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猫头鹰 第9期

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The Owl

One day when the birds were all together, they found a very beau-tiful rose by itself ona small bush. Each bird wanted to have the rose for itself so they decided to give it as a prize to the most beautiful of them all .

One by one the birds of the world strutted and hopped before the judges. There were brightly-colored parrots and parakeets, peacocks with their shimmering tails, tiny humming birds and long-plumed birds of paradise, snow-white doves and gleaming black ravens. It was very difficult to choose among so many.

Then an owl came hopping forward.

ìLet me save you some trouble,î he said.îIt is easy to see that I am the most beautiful bird of all. Give me the rose. î

The other birds all laughed.

ìThe only thing that is easy to see is that you are not the most beautiful bird of all,îthey said.ìGo away, everyone. It is late. We will decide tomorrow.î

During the night the owl crept up to the rose bush and stole the rose.ìIf they wonít give me the prize then I shall take it for myself.î he thought.

The next morning, when the other birds discovered what had happened, they were very angry.

ìThe owl must be punished.î said the thrush.

ìHe shall see by night but not by day.îsaid the bullfinch.

ìSince he thinks he is so much better than we are ,he shall live apart from us.î said the sparrow.

And that is why the owl is a solitary bird of the night; if the other birds ever find him flying in the daytime they swarm round him like angry bees, pecking and shrieking at him until he returns to the shelter of the dark woods.












