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牛津版9A Unit4词汇精讲

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牛津9a unit4 TV programmes中的重点词汇和固定短语far, cover, disappear, be full of, a number of, send out等,在近年中考试题出现频率较高,现做小结如下:

1. far作副词时可以修饰形容词或副词的原级,意为“很,太……”。它还常和形容词和副词的比较级连用,表示程度,意为“……得多,到……的地步”,在英语中类似这样的词,词组还有much, even, a lot, a little, a bit等。如:

Swimming is far more interesting than fishing. 游泳比钓鱼有趣得多。

拓展延伸:far(away) from...和away from...区别在哪里?

(1) far (away) from...意为“离……远,远离”, 不用来表示确切的距离,即far前无具体数字。如:

The star shopping mall is far away from his school. 星星购物中心远离他的学校。

(2) away from...意为“离……远,远离”,用来表示确切的距离,即far前有具体数字。如:

The star shopping mall is three kilometres away from his school. 星星购物中心离他的学校3000米远。

【真题回放】I live_____the market. So I have to drive to buy vegetable and fruits. (2011•四川广元)

A. far away

B. near to

C. far from

【思路点拨】选C。词组辨析。far away意为“很远”“遥远”;near to 意为“靠近于”;far from表示“离某处很远”。

2. too...to...意为“太……而不能……”是一个固定结构,其中too是副词,后接形容词或副词原级,to是动词不定式符号,且本身含有否定意义,后接动词原形。常见的句型结构有:

(1) 主语+ 连系动词+ too+ adj.+ to do sth. 如:

His sister is too young to go to school. 他的妹妹太小了不能上学。

(2) 主语+ 行为动词+ too+ adv.+ to do sth. 如:

He walked too fast for us to keep up with him. 他走得太快,我们跟不上他。

注意:如果有对某人而言的话则在to前加上for sb. 如:The question is too hard for her to answer. 这个问题对她来说太难了而回答不上。


(1) so....that....意为“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句的主从复合句。如:

The boy is so foolish that he can’t work out this problem.= The boy is too foolish to work out the problem. 这个男孩太笨了以至于算不出这道题。

(2) enough to....意为“足够……做……”,此词组可以补充为adj. + enough to...或enough + n. + to...如:

The girl is too young to stay at home alone.= The girl is not old enough to stay at home alone.这个女孩太小了而不能独自呆在家里。

【真题回放】The bag of rice is_____heavy for Tom to carry. Let’s go and help him.(2011•四川广元)

A. too B. so C. very


3.?摇a number of意为“许多,大量的”其后必须加名词的复数。作主语时谓语动词用复数形式,且number前能用large, great, good等词来修饰。如:

A large number of students are playing on the playground. 许多学生在操场上玩。

拓展延伸:the number of的用法是什么?

the number of意为“……的数量”,其后接名词的复数形式或具有复数意义的名词,主语时谓语动词一般要用单数。如:

The number of students in their school is 20000.在他们学校学生数是20000.

【真题回放】―How many_____teachers are there in your school?

―_____them_____over two hundred. (2011•四川达州)

A. woman; The number of; is

B. women; The number of; is

C. woman; A number of; is

D. women;A number of; are

【思路点拨】选B。man或woman作定语时,如果后面被修饰的名词是复数,则man和woman也要变成复数。a number of表示若干,许多,谓语用复数。the number of表示……的数量。

4. attend意为“参加,出席(活动)”,在其中不一定起积极作用,其宾语通常是meeting, wedding, class, school等具有“活动”意义的名词。如:

He didn’t attend the meeting because he was ill in hospital. 他没有出席会议是因为他生病住院了。

拓展延伸:join/ join in/ take part in“参加”有什么区别?

(1) join参加,加入每个团体,党派,组织等,并成为其中一员,也可指加入一群人做事。如:

He joined the PLA two years ago. 他两年前入党的。

(2) join in指加入某一项活动中。如:

He joined in the after-school activities. 他参加了校课外活动。

(3) take part in表示参加某项工作,事业,活动等,并在其中起一定的作用。如:

We all take an active part in the school meeting. 我们都积极参加校运动会。

【真题回放】China_____the WTO and became a new member of it last year. (2011•北京海淀区)

A. joined B. join

C. will join D. has joined

【思路点拨】选A。句中时间状语是last year,故谓语动词应该是过去式。

5. not...until意为“直到……才”,表示知道什么时候才会去做某事,not后的动词常是表示瞬间性动作的动词。如:

You will not find out the answer until the end of the film. 直到电影结束你才会知道答案。



You can shop until ten o’clock at night in the Star Shopping Mall. 你可以在星星购物中心一直购物到晚上十点钟。

【真题回放】We didn’t start our discussion

everybody arrived. (2011•上海)

A. since B. if

C. while D. until


6. get angry with意为“生某人的气”,with是介词,后接指人的名词或代词。如:

They got angry with each other. 他们生对方的气。

拓展延伸:你会用get angry at吗?

get angry at意为“生气”,at也是介词,后通常接表示事物情况的名词或从句,其用法大致与be angry about相同,两者可替换。如:

The teacher got angry at our study. 老师为我们的学习而生气。

【真题回放】Mum was very_____ (生气) the black cat because it broke her lovely vase. (2011•福州)

【思路点拨】答案是angry at。be angry with接人,而be angry at后可接事或物,也可接动词。

7. so意为“如此……,这么……”,后接形容词或副词。通常和that连用,意为“如此……以至于……”。如:

The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it. 这个盒子如此的重以至于我提不动它。


such是形容词,意为“如此……,这么……”,后接名词或名词短语,常见结构为:such (a/an)+ 形容词+ 名词。当名词为不可数名词或名词复数时不加a/an。也常和that连用,并可与so...that...句型互换。如:

She is such a lovely girl that everyone loves her. 她是一个如此可爱的女孩以至于每个人都爱她。

【真题回放】The girl is_____a nice girl_____we all want to help her. (2011•四川雅安)

A. such, that B. too, to

C. so, that D. very, that

【思路点拨】选A。因为第二个横线后接一个句子。因此排除B,又a nice girl是一个名词短语。而so后接形容词或副词,我们只能说a very nice girl。因此排除C和D。

8. this one-hour documentary意为“一小时的纪录片”,其中one-hour为“数词+名词”构成的复合词,这里hour须用单数形式。此短语还可表示为this documentary of one hour。 如:a five-year-old boy= a boy of five years old一个五岁的男孩。


(1) 形容词+ 名词的-ed形式。如:a kind-hearted woman一位热心肠的妇女;

(2) 形容词+ 现在分词形式。如:a good-looking girl一个长相好看的姑娘;

(3) 名词+ 过去分词形式。如:man-made satellite人造卫星。

【真题回放】I don’t believe that this_____boy can paint such a nice picture. (2011•四川德阳)

A. five years old

B. five-years-old

C. five-year-old

【思路点拨】选C。five-year-old作前置定语,意为“五岁的”。加连字符号时名词应用名词单数。这类结构通常不用作表语,作表语时可改用five years old这样的形式。修饰boy只能用five-year-old。故选C。


1. You are standing too near to the TV, can you move a bit_____?

A. faster B. slower

C. farther D. nearer

2. This book is_____for a seven-year-old child to read.

A. too much difficult

B. too more difficult

C. far too difficult

D. more too difficult

3. I will have an important meeting_____tomorrow afternoon.

A. will join B. will attend

C. attend D. to attend

4._____American students will come to our school and study here for nearly a month.

A. A number of

B. The number of

C. Much of

D. Little

5. They_____arrive_____very late last night.

A. did; until B. did; till

C. didn’t; until D. not; until

6. Tom was helping look after his little sister_____his parents were away.

A. as B. while

C. before D. until

7. It’s_____from our school to my home.

A. ten minutes’ walk

B. ten minute’s?摇walk

C. ten minutes walk

D. ten-minute walk

8. It is five years since we began to enjoy a_____spring holiday each year.

A. ten-day B. ten day

C. ten day’s D. ten-days

9. He is_____excited to hear the good news.

A. far too B. too far

C. too more D. more too

10. The FIFA World Cup is_____fantastic that a lot of people in the world are crazy about it.

A. such B. so

C. too D very

Keys:1. C2. C3. D4. A5. C6. B

7. A8. A9.A10. B