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1. The pricey shoes you've been eyeing since February are finally on sale. Problem is, they've only got your size in a not-so-sunny pea green. You ...

A. plunk down1) your cash. You're sure you can make them work.

B. snap a picture and conduct a Facebook poll2) while guarding the pair of shoes with your life.

C. call your bestie3). She knows your closet even better than you.

2. Your older sister is stuck between two boys and comes to you for advice on who should be her leading man. You ...

A. sympathize, but tell her it's ultimately her decision and she should give it lots of careful thought.

B. ask to see some pictures and choose the hotter one. Really, what else is there to think about?

C. grab a pen and paper and help her make a list of pros and cons4). It works for you every time.

3. The girl you sit next to in chemistry class just sent you an Evite5) to one of her infamous bashes6) this weekend. You ...

A. check your schedule to see if you have any pre-made plans. You don't want to double book. Eek!

B. click "Maybe" while you read the list of invitees on the guest list. You'll only go if your friends are going, too.

C. shoot an instant "Yes" and start planning your partywear. You've been dying for an invite all year.

4. Woo hoo! It's taco7) day in your school's cafe. But just as you're about to ask for two, the lunch lady brings out a piping hot8) slice of pizza. Which do you go for?

A. Neither. Instead, you hightail it9) to the back of the line to give yourself more time to figure out this humdinger10).

B. Your initial pick and you have yourself a fiesta11). You can have pizza any old day.

C. Both. Sure, you might get a serious case of food coma12) by fifth period13), but it'll be worth it.

5. You're getting an award at your school's assembly and are all set14) to wear your new spring dress. But when you wake up, the weather's 30 below the usual. You ...

A. throw on your puffy parka15). Not like you're walking to school.

B. take one of your favorite winter outfits. Sigh, the dress will have to wait for sunnier skies.

C. wig out16) while you dig through your stowed-away17) winter wardrobe18). Ugh! You need a whole new concept.

6. Your biology teacher is offering 20 extra-credit points to anyone who volunteers to help her after school. You could definitely use the boost19), but you have tennis tryouts20). You ...

A. dial up mom and see what she thinks. After all, she's the one who really cares most about your grade.

B. go to tryouts, duh! You're gonna be the next Sharapova21). Who needs biology playing at Wimbledon22)?

C. ask your teacher if you can skip out early and get just half the credits. It's better than nothing.

7. In an amazing stroke23) of luck, your grandma comes on your birthday and grants you one present of your choice―sky's the limit (well, almost). You ...

A. debate between a trendy purse and practical sneaks before going with new kicks. Yours are almost unwearable and you need a pair ASAP24).

B. instantly ask for the Xbox Dance Central. You saw an ad for it on TV this morning and it looks so fun.

C. ask if there's an option to cash out. It's such a surprise, you totally can't think straight when put on the spot.



Scoring 计分

1. A. 3 B. 1 C. 2

2. A. 1 B. 3 C. 2

3. A. 2 B. 1 C. 3

4. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3

5. A. 3 B. 2 C. 1

6. A. 1 B. 3 C. 2

7. A. 2 B. 3 C. 1

难以抉择型 (7~11分)


稳扎稳打型 (12~16分)


当机立断型 (17~21分)


1. plunk down: (啪地)扔下(钱)付款

2. poll [pəʊl] n. 民意测验;民意测验记录(或结果)

3. bestie [ˈbɛsti] n. 最好的朋友

4. pros and cons: 赞成和反对的理由

5. Evite: 一个制作、发送和管理在线请柬的网站,这里指网上邀请函。

6. bash [bæʃ] n. 闹宴;盛大的舞会

7. taco [ˈtækəʊ] n. 墨西哥煎玉米卷

8. piping hot: 滚烫的

9. hightail it: 赶紧跑;快跑;仓皇


10. humdinger [ˌhʌmˈdɪŋə(r)] n. 令人激动(或印象深刻)的事物

11. fiesta [fɪˈestə] n. (尤指在西班牙和拉丁美洲以行列仪式和舞蹈等来庆祝的)宗教节日

12. food coma: 因吃得太饱而无精打采

13. fifth period: 国外学校的第五节课,通常上课时间为14:15~15:00。

14. be all set: 准备就绪

15. parka [ˈpː(r)kə] n. (连风帽的)毛皮风雪大衣

16. wig out: 变得激动

17. stowed-away: 收好的。stow away: 收藏起,贮藏

18. wardrobe [ˈwɔː(r)drəʊb] n. 衣橱

19. boost [buːst] n. 有激励作用的事物

20. tryout [ˈtraɪaʊt] n. (选拔运动员、演员等的)选拔赛,选拔表演

21. Sharapova: 莎拉波娃,全名玛莉娅・莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova),俄罗斯人,是世界著名的网球运动员。

22. Wimbledon [ˈwɪmb(ə)ldən] n. 温布尔登,英国英格兰东南部城市,位于伦敦附近,是著名的国际网球比赛地。

23. stroke [strəʊk] n. (幸运或突发事件的)一次,一回

24. ASAP: = as soon as possible