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The Frisbee that many people know today was not

exactly the same Frisbee that was thrown and played years ago. Back then, it was believed that students played Frisbee using pie tins. The design of the Frisbee evolved through the years until it finally settled with the plastic design.

Back then, Frisbee had a different spelling but it was pronounced the same way. It was spelled “Frisbie” and it was derived from[由来,衍生] a company name. The Frisbie Pie Company was a very popular pie-producing company which supplied to most of the school and university campuses in New England注1. The pie company operated from 1871 to 1958, and the pies were put in pie tins with the name of the company at the bottom of the tin.

Since the students loved their pies, they were left with lots of pie tins. The students were able to come up with a game they called “Frisbie-ing” and the pie tins were in turn called “Frisbie.”

Walter Frederick Morrison made a new version of the pie tins and made a plastic Frisbie, but he did not call it by the name coined by the college students. Instead,

he called it Pluto Platter[大浅盘] because during that time, UFOs were very popular and intriguing[引起兴趣的].

Indeed, his Pluto Platter was a sure hit and many people

patronized[惠顾] it. Later on, he had it patented[取得专利] by the name Morrison Slope.

The Pluto Platter became extremely popular as a toy and Wham-O注2 took an interest in it. They convinced Morrison to sell his rights, and after that, the company produced the toy and called it by the same name. The sales declined after several years, so the company wanted to re-introduce it to the market. They conducted thorough research about the toy until they finally came to know that it was originally called “Frisbie.”

When they finally decided to re-introduce the Pluto Platter, they called it Frisbie and it was popularized as a sport or recreational[消遣的] game. They called the game “Frisbie-ing,”

but at present, it is called Ultimate Frisbee. Wham-O was also the one who changed “Frisbie” to “Frisbee,” so that they could avoid possible lawsuits in the future.

If you try to analyze[分析] it, there is no specific date or a certain inventor. The years mentioned and the

companies and individuals involved are all part of the sport’s improvement. The history tells so much about the Frisbee and you can learn a lot from it. You can’t

disregard[忽视] any of the companies or individuals

involved in the evolution of the Frisbee because if one of them were missing, Frisbee would not exist today.

In order to better understand Frisbee, you must first know about its history. Now that you know its colorful

history, you will surely enjoy playing it with your friends.







投放市场,并把它叫做“福瑞斯比”。后来“福瑞斯比”被普及为一项运动或休闲游戏。人们把这种游戏称为“福瑞斯比”,但现在,它被称作极限飞盘(Ultimate Frisbee)。惠姆奥公司还把名字“Frisbie”改成“Frisbee”,避免以后可能发生法律纠纷。





