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人们喜欢用“泥炭”、“碘酒”来形容艾雷岛的威士忌,可事实上这些词汇包含了更丰富的味觉体验。像拉弗格、拉加维林(Lagavulin)酒厂的产品,在浓郁的碘酒、泥炭、海风咸味之后,迷人的花香、蜂蜜口感会绽放而出,并不断变化,越喝越甜。而如布鲁莱迪(Bruichladdich)、波摩(Bowmore)、布纳哈本(Bunnahabhain)酒厂的产品,泥炭、碘酒风味清淡柔和,随之而来是丰富的果香味、棉花糖香味,入口柔软甘甜。卡尔里拉(Caol Ila)带有烟熏培根、鲑鱼、青草的味道,入口细腻。而阿德贝哥(Ardbeg)则被称作“泥炭之王”。这七家酒厂的产品虽同为艾雷岛风格,个性却都非常鲜明。每家酒厂的风味与本岛、世界上任何地方的酒厂都永远泾渭分明。这就是艾雷岛的7家酒厂,对于许多人来说它们也是全世界最好的7座威士忌厂。





















Would you like whiskey that tastes like iodine and peat. On a tiny Scottish island, 7 whiskey distilleries win the world over with an unusual taste of iodine and peat.

In the late 30s when the U.S. enacted Prohibition, only one alcoholic drink could pass U.S. customs. That is Laphroaig. Labeled and smelled as iodine, the scotch can easily get cleared and then supplied to underground bars in metropolitans like New York and Chicago.

This strangely iodine flavored scotch comes from a tiny Scottish island--Islay. Home to 7 old time distilleries and a 8th one opened very recently, Islay is undoubtedly the worlds’ most concentrated place of scotch distilleries. They make whiskey in a variety of styles, but more or less carries the same local characteristic, the smell of iodine and flavor of peat. Laphroaig is the most strongly peated whiskey.

Many may doubt if peat and iodine are good for taste. But they are exactly what gives Islay whiskey the charm that are loved by some as it is loathed by others. Chinese Master Chef Mr. Dong Zhengxiao, recognized as the World’s Best Chef, for one does not understand why would people put peat flavored iodine into mouth. But for lovers of Islay whiskey, that flavor is the top of all whiskey.

Peat is an accumulation of decayed vegetation like Photinia, which abound in Scotland and fern. The Scottish use peat to smoke barley before making it into whiskey. On Islay, thanks to seaweed and seawind, the peat takes on a rich taste of sea salt and iodine. Whiskey made with Islay peat carries not only a peat flavor, but also the unique taste of iodine, bacon, and seawind.

Although peat and iodine are used to describe their taste, Islay whiskey has a taste richer than that. Laphroaig and Lagavulin whiskey has a charming taste of flower and honey that changes and gets sweeter in the mouth. Bruichladdich, Bowmore, and Bunnahabhain whiskey are lightly peated with a rich fruity and cotton candy flavor. Caolla is tender with the flavor of smoked bacon, salmon, and herb. Aedbeg is known as King of Peat. The 7 distilleries share the common characteristics but each has its distinctive feature. For many, they are the world’s best whiskey makers.

The Significance of Age

The age statement on a bottle of Scotch whisky reflects the age of the youngest whisky used to produce that product. For Islay distilleries, age has a more profound significance.

When you are served with a 25-year-old whiskey, the enologist who made the liquor might be long gone. On Islay, an enologist apprentice would take at least 20 years of learning and working to become an enologist in one of the 8 distilleries, which means they would be at least 50 years old before they could brew whiskey that reflect their life stories and ambitions. A enologist can make whiskey for around 10 years before he or she retires. By the time their whiskey is served after 25 years of aging in an oak barrel, they are either enjoying their last years or long gone.

When you taste Islay whiskey, you are at the same time tasting the stories and expectations given by the enologist. Whiskey with different age from different distilleries taste differently because of the mood, story and expectations of its makers. Drink with respect when enjoying an aged Islay whiskey.

Bowmore is tender, fruity and lighted

peated. It is the best choice for beginners.

Lagavulin whiskey is distinctively Islay. It is a perfect blend of peat flavor, iodine taste, and sea salt, but some would think it is too perfect to be innovative.

Bruichladdich whiskey is light and soft. But under Jim McEwan, its legendary enologist, Bruichladdich has also produced some strongly peated products.

Bruichladdich is acclaimed as the King of Peat. It is a typical “love it or loathe it” whiskey. For its lovers, its profoundness, richness, complexity is irreplaceable.

Guo Wei:

If I were allowed only one liquor for the rest of my life

GM of GLEN, Experienced Whiskey Taster

I was once asked, if I were to live the rest of my life alone on an island and I can bring only one unlimitedly supplied liquor, which one would I choose? My answer is 10-year Laphroaig. Its taste, flavor, and fragrance is near perfection. It is comparatively young on Islay, but just because it, it has a flawed beauty that never fail to surprise me.

I have been to Scotland many times. Sometimes enologist of highland distilleries would sneer at Islay products, saying “they are not even whiskey”.

But Islay residents are confidently proud of their products, and never change to please others. Like most Islay whiskey lovers, I love its unique taste. Frequented by adverse weather like storms and big waves, the air and water on the island is seeped with the salty smell of the sea, which through fermenting, goes deep into the whiskey.

Islay whiskey is produced in small quantity. If you want to have a taste, better start with the light Bowmore. If you want to challenge Laphroaig directly, be prepared to love it or loathe it forever. If you are the latter, you can still try milder ones like Bruichladdich.

How to drink Islay Whiskey

Some Scottish say: “If you put ice in whiskey, it is a felony worse than beating your wife.” Is it true? How do you best enjoy a Islay whiskey?

First, mix it with water. For people who cannot take strong liquor, this is amazingly useful. When sommeliers take whiskey, they would add large amount of pure water, even so, the flavor of peat still stands out. If you are OK with strong liquor, several drops of water would be enough to let out the fragrance of whiskey.

Second, it is not capital crime to drink it with ice. Although ice will suppress the flavor of peat, the whiskey will taste fresher. It is another way to experience the expanding flavor as it warms up in your mouth.

Lastly, for beginners, it is advisable to start with pure whiskey in order to feel the original peat flavor and rich texture. This is especially true for aged whiskey, the older they are, the richer the taste.

Perfect Match with Food

Islay whiskey goes best with two kinds of food.

The first is Aedbeg with oyster. Oyster is best served not with but in a small amount of Aedbeg. The drunken oyster offers a perfect blend of the saltiness in Aedbeg and the freshness of oyster.

The second is Hokkaido white chocolate with Laphroaig. The thicker the chocolate, the better the taste.