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四百年前,约翰・多恩(John Donne)写道:没有人是孤岛,每个人都是大陆的一部分。许多年后,J・M・库切告诉我们:每个人都是一座孤岛。如今,当有些人声称尝尽了世俗的冷漠、现实的残酷、难以面对的事实,要躲进属于自己的孤岛时,有一个人却冒死从他的“孤岛”奔逃而出……

Interviewer: Did anybody ever explain to you why you were in a camp?


Shin Dong-hyuk (Via Translator): No. Never. Because I was born there I just thought those people who carry guns were born to carry guns. And prisoners like me were born as prisoners.

Interviewer: Did you know America existed?

Shin: Not at all.

Interviewer: Did you know that the world was round?

Shin: I had no idea if it was round or square.

Camp 14 was all that Shin Dong-hyuk says he knew for the first 23 years of his life.

Interviewer: Growing up, did you ever think about escaping?

Shin: That never crossed my mind.

Interviewer: It never crossed your mind?

Shin: No. Never. What I thought was that the society outside the camp would be similar to that inside the camp.

Interviewer: You thought everybody lived in a prison camp like this?

Shin: Yes.

Interviewer: How…how did they kill your mother?

Shin: They hung her and they shot my brother.

He speaks of it still without visible emotion, and admits he felt no sadness watching his mother and brother die. He thought they got what they deserved. They had, after all, broken the prison rules.

Blaine Harden: He believed the rules of the camp like gospel.

Blaine Harden is a 1)veteran foreign correspondent who first reported Shin’s story in The Washington Post and later wrote a book (Escape from Camp 14, by Blaine Harden) about his life.













Interviewer: He had no compass by which to judge his behavior.

Harden: He had a compass. But the compass were the rules of the camp, the only compass he had. And it was only when he was 23, when he met somebody from the outside, that that started to change. Interviewer: When he met Park.