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Many monsoons (雨季)came and went, but Mango(芒果树) still stood in the same place, his hands reaching out for the sky, his feet going deeper and deeper into the earth. He saw many friends grow up around him―Baby Berry shot up (长得很快) before his eyes. He did not know Grandma Tamarind’s (罗望子树的) age. But she stood tall and straight. Cattle gathered around to listen to her tales and sometimes monkeys played hide-and-seek among her

branches. When pods (豆荚) began to hang down from her branches, they made village children’s mouths water and they threw stones at Tamarind.

Mango couldn’t understand why she put up with it. Tamarind said, “Let them be. They don’t bother me all the year round. Anyway, what can I do? I can’t run away,can I?”

When Mango was in flower for the first time, Tamarind said, “Look out! It will be your turn now!” She was right. When Mango’s little green fruit began to turn yellow, the children began to throw stones at him. Mango complained, “I am sore all over. I wish I could run away from here!”

Tamarind laughed. “Run away? Don’t be silly (傻). This is our life. We have to live and die here.”

Her words made Mango thinking: “Butterflies spread their wings and fly; lambs(小羊) play in green meadows (草地);clouds run across the sky; as for men, they move about freely. Why do we trees have to stay in one place?What will happen if I start walking?”

He told his thoughts to his friends, but they said, “We get all our food without moving, just sitting or standing. Then why should we wander about?”

But he would not agree, so they began calling him “Mad Mango”.

Sometimes travelers came and rested at Mango’s feet . They said they had traveled many places . In those places ,white hares (野兔) playing inmeadows ,parakeets (长尾鹦鹉) flying overhead, peacocks dancing on cliff-tops as high as the sky.“Will you come with me?”he asked his friends.

“Oh, no!” they all answered. They argued, “What don’t you have here? Wherever you go, there’ll be the same sky, the same earth. None of us has ever left our homes. We have our roots here.”

Mango said to himself, “They are stupid. If not stupid, they are lazy. They have no spirit of adventure (冒险). If no one will come with me, I’ll go alone.”

One day, the sky was overcast (阴的). Thunder was followed by lightning and then rain came down. A strong wind shook the trees. Mango’s afraid of this terrible weather. He looked around... Jackfruit crashed to the

ground. His feet were so firmly rooted in the soil and never saw the sun or felt the breeze. But now his feet were looking skywards. Tears came into Mango’s eyes. Poor Jackfruit! He left the world, without seeing the wonders of the hills!

A few days later, some men came and cut Jackfruit into pieces. They made a fire of the branches and leaves that remained (残余的).

One afternoon two men arrived. They stood near Mango and began talking.

“Don’t touch the fruit of this tree. It’s mine!

“It is not,” said the other.

“You just wait and see. I’ll cut it down tomorrow.”

Mango began to tremble. The other trees were also afraid. But no one thought of running away.

Mango decided to leave that night. He looked around at his friends. How much he loved them all!

Mango gently pulled out his feet from the ground. The wind blowing across said, “Come! Let’s see the world and its marvels (令人惊奇的事物).” Mango’s branches moved with the wind, as if full of joy.

Night fell. Stars began to twinkle and lamps were lit. The young birds began to sing, the sound became louder.

It was at this time that Mad Mango left his home and his friends. Nobody noticed his leaving. In the morning, they would rub their eyes in surprise and ask each other, “Where’s Mango?”

What fun it was to walk! How fresh the breeze! Should he roll down the path? Every step showed him something new. “Why did I live my life in one spot?Why didn’t I leave sooner?” Mango asked himself. He reached the side of a road. He was about to cross when someone shouted, “Oh, Mad Mango!”

Surprised, Mango looked around. How did this Maple know his name?

Maple pointed with red fingers and said, “Mad Mango, it’s dangerous for you to cross the road .”

Mango stopped. Just then two strange creatures walked past, throwing floods of light before them.

“See? These creatures run along the road all the time.”

“I want to cross the road. I have walked a long way.”

“You want to reach the top of the hill?”


“And you want to reach the river flowing on the other side?”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“I want to do so too,” replied Maple.

“Then let’s go together. I asked many friends but no one would come with me.”

“Don’t be so impatient (急躁). I have stood here for a long time waiting for a chance to cross the road.”

“Come on. Don’t be afraid. We are cleverer than the creatures. We’ll cross the road before they get here,” Mango said.

“You go first, I’ll follow. Be careful,” said Maple, not moving.

Mango stepped on to the road. Suddenly, a light raced towards him. Mango trembly walked across the road. The roar was almost on top of him. Mango closed his eyes, and reached the other side of the road. With a loud screech (急刹车声), the creature stopped quickly.

Mango opened his eyes. The dreadful creature crashed into Maple and killed him. Men got out of the creature’s belly, talking,“Was the driver drunk?”

“No! I saw the tree crossing the road with my own eyes.”

“Don’t say these foolish words!”

“I’m sure the tree was walking ... ”

“You must be dreaming. Trees don’t walk. And you know it.”

The men climbed back into the creature. The creature again sped off, its two eyes gleaming brightly.

Eyes full of tears, Mango bid farewell (告别) to Maple and set off towards the hills ...
































“我也想这么做,” 枫树回答。




“你先过去,我会跟着你。要小心,” 枫树站着不动说。









(河北 高素菊 选译)