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不同于传统电子音乐营造的喧哗躁动的动感氛围,猫头鹰之城乐队(Owl City)虽走在电子混音音乐的时尚前沿,却摒弃了时下流行的乐器混杂使用之风,转而回归简单的电子乐器,演绎出别具一格的音乐风格。说是乐队,却只有亚当·扬(Adam Young)一名成员。2007年,亚当·扬创建了该乐队,并兼任乐队主唱、编曲、创作、混音合成工作。他的嗓音飘逸空灵,和声精美雅致,歌曲往往既具有梦幻神秘之色,又不乏活泼欢跃之感。

这首“Shooting Star”是亚当·扬于2012年5月推出的单曲。歌曲简约明了,节奏欢快跳跃,处处散发出朝气蓬勃的青春气息,而在轻松跳动的音符之中又蕴含了对生活深刻的体悟。人生旅途曲折迂回,我们难免会伤痕累累、疲惫失落,但是却不能因此否定自我、自甘屈服。青春本就应该流光溢彩、璀璨夺目。因此,抛却心中块垒,以乐观向上的积极心态面对生活,像流星一样在属于自己的天空中绽放出最璀璨的光芒吧!即便那光芒短暂,却也能在一瞬间照亮隐藏于夜色下的晦暗角落,让你的人生无憾无愧。

Close your tired eyes, relax and then

Count from one to ten and open them

All these heavy thoughts will try to weigh you down

But not this time

Way up in the air, you're finally free

And you can stay up there, right next to me

All this gravity will try to pull you down

But not this time

When the sun goes down and the lights burn out

Then it's time for you to shine

Brighter than a shooting star

So shine no matter where you are

Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light

'Cause it's time for you to shine

Brighter than a shooting star

So shine no matter where you are, tonight

Woah, Woah, Woah

Brighter than a shooting star

Shine no matter where you are, tonight

Gaze into my eyes when the fire starts

And fan the flames so hot it melts our hearts

All the pouring rain will try to put it out

But not this time

Let your colors burn and brightly burst

Into a million sparks that all disperse

And illuminate a world that will try to bring you down

But not this time


A thousand heartbeats beat in time

And makes this dark planet come alive

So when the lights flicker out tonight

You gotta shine

