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Harry: Well Sarah, here’s the paper...I was looking at jobs...but you’ll need the“accommodation” page!

Olivia: Hmmm, not very sensitive, Harry...

Harry: Have to go now...see you all!

All: Bye!

Olivia: What’s the problem with your flat then, Sarah?

Sarah: Well, I was renting a room in a shared house, but now the landlord has decided to sell the house, so we all have to move out...

Magda: Oh no...that can be really difficult in London. It’s

so expensive here...

Sarah: I know, I’m not sure I’ll be able to afford it...

Olivia: Tell me about it!

Sarah: About what?

Olivia: Sorry...I just mean, I know how expensive life is!

Sarah: Why’s that?

Magda: Olivia wants Harry to set up a website for her, but he’s asked for loads of money!

Fadi: Yeah...me too!

Magda: I think he’s greedy.

Fadi: I’m not sure about that...he’s a professional after all. He’s right to ask a reasonable amount for his work.

Olivia: You’re just like him, I can see...only

interested in money!

Magda: Yeah, that’s right...

Fadi: 1)Leave off...I’m not only interested in money. I like football too...

Olivia: I don’t think I can afford it, but I don’t know how to say “no” without offending him now.

Sarah: Do you think he’ll be offended?

Olivia: Perhaps...

Fadi: I shouldn’t worry. He’s not a very sensitive guy, is he?

Olivia: No! I like him, though...

Fadi: Oh yeah?

Olivia: Not in that way...he’s just a friend...

Fadi: “Just a friend”, eh?

Olivia: Are you jealous?

Fadi: Get out of here! Of course I’m not. I’ve got lots of girlfriends...

Magda: And they only ever last for two weeks! Fadi: I like to keep them 2)keen!

Sarah: Oh yeah, sure...

Fadi: Listen, Olivia, if it makes it easier for you, I think I’m going to take Harry up on his offer. I’ll get him to do some work for me, then it won’t matter if you turn him down.

Sarah: I do some work for a website, Olivia. It’s called DimSum.co.uk—it’s for the Chinese community in Britain. I could find out who does their website—they might be cheaper.

Olivia: Could you do that for me? I’d be really grateful.

Sarah: Sure, no problem.

Olivia: And we’ll try and help you find a flat!

Sarah: Thanks!

Magda: How long have you got before you have to move out?

Sarah: Only a month.

Magda: That’s not long.

Fadi: I’ll ask around, see if anyone I know has a room free in their house...

Magda: I’ll do the same thing...

Olivia: Me too!

Magda: OK everyone...we have a mission!

Fadi: Find Sarah a place to live!

Olivia: And tell Harry he’s greedy!

Sarah: I think this might be difficult...

Magda: What? Finding you a flat, or upsetting Harry?

Sarah: Both!


海德公园(Hyde Park)历史上曾经是英国国王的鹿场,后来又成为赛车和赛马的场所,是伦敦最著名且最大的皇家公园。公园里有著名的皇家驿道,道路两旁巨木参天,整条大道就像是一条绿色的“隧道”。园内还有森林、河流、草原,绿野千顷,静谧悠闲。

肯辛顿公园(Kensington Gardens),位于海德公园的西侧,面积大约是海德公园的2/3,现在住着部分王室眷属。

摄政公园(Regent Park),位于海德公园的北部,著名的图索德夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussaud’s Exhibition)在其西南;公园南边不远,是中国驻英大使馆。

维多利亚公园(Victoria Park),位于内伦敦的东北角,濒临大联合运河,面积跟肯辛顿公园差不多。

圣詹姆斯公园(St.James’s Park),位于海德公园的东边,它的四周有唐宁街10号、白金汉宫、威斯敏斯特教堂、外交和联邦事务部等英国著名建筑。
