hours late on such a short trip.

A.came over

B came out

C.came about

D came up

3.The building around the comer catught fire last night.The poliee are now――the matter.

A.seeing through

B working out

C.looking into

D.watching over

4.As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain,the visit to the village――scenes of my childhood.

A.called up

B.called for

C.called on

D.called in

5.Although the wind has――,the rain remains steady,so you will need a raincoat.


B.gone back

C.died down

D.blown out

6.For all these years I have been working for others.I'm hoping I'll――my own business someday.

A.turn up

B.fix up

C.set up

D.make up

7.With no one to――in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless

A.turn to

B.turn on

C.turn off

D.turn over

8.―The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.―Don't worry We have already――two thirds of it.

A.got down

B.got through

C.given in

D.given away

9.―Four dollars a pair?I think it's a bit too mach.

―If you buy three pairs,the price for each will――to three fifty.

A.come down

B.take down

C.turn over

D.go over

10.―If you like I can do some shopping for you.―That's a very kind――.





11.His idea of having weekly family meals together,which seemed difficult at first,has――many good changes in their lives.

A.got through

B.resulted from

C.tamed into

D.brought about

12.I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson――.

A.cut in

B.cut down

C.cut out

D.cut up

13.I couldn't――.The line was busy.

A.go by

B.go around

C.get in

D.get through

14.Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and――jokes.

A.turning up

B.putting up

C.making up

D.showing up

15.Among the brilliant athletic a chievements,a few records――because of the moving life stories behind them.

A.stand out

B.set up

C.go on

D.get through

16.Whenever possible,Hans――how well he speaks Japanese.

A.shows up

B.shows around

C.shows off

D.shows out

17.―They used to be good friends,but now they are like strangers.―How did this――?

A.come about

B.come out

C.take place

D.get along

18.Considering your salary,you should be able to――at least twenty dollars aweek.

A.put forward

B.put up

C.put om

D.put aside

19.The doctor had almost lost hope at one point,but the patient finally――.

A pulled out

B pulled through

C.pulled up

D.pulled over

20 He is――opening a branch office in London.

A.thinking over

B.thinking ont

C.thinking up

D.thinking of

21.Recently more and more farmers have――the government rather than nature for help.

A.appealed to

B.centered on

C.attend to

D.Live up to

22.When the drummer was taken ill,the band got some one to――until he got bet-ter.

A.stand by

B.Stand for

C.stand in

D.stand out

23.Bad habits are easily――while good ones hard to develop.

A.kept up

B.caught up

C.draw up

D.picked up

24.Eating too much fat can――heart trouble and caus high blood pressure.

A.result from

B.attend to

C.contribute to

D.devote to

25.Before the war broke out,many people――in safe places possessions they couldn't take with them.

A.threw away

B.put away

C.gave away

D.carried away

26.The perfor mance supposed to be popular――to be a great disappoint ment after it was over.

A.turned up

B.turned down

C.turned out

D.turned over

27.I was――in the middle of my call because I had no more coins to put in thebox.

A.cut off

B.broken in

C.hung up

D.put down

28.―Sorry,my car broke down on the way.

―Is that the best excuse you can――?

A.come up

B.come up with

C.come about

D.come across

29.April Fool's Day is coming.Be careful not to be――when others play trickson you.

A.brought in

B.caught in

C.taken in

D.made in

30.Try to――at least half an hour each day for learning new vocabulary,andyou'll know more words.

A.take up

B.set aside

C.put away

D.set out

31 The fellow I――a worker is actually a general manager.

A.took down

B.took for

C.took up

D.took in

32.We were――for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late.

A.kept up

B.held up


D.rounded up

33.―How is Dennis getting along with his work?

―Well,he could always――a new idea for increasing sales.

A.come up with

B.come about

C.get away with

D.get up

34.In the cross-lake swimming race,a boat will be――in case of an emergency

A.standing by

B.turning on

C.getting on

D.running down

35.―So how is your new roommate?

―she really――.She's always making loud noises at midnight and when I re-mind her,she always makes rude remarks.

A.turns me over

B.turns me down

C.turns me off

D.turns me out

36.People have planted a great many trees in order to――wind and sand in the desert.

A.hold down

B.hold up

C.hold back

D.hold out

(keys:1~5 DCCAC

6~10 CABAA

11~15 DADCA

16~20 CADBD21~25 ACDCB

26~30 CABCB

31~35 BBAAC

36 C)