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A few years ago, I was researching the term “camgirl”, used to refer to a girl or young woman who broadcasts live pictures of herself over the Web. I certainly strive to be a 1)disinterested 2)chronicler of new words, but sometimes I just have to shake my head. Why would someone turn her life into a digital peep show? I was tempted to dismiss this as a bizarre hobby for a few teenage 3)exhibitionists caught up in new technology. But then I read that there were thousands of camgirls out there. And yes, there were plenty of“camboys”, too. Clearly there were larger forces at work.

According to Susan Hopkins, the author of the book Girl Heroes: The New Force in Popular Culture, for some kids the constant 4)surveillance of webcams affirms their identities―because they’re like, you know, sorta kinda on TV, and only celebrities and important people appear on TV. It’s the same 5)impulse that provides a never-ending cast of unembarrassed reality show participants. It’s why TV crews never seem to have trouble finding a grief-stricken person to interview after a disaster. The camgirls themselves talk about “artistic expression” and “empowerment,” and surely that’s true for some. But for most of them the 6)omnipresent eye of the webcam serves only to validate their existence: I cam, therefore I am.

Over the past few years, broadcasting the intimate details of one’s life has become mainstream. Many of us are now blogging, Twittering, Facebooking, Flickring, and YouTubing at least some details of our lives. In his book The Peep Diaries: How We’re Learning to Love Watching Ourselves and Our Neighbors, Hal Niedzviecki calls this “peep culture”. Peep culture is a play on“pop culture”, a phrase that entered the language around 1959 (although the longer form “popular culture” is surprisingly older, with a first 7)citation from 1854, according to the Oxford English Dictionary).

One form is the “lifestream”, an online record of a person’s daily activities, either via direct video feed or via 8)aggregating the lifestreamer’s online content, such as blog posts, social-network updates, and online photos. If this lifestreaming is video only, especially if the person is using some form of portable camera to broadcast his or her activities over the Internet 24 hours a day (à la the camgirls), then it’s called“lifecasting”, and the stream itself is a lifecast.

The 9)highbrow version of lifestreaming uses no video and is called “mindcasting”, the practice of posting messages that reflect one’s current thoughts, ideas, passions, observations, reading, and other intellectual interests. Mindcasters are also called informers because they post information, as opposed to“meformers”, who post updates that deal mostly with their own activities and feelings.

Other examples of “-casting”include “egocasting”, reading, watching, and listening only to media that reflects one’s own tastes or opinions; “Godcasting”,

posting an audio feed with a religious message; “slivercasting”, delivering video programming aimed at an extremely small audience; “screencasting”, showing a video feed that consists of a sequence of actions on a computer screen; and, of course, the familiar term “podcasting”.

We may be well on our way to becoming addicted to being watched, but who’s doing the watching? If we’re all broadcasters now, it’s entirely possible that we’re beaming our streams, tweets, photos, and status updates to hundreds of “friends”and thousands of “followers” who are too busy broadcasting their own lives to tune in. Peep culture may be the new pop culture, but is this really a two-way mass phenomenon? Maybe most of us have an audience of one: ourselves.



过去几年里,广播自己生活隐私的细节已然成为主流。我们当中的许多人如今都在写博客,发微博,在脸谱网上消息,在网络相册上发照片,在视频网站上放一些我们生活细节的视频片段。在《偷窥日记:我们是怎样变得爱上窥视自己和邻居的》一书中,哈尔・尼兹维奇称这种现象为“窥视文化”。“窥视文化”是对“流行文化”这个短语的一种戏称,“pop culture”大约是在1959年出现的词汇(虽然完整形式“popular culture”更古老,据《牛津英语词典》所载,其最初于1854年被引用)。



