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更让大家惊奇的是,朱之文抱着自家的鸡高歌时,鸡像是能听懂似的,居然一动不动地站在他的肩头。 原来,朱之文对小动物很有感情,常常对着自家的鸡、鸭、鹅放声歌唱,久而久之,拉近了人与动物之间的距离。













A Rural Singer Considered National Phenomenon

By Wang Li

Zhu Zhiwen, a villager from Shandong Province, got up early on February 13, 2011. That day the 44-year-old singing enthusiast planned to go to Linyi City and compete in a grassroots reality show titled “I am a Star” hosted by the Shandong Television Network. With 200 yuan in cash in his pocket and tightly wrapped up in a second-hand military overcoat, he set out, without knowing that he was going to open a new chapter in his life.

Upon his arrival, Zhu was surprised to find that there were about 3,000 enthusiastic artists of all kinds waiting outside the television building to sign up with the show. Zhu registered and waited for his time to show. Two hours later, he began to wonder whether he should go home or wait for his turn patiently. If he chose to go home now, the 90 yuan he spent for the two-way bus travel would be a waste. No sooner had he had this idea than he ran into the program director. He approached the director and said, “Please allow me to sing a few lines now and here. If I am not good enough, just tell me so and I will go home immediately. Stay longer here and I will miss the bus for home today.”

Zhu sang a few bars. The director was so impressed that he requested Zhu to come to the stage immediately. Wearing the second-hand overcoat and a wool hat, Zhu looked different from all the other competitors dressed in fancy dresses, but as soon as he stood in the center of the stage and waited for the music, confidence came back to him. He sang “Yangtze River Flows Eastward Forever”, the theme song of “The Romances of the Three Kingdoms”, a television series adapted from the namesake classic novel of about 600 years ago.

The three jurors were too amazed to believe their ears. They had never expected to encounter such an opera-singing baritone at this level of the reality show. Their mouths all hang in perfect “O”. A juror asked Zhu if he was from a professional troupe. Zhu replied he was a farmer. Still incredulous, a juror quizzed the singer about farming. Zhu gave all the right answers. The jurors examined his hands: the hands were full of calluses. When Zhu was about to sing his second song “Camel Bells”, the jurors requested the music technician to switch off the music and asked Zhu to sing without the accompaniment because they wanted to make sure that it was really his singing. His voice was stunningly beautiful. The jurors were convinced and the audience burst into roaring approval and excitement.

The program was screened on Shandong Satellite Television on March 5, 2011, causing huge sensations across the province. An extraordinarily normal-looking farmer with an exceptional opera voice wowed the audience. Shortly afterwards, a video clip of Zhu’s performance was uploaded to a video website and within days the video clip became viral. It received more than 100,000 hits and about 10,000 comments, all praising the beauty of Zhu’s singing. On the internet, Zhu is endearingly nicknamed Brother Overcoat.

Yu Wenhua, a Beijing-based prominent singer, watched the video clip at the website. Deeply impressed by Zhu’s rare talent, she decided to do something for the man and to make sure more people could hear his singing.

On March 18, Yu Wenhua and Wang Aihua, a woman director of Starlight Boulevard, a popular CCTV reality show, came with some colleagues all the way to visit Zhu at his home. They had to see the musical miracle with their own eyes. Zhu was just back home from his appearance as a guest at an entertainment show at Hunan Satellite Television.

Zhu Ziwen was speechless when he actually saw Yu and her friends from Beijing. Zhu showed the visitors a less-than-10-square-meter adobe studio where he spends three hours practicing and singing every day. Inside his studio stood a keyboard in a sorry-looking condition, a gift from a granny in Beijing who liked his singing. When the visitors wanted Zhu to play a song on the keyboard, Zhu was embarrassed to explain that the electric cord had been gnawed into pieces by his sheep.

Director Wang Aihua asked if Zhu Zhiwen had ever considered appearing in Starlight Boulevard. Zhu confessed that he had never dared to dream of such a big show. The show was full of talents from all of the country and he was nothing but nobody. He was invited to sing at the show.

On March 20, 2011, Yu Wenhua and Zhu Zhiwen said goodbye to each other. A few days later, Zhu called Yu Wenhua, notifying her that he was on the way to Jinan, the capital city of Shandong Province. Yu said arrangements had been made for him to appear at the Starlight Boulevard.

Zhu came to Beijing in early April at an invitation of the program. Yu Wenhua invited Zhu and the songwriter Meng Wenhao who wrote the melody of “Camel Bells” to her home. Meng Wenhao later rewrote the orchestration for Zhu and prepared all the tape music for the village singer’s songs.

In mid April, Zhu Zhiwen appeared at the Starlight Boulevard. The first song he sang was still “Yangtze River Flows Eastward Forever”, the song that catapulted him to national stardom. Bi Fujian, the star presenter, joked about Zhu’s signature military overcoat, saying that it was time he had changed his costume. Bi took off his red suit and gave it to Zhu, hoping Zhu would come back wearing the red coat to compete in the weekly championship final.

Yang Hongji, a juror for the competition that day, was the original singer of the television theme song. After hearing Zhu’s singing, Yang expressed his appreciation and said he would let Zhu Zhiwen sing the song in the future and he himself would never sing it.

April 20 saw Zhu Zhiwen win the weekly championship and May 12 saw him win the monthly championship. Winning the two championships means that he will come back in the yearend championship final. It was also in May that he became the 2011 champion of “I am a Star” held by Shandong Satellite Television.

Zhu’s miraculous stardom makes people curious: how could a commonplace farmer become a national singing phenomenon? He is by no means a genius. He has worked hard every day of the past 30 years to be a good singer.

If he has talent, he has a greater zeal. Though a primary school dropout, he has learned to sing by singing after his cassette recorder. He studied singing theories and practiced hard. For years, he got up at four o’clock every morning, walked a kilometer to a river dike, and practiced singing there. He still practices hard every day.

His success opens doors to prominent singers and songwriters. With the help of Yu Wenhua, songwriters Zhao Jiping and Che Hanghe will write a song for Zhu Zhiwen. Soprano Qiao Jun has taken Zhu under his wing. From now on, Zhu will study under the guidance of Qiao. Zhu Zhiwen has visited the master’s recording studio where for the first time in his life, he heard himself singing.

Now Zhu Zhiwen is ambitious enough to try to enter the most important gala: the Spring Festival Variety Show for next year. On June 14, 2011, he appeared at “I Want to Get My Show in the Spring Festival Gala”, a selection show of the CCTV. With no exception, he amazed the jurors as well as audiences. Now he is looking forward to the yearend finals at Starlight Boulevard.