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麦当娜、玛丽亚・凯莉已经老了,小甜甜、林赛・罗韩不是越来越癫狂就是游走在过气的边缘,现在欧美流行音乐界的小天后是谁?没错,就是她――蕾哈娜(Rihanna) !被喻为“多多巴斯黑珍珠”的她,刚出道即被各大媒体杂志纷纷封上“最受期待的明日之星”称号,现在就让OE带你去看看这位小天后是怎么和男生相处的吧。

Rihanna’s no-nonsense approach to lads has hooked her the world’s hottest celebs. We got her to share her guy lessons.

Forget the designer dresses and sexy stare――when we catch up with Rihanna,20, mid-UK tour, we discover she’s very much one of the lads. As she explains, most of her mates’ back home in Barbados are guys, and hanging with them means she knows what makes boys tick. So we settled down with the surprisingly down-to-earth star to get to know her must-know boy information. There’s plenty!

1. Boys make better mates 男孩更容易交到好朋友

“Boys are much easier to get on with than girls. I can remember numerous incidents where girl mates have let me down by being catty and jealous. When you first meet a girl they look you up and down. Guys don’t judge you in the same way. Also, when I’ve had a row with a guy mate, the next day we’re friends again. Boys are very loyal.”

2. Keep guys guessing 保持你的神秘感

“You can’t let a guy know 100% of what you’re feeling. Especially if you really like them. Boys like a challenge and the minute they don’t have to chase, they get bored―so I always play it cool, at least at first. And I’m big on surprises. I once flew into another country to see somebody I was dating. All of his friends knew I was coming and he didn’t!”

3. How to spot he likes you 怎样察觉他喜欢你

“Sometimes it’s the obvious thing like he won’t be able to look you in the eye. Or he’ll talk to your friends all the time because he wants to show you his personality, but he’s too shy to do it with you. That’s one of the major signs that he’s into you.”

4. My killer flirting tip 我的杀手锏

“When I fancy a boy I always start off by hanging out with him in a group. It’s easier to flirt with him as there’s no one-on-one pressure, but he’ll see you’re the one giving him all the looks and attention. Most of my boyfriends have started out as friends first, although there are some friends I could never look at like that!”

5. Find a funny guy 找个有趣的男孩

“When someone can totally crack me up, it gets me every time.”

6. Boys like relaxed girls 男孩喜欢合群随意的女孩

“ I enjoy playing video games and my guy mates love the fact I join in. My favorite X-box game is Guitar hero. I’m no expert, but my guy mates always push me to get better.”

7. Long-distance love sucks保持适当距离,时分时合

“When you’re in love it hurts to be apart. I travel a lot, so if I’m in a relationship I might see my boyfriend one day and then it could be months before I see him again.”

8. Lads love playing games 他们有时很会演戏

“Sometimes when boys are upset, they’ll act more upset to make you take notice.”

9. A broken heart will heal 受伤的心会愈合

“A few years ago I had a very insecure boyfriend. He kept breaking up with me for no reason. I’d cry all night and he’d just assume we would get back together the next day. Then I said, ‘I’m not going through this any more,’ and stopped returning his calls. It took ages to get over him, but that’s when you need friends around you.”

10. Make him wait 让他学会等待

“When guys move too fast it’s a sign they don’t see you as special. Guys have tried to get frisky with me when we don’t even know each other. Just get out of there!”
