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Theory of Creative Advertising Creative and Media

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Abstract:with the rapid development of society, in people's daily life, advertising creative and media ideas gradually occupied most of the people's life, and play a huge market driving force. This paper mainly analyzes the creative advertising creative and the media of different location and meaning, to explain the inner link between both.

Key words:advertising creative media creative interdependence

中图分类号:J05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2013)33-0169-02

Advertising creative for people to do graphic design will not feel strange. Advertising creative, I believe, can be divided into two aspects, the advertising and creative, it requires the combination of the two aspects. If just a simple advertising, will be a lot less competitive in the modern society, it is because of the creative injection, make advertising value is particularly prominent. Advertising creative, is through the designer's unique technological means clever advertising creation script, more outstanding product features and brand connotation, and to promote product sales. Advertising creative outstanding is creative thinking in advertising campaigns, and the creative thinking is novel and bold method to create a distinctive visual and sound effects, the largest extent can attract the consumers.

Media, as the name implies, is the medium of all kinds of information, it is because of the existence of such diverse media, made of advertising creativity is particularly prominent. Media types can be divided into four categories, probably the first type, which is the most primitive types, the interaction is through the intuitive method to receive the messages to one another, the second type, such as painting, photography, letters, and the recipient of information depends on visual sense to receive the information, in this process of receiving information, it is need to a certain transmission facilities and tools; A third type, such as telephone, music, television, advertising, etc., the information receiver and the sender is needed a communication tools and facilities, also can be called the mass media; The last one type is the more popular, the Internet media, through the Internet to spread information.

In recent years, with the development of society and technology, the media's way with each passing day, and is not only a single model. Throughout advertising creative and the media, and between the two of them are two interdependent system, depend on each other and each other's revenues. Creative advertising is designed to adapt to different market, at the same time, it also needs to face a different medium. Before we make a good advertising creative, we need to understand is the positioning of the advertising itself, the positioning of advertising is a premise of advertising creative, advertising creative is a form of advertising positioning. Advertising positioning need to solve the problem of "what", and advertising creative is the problem of "how to" need to be solved, only know what we need to do, then how to do it than it is easier to continue down. Then, advertising needs to the style and content of nature can be determined also. Then, is the creative advertising, advertising creative is proportional to the direct benefits of advertising is good or bad, when for advertising creative design, we need to pay attention to the advertising originality and advertising itself as well as consumers, competitors, and to promote sales. Ideas to do the associated item, there will be some of the advertising design please some of the famous star, but it is ignored in the design process of stars and connection between product, so just let the audience remember star, ignoring the product itself, it is no doubt advertising creative most failures. To find the product characteristics and consumer demand between have in common is the creative point, the presupposition of creativity.

We live around, filled with lots of advertising, what we lack is the design is novel, do not fall convention. Careful to recall, what with the impressive advertisement that we? Maybe only the original information and forms can be to break the mass information numb state even refuse. What we need is a feeling of advertising creative sense of novelty and beyond. Between the creative and the media, advertising creative is the first step, advertising creative and the media is the synchronization between forward, both need to maintain a consistent pace.

Media is the sublimation of advertising creative is the most important step. Without the media, so it is a good advertising creative is only an armchair strategist, it is for the purpose of the essence of advertising creativity. We made a good ideas for advertising in success, what we need is a media to cooperate, at the same time also need media ideas. How to get the perfect combination between advertising creative and the media, in order to make the best benefit, this will be the media facing important issues. White and black's cold tablet of television advertising, for example, colorful picture suddenly disappeared, the screen half black and half was white, and the unstable signal, the picture immediately attracted the attention of the people: "what's wrong, something is wrong with the TV?"Just when you worry, suddenly saw a line of words appears on the screen: "have a cold, how to do? You can choose the method of white and black."Just relax nerves, and the advertising message below has to fly into your head: white tablets during the day, not sleepy, at night to eat black piece, sleep soundly.

The TV advertising not only noticed, and impressive, its success lies in unexpected, break the status quo, very good use of the characteristics of the television media to surprise people. This makes advertising creative and the media are very good together, to achieve the value of all products. The media is not only to a certain extent for auxiliary and dissemination of advertising creative, at the same time, the media also need to create new again on the technique of propagation, rather than a single copy.

Media's relationship to the creative thinking of advertisement and direct benefit, therefore, in the media stage, we also should have corresponding understand the dynamics of the market, which the media in the first place more publicity, so as to achieve the effect of the more prominent with other media. Creative advertising creative and media have the same effect. What kind of media is the most active, what kind of advertising creative is the most can to attract consumer demand, that is both have in common.

Creative advertising creative and the media of intersection is in the interests of the greatest benefits for the customer, but compared to advertising creative than media creativity is relatively simple. To some extent, both want to cooperate to achieve a predetermined effect.