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中华急诊医学杂志2012年8月第21卷第8期Chin J Emerg Med,August 2012,Vol.21,No.8


【摘要】目的 探讨思密达(smecta)对百草枯(paraquat,PQ)中毒大鼠血浆质量浓度的影响及对肺、胃、空肠损伤的防治作用,并分析其作用机制。方法 健康的SD大鼠76只随机(随机数字法)分为健康对照组(A组)6只、PQ(50 mg/kg)灌胃染毒组(B组)30只、思密达(400 mg/kg)干预组(C组)30只。B组、C组中毒后2、6、24、48、72 h分批处死存活的大鼠,每次6只,测定血浆PQ浓度,取肺、胃、空肠行HE 染色及病理学观察并评分。数据通过正态分布和方差齐性检验,浓度比较采用两样本t检验;病理评分采用完全随机设计单因素方差分析,并采用LSD-t检验进行两组之间比较;以P<0.05 为差异具有统计学意义。结果 所有大鼠均无自然死亡,B组PQ血浆浓度(ng/ml)[(4320.6150±413.9471),(440.3144±49.7762)];肺组织损伤逐渐加重,肺血管扩张充血,灶状出血,肺间隔增厚、大量炎性细胞浸润,局部肺实变;胃组织黏膜明充血,绒毛剥脱,炎症细胞浸润;空肠黏膜出血坏死,局部绒毛脱落,腺体减少,伴大量炎细胞。C组与B组在同一时间点相比,质量浓度明显降低(P<0.01)肺、胃、空肠病理变化均有不同程度减轻(P<0.05,P<0.05 或P<0.01)。结论 思密达不仅降低血浆PQ质量浓度,而且减轻百草枯中毒大鼠的病理变化。


Therapeutic effects of smecta on multiorgans injury induced by paraquat in rats WANG Zhan-qing,MA Yu-ying, YIN Cai-xing,WEI Xiao-xiao.Department of Emergency, the Affiliated Hospital of Shihezi University, Shihezi 832002, China

【Abstract】Objective To evaluate therapeutic effect and the possible mechanism of smecta on paraquat plasma concentrations and multiorgans injury induced by paraquat intoxication in rats.Methods A total of 76 healthySD rats were randomly(random number) divided into group A(control group n=6),group B (poisoned group n=30 ) , group C (smecta-treated group n=30) . Rats in groups B and C were treated intragastrically with PQ at 50 mg/kg, the rats in the group C were given with smecta at 50 mg/kg, while the rats in the other two groups were only intragastrically adminstered with saline. Live rats in groups B and C were sacrificed at 2, 6, 24, 48, 72 h after administration of PQ for the determination of paraquat plasma concentrations and for HE staining of lung, stomach and jejunum. The rats were executed at the end of trial by the same way in group A. All measurement data were expressed as means ±standard deviation(x±s).The data of pathological score were compared with Independent-samples T test and the data of PQ concentration compared with analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by LSD-t multiple comparison test. P-values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results The paraquat plasma concentration (ng/ml) was 440.314±49.776 to 4320.6150±413.947. There were different pathological changes of lung, stomach and jejunum in group B. Lung injuries gradually deteriorated, congestion, edema, leukocyte infiltration , incrassated septa and lung consolidation were observed. The pathological changes were obvious such as abruption of mucosa, hyperemic gastric mucosa and leukocyte infiltration in stomach. Haemorrhage of jejunum mucosa, abruption of villus, gland damage and inflammatory cell infiltration were found. Compared with group B, aIl the pathological changes mentioned above were obviously alleviated in group C(P<0.05), and the concentrations reduced(P<0.01). Conclusions Smecta reduced paraquat plasma concentrations and alleviated pathologic injury of rats with PQ poisoning.