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The American Classrooms

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I recently read an article in a Chinese student paper about the typical american classroom.The article made it seem as if the classrooms were undisciplined, careless about obeying rules, and allowed the students to be rude.While some of the things written were true, the reasons and explanations for the actions were not given.That causes great misunderstanding for the Chinese who read the article.

First of all, there is not a certain kind of classroom that is the typical classroom.Elementary school classrooms, middle and high school classrooms, and college or university classrooms are very different.The classrooms in each grade level have different rules of behavior for the students and different methods of teaching for the teachers.

In a college or university classroom the teachers will give a syllabus listing the purposes of the class, the projects that must be completed, the dates of completion, the dates of testing, and a grading scale.This is to help the students to plan their time wisely, and to begin the projects as soon as necessary.

The article said that college students could leave the classroom whenever they wanted to leave.As a former university and college teacher, I can tell you that the students are permitted to be absent from class only twice in a term.If they were absent from class for more than two days, they would have to retake the class.They can leave class whenever they like, but they must pay the consequences for leaving. The teacher keeps an accurate record of each student’s attendance.

The article I read also said that the students would interrupt and argue various points with the teachers. Usually interrupt means raising the hand, asking questions, and having a discussion.That is possible in some classes, but in other classes, such as mathematics, or science, that is not possible.Some teachers will explain to students that they should not interrupt the teaching, but when the teaching is finished there will be a time for questions and discussions.

In the college and university in which I taught, it was not permissible to have food in the classroom.According to the same article,students were allowed to bring food into the classroom and eat during the classes.Most students did bring some kind of drink with them,such as Coke, water, or coffee, but food was not allowed in the classrooms.

So, please don’t think the American classrooms are undisciplined, have illmannered students, and are careless in maintaining necessary rules and regulations.

1. The article which the teacher mentioned made the typical American classroom seem _____.

A. clean and tidyB. very bigC. undisciplinedD. very small

2. Students are given a syllabus in _____.

A. elementary schoolB. high school

C. middle school D. college or university

3. How long can college students be absent from class?

A. As many days as they want.B. 2 days.

C. 2 weeks. D. They are not allowed to be absent.

4. The article that was read by this teacher claimed students would _____.

A. interrupt

B. argue various points with the teacher

C. bring food and drink to class

D. All of the above

(Keys: 1. C2. D3. B4. D)

(唐学忠 陈吉凤 供稿)