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The Man Who Knew Too Much was the first of the so-called “1)thriller cycle” six films in four years, which Hitchcock made for Balcon’s Gaumont-British Studio注1, and which would earn him the title, the

Master of 2)Suspense.

The Master of Suspense

Suspense was the key to the Hitchcock thriller.

Working with screenwriter Charles Bennett, and with Alma contributing to script treatments and continuity, Hitchcock turned suspense into an exact science.

Alfred Hitchcock: The element of suspense is giving

an audience information. Now, you and I are sitting here. Suddenly a bomb goes off. Up we go, blown to

3)smithereens. What have the audience had watching this scene? Five or ten seconds of shock.

Now we do the scene over again, but we tell the

audience there’s a bomb underneath this table and it’s going to go off in five minutes. Now this 4)innocuous

conversation about football becomes very 5)potent. They say, “Don’t talk about football! There’s a bomb

under there!” That’s what they want to tell us. Then their

anxieties will be as long as that clock ticks away.

But, the bomb must never go off.

In a Hitchcock thriller, the thing which seems to be of primary importance generally turns out to be what he called, “the MacGuffin,” the least important thing of all.

Hitchcock: I don’t care about content at all. The film can be about anything you like so long as I’m making that audience react in a certain way to whatever I put on the screen. And if you begin to worry about the details of…of what…what are the papers about that the spies are trying to steal, well, that’s a lot of…I can’t be 6)bothered with what the papers are and what the spies are after…

A Masterpiece: Psycho

Hitchcock: Psycho is my first attempt at a shocker. In other words, it has in its content certain 7)episodes which do shock. In some sense it could be called a horror film, but the horror only comes to you after you’ve seen it, when you get home, in the dark.

Janet Leigh注2 (Actress): The shower scene took seven days to shoot, and…and over 70 set-ups, because, even though it was on the screen for two seconds say the shot from up above was on the screen for two seconds it still took two hours to set up, but…because it was a very important part of the whole 8)montage. So it was very hard…I had no idea of the impact of the shower scene when I was doing it. I knew each scene had an impact, especially the last one, but…but the…but the total effect I didn’t get until I actually saw it, because then I saw what he had 9)envisioned all along, which was each…each cut of the film, each editing cut, was the slice of the knife.

Alexander Walker (Film Critic): He refused to have a press show, and he made us queue up with the public, which he loved you know, get the critics down in the level of the people that actually pay the money. And when we came out, Hitchcock was waiting in the 10)lobby with his hands in front of his 11)paunch, looking with delight at the 12)aghast faces of the critics. And I said to him, “You know, I…I honestly don’t think this is going to get good notices.” He said, “You don’t think it will play very well, Mr. Walker?” He said, “Perhaps not with your 13)tribe, but I think, looking at them looking at the public, it’ll play very well indeed.”

And it did. Cost $800,000, it made 11 million. It was his first big 14)jackpot.














