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过时的衣服,土气的发型,有时甚至还会戴着一副黑框眼镜,他们过去一直是被校园风云人物嗤之以鼻的路人甲。好一点的称呼是“极客”(geek),也有人经常喊他们“呆子、蠢货”(nerd),甚至有人说他们就是一群“怪人”(freak)或者“失败者”(loser)。然而风水轮流转,自从Adam Brody早些年凭“塞思”这个超级漫迷的角色在《橘子郡男孩》中一炮而红,极客们便开始一步步地对娱乐圈进行反攻―2007年,大获全胜的他们才是至潮一族!

Step aside Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Orlando Bloom. These men with chiselled[凿出来的] features are now dangerously close to outdated, while some average-looking Joes[平凡人] with big brains and even bigger hearts have taken the lead.

Take the socially inept[无能的] guy who won a gorgeous girl in The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2006). Then a fat slacker[懒鬼]

impregnated[使怀孕] a way-out-of-his-league girl in Knocked Up (2007). Now a trio[三人组] of un-appreciated, unnoticed and unloved geeks go wild in their last days of high school in the comedy Superbad, which knocked The Bourne Ultimatum out of the No. 1 spot at the US box office, and made its entire $20 million budget back in its opening weekend.

These three are among the highest grossing[总共赚得]comedies of all time. The newest bankable Hollywood stars are no-name actors playing flawed[有瑕疵的] yet more realistic characters that cinema-goers can relate to.

“Everything I do tends to root for the underdog[弱者],”Judd Apatow, the writer-director of the three movies says. “I always felt as a kid that I was under-appreciated, invisible or weird[怪异的].

But I’ve always secretly thought people would one day appreciate what is different about me. I’m always putting that message out there. Eventually, the nerds and the geeks will have their day.”

That’s really the fact. In the high-school world that I experienced, kids were extremely status-conscious[有意识的]and sometimes unforgivably mean[刻毒的]. Outcasts[被驱逐者]and outsiders had little chance to succeed socially. Same things happened when they grew up. They were nobody, only known as “nerds,” “geeks” or “losers.”

Times have changed. Being excited about learning and sharing your knowledge is now considered...well, cool.

In fact, you can simply say 2007 is the Year of the Nerds. Simon Pegg’s newest hit Hot Fuzz shares its in-jokes[内部笑话] with cop-movie fans. Bruce Willis turns to a young geek and his friend for help in Live Free or Die Hard. The Simpsons Movie is basically about a loser saving his town. Meanwhile, from Chuck, Pushing Daisies, Reaper, The Big Bang Theory to Aliens in America, the new TV season is obsessed[迷住] with nerddom. Instead of boring smarties[自作聪明者],today’s nerds are intelligent guys who solve crimes, possess special powers, and debunk[揭穿] myths. Most importantly, they make us chuckle[咯咯笑]. After all, one of the reasons for this whole nerd trend is fun; another, wish fulfillment isn’t it great to watch people like us living our wildest dreams?







