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提 要:语篇是一个有层级结构的关系系统,该系统由一套有限的小句关系纵横交织形成。转折关系是语篇中广泛使用的典型小句关系。本文在以往关于转折关系研究的基础上,分析英文学术期刊论文中转折关系的分布情况、表现特征以及篇章功能。这对于进一步认识转折关系,丰富和完善小句关系理论,指导学术论文写作等都具有积极意义。


中图分类号:H0-06 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-0100(2011)06-0044-4

AnAnalysis of Contrast Relation in English Academic Journals

Zheng Dan

(Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China)

Discourse is a hierarchical system which is composed of a number of clause relations. Contrast relation is one of the typical clause relations in various types of discourse. Based on the previous studies on contrast relation, this paper analyzes the distribution, main features and functions of clause relations in English academic journals. It is hoped that this study can provide a better understanding of contrast relation and clause relation as well.

Key words:contrast relation; distribution features; representative feature; discourse function

1 引言

语篇中各种成分之间的关系包括微观结构特征(microstructural properties)和宏观结构组织(macrostructural organization)。语法结构、词汇以及句子之间的衔接手段都属于微观结构特征。而句子与句子之间以及更大语篇成分之间的逻辑-语义关系则属于宏观结构组织。语篇中常见的一种宏观组织就是“小句关系”(clause relation)。(McCarthy & Carter 2004:7)

这一理论虽然被称为小句关系理论,并不是因为它只连接小句,而是因为所有用来标记关系的系统都是以小句为基础的(Hoey 1983:18)。小句关系分为句内关系和句际关系。一般来讲,由于句内关系不涉及其与他句的衔接和连贯,因此不是篇章语言学小句关系研究的重点;而句际关系揭示两个或者两个以上小句之间的联结问题,在篇章的建构方面起着重要的作用,是篇章动态研究的重点(关于小句关系与多元分类见杨玉晨,2011)。

2 转折关系

2.1 转折关系的定义

较早进行小句关系理论研究的Winter将小句关系分为匹配关系、逻辑-顺序关系和多重小句关系(Winter 1971)。其中,匹配关系指我们因相同(相似)或差异来匹配不同的事物、动作等(Winter 1977:6)。

Mann & Thompson(1988)认为,两事件状态呈对比关系:(1)两者具有一些相似的方面,至少是共同的结合点;(2)在某些方面又是不同的(否则的话它们就是同一的了);最重要的是(3)它们在不同的方面进行比较。Rudolph将对比关系描述为说话者的观点:两事物状态是同时的,第二个事物状态与第一个事物状态在某些信息上相冲突(Rudolph 1996:20)。Winter, Rimon和Spenader将转折看做由以推理为依据的可取消的世界背景知识所许可的一种关系。(Mauri 2008:121)这表明,语境在语句理解中的重要作用。Halliday&Hasan认为转折关系的基本意义是“与预期相反”的,这种期待可能来自于所谈的内容,或来自于交际的过程,讲话者-听话者所处的情景(张德禄 2007:223)。

2.2 转折关系的分类

Winter将匹配关系分为4个子范畴:(1)矛盾:后一小句与前一小句相矛盾;(2)假设-真实:现实与之前的假设相矛盾;(3)否定-修正:前后小句呈现修正关系;(4)比较:前后小句因其中之一具有更多显著特征而呈现对比关系(Winter 1977)。实际上,这4种子范畴并非彼此完全独立,大多数情况下,一句话中往往同时包含几种关系。

Halliday & Hasan认为有外部转折关系和内部转折关系之分。前者指期待来源在于预设的句子内容,后者指期待源自于讲话者和说话者之间。具体来讲,他们将转折关系分为:“正”转折关系(adversative relations ‘proper’)、对比关系(contrastive relation)、修正关系(corrective relation)和删除关系(dismissive relation)。(Halliday & Hasan 1976:255)

Schiffrin指出,转折的产生是基于命题、世界知识以及语境。他认为有所指对比(referential contrast)、功能对比(functional contrast)和对比行为之分(contrastive actions),而三者又往往同时起作用(Schiffrin 1987:153)。

根据转折关系产生的根源,我们将其分为:语义转折(semantic contrast)、与预期相反的转折(counterexpectation contrast)和语境转折(context contrast)三大类。语义转折指的是具有平行成分的两个命题在某一维度上比较,后句直接与前句相矛盾。语义转折也可以称为直接转折。与预期相反的转折或语境转折指的是前一句所暗含的命题被其后的句子所否定,而这种对立矛盾或源于推理,或源于语境,因此也可以称为间接对比。例如:

① Dogs are very attached to their masters while cats love their independence. (语义转折)

② It’s raining but I’m taking an umbrella. (与预期相反的转折)

③ The two “TENSE”s refer to present tense and past tense, while the two “ASPECT”s are progressive aspect and perfect aspect. (语境转折)

其中,语义关系转折又可以分为:并列关系转折(coordinate contrast)、增补关系转折(supplemental)和修正关系转折(corrective contrast)三小类。例如:

④John is tall but Bill is short. (并列关系转折)

⑤The meaning resulting from collocation is not simply a matter of associations of ideas but, according to Palmer, is “idiosyncratic” and cannot be predictable from the meaning of the associated words. (增补关系转折)

⑥ I don’t think she minds the cold. It is the damp that she objects to, rather. (修正关系转折)

2.3 转折关系的识别方法

Winter(1977)提出了小句关系辨认的三种方法:词汇标记、提问和释义。而词汇标记又可分为三大类:(1)词汇I,主从连接词(subordinator),如whereas, while, than等;(2)词汇II,并列连接词(conjuncts),如however, in comparison, in contrast等;(3)词汇III,实义词标记(lexical signals),如contrast, incompatible, inequality等(Winter 1977:22-24)。常见的转折关系标记词还有but, although, though, despite, even though, even yet等。

对于句间没有有形标记手段的句子,我们可以通过提问或释义的方法来识别小句之间的关系。提问实际上是将独白语篇变为一问一答式的对话形式。它利用“期待-回应”的心理机制,反映读者解释语篇的心理过程(Hoey 1983:187)。而释义是读者/听者通过添加有形标记的方法将隐性关系显性化。下文重点分析带有标记的转折关系,隐性转折关系暂且忽略。

目前关于转折关系的研究多局限于在微观层面对转折连接词的研究,例如陈建林(2010)、高彩凤和徐浩(2007)、Jennifer & Anna(2009)等。从篇章层面对转折关系的研究还很少见。

3 实证研究

3.1 语料来源

语料库语言研究使我们可以重新审视语言现象(郑丹 2010)。本研究收集了由牛津大学出版社主办的期刊The Linguistics Journal 2011年第一期上的全部7篇文章作为分析语料。The Linguistics Journal是一本旨在介绍理论语言学中各流派研究热点的期刊。

3.2 数据统计

3.21 转折关系的分布情况

在7篇英文学术论文中,共有转折关系句子201个,其中使用频率最多的转折关联词为however(64处),其次为but(31处),although(23处),while(16处),其余像yet, rather than, despite, on the other hand, in contrast to, whereas等转折连接词的出现率在10处左右。而in spite of, compare to, nonetheless, whereby等的出现频次较低。可以说,转折关系在学术语篇中大量使用,且连接词丰富多样。下面,我们将主要针对出现频率最多的however, but和although的分布情况、表现形式及篇章功能进行讨论。


3.22 转折关系的表现形式



However可以连接两个独立的句子,一般出现在第二句中,可以在句首、句中或句尾;也可以连接两个小句,一般出现在第二个小句的句首位置。例如:For politicians, language is always a powerful tool to loose or to win. This is, however, the very fact that makes politicians think twice before answering questions.Bureaucratic discourses are often seen as mystifying social processes, however, Iedema (1999) identifies the positivity and productiveness of bureaucratic discourse and highlights their enablements and accomplishments.



① Although in some communities CS/CM has been the norm rather than the exception, studies have shown that there are varying attitudes towards this communicative behaviour.

② In a similar way, there are also significant differences between CDA and critical thinking, although they share some of the same analytical concerns.


But连接的是两个小句,且全部出现在第二个小句的句首位置,例如:This paper does not put forward an argument in favor of teaching critical thinking skills per se, but of introducing EFL students to the perspective associated with Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA).


有时,两个或以上的转折连接词会同时出现在同一句子中,例如:However, although these reports identify the negative effects of some welfare practices on Aboriginal communities, they pay minimal attention to how language barrier hamper access to services for Aboriginal people.


(1)however连接两个独立句子:语义重心在由连接词引导的句上,例如:When the basic category is contrast with the superordinate and subordinate categories, it becomes clear that the prototype, simply present tense, can only be found in the basic level. However, category TENSE in English is a recursive system. 该句强调的是英语“体”的分析是一个复杂的系统。However连接具有转折关系的小句,语义重心可以在前,也可以在后。

(2)although连接的转折关系:语义重心在非连接词引导的小句上,例如:Although in some communities CS/CM has been the norm rather than the exception, studies have shown that there are varying attitudes towards this communicative behavirour. (该句强调的是对CS/CM的不同态度,重心在后)

(3)but连接的转折关系:语义重心在由连接词引导的小句上,例如:The prototypes of cognitive categories are not fixed, but may change when a particular context is introduced. (该句强调的是语境的加入可改变认知范畴)


依据前文我们对转折关系的三分法,考察however, but和although引导的转折关系的类型。结果发现:(1)however所引导的转折关系不用于表示修正关系的转折句,but引导的转折关系不用于表示语境转折关系的句子,although很少出现在表示语义转折的句式中;(2)however多用于表示增补关系转折或语境转折,although则多用于引导与预期相反的转折,but多用于表示语义转折关系的句子。

3.23 转折关系在篇章中的作用



转折关系可以在文中起到引出下文的功能。也就是说,作者通过转折关系提出一个总体的观点,后面的句子(群)对其进行补充说明或者加以评论。例如:Two reasons, however, are attributed to data selection…On the one hand…On the other hand…(下文一段分别具体介绍两个原因)


不同于统领功能的是,转折关系引出的句子(群)是对上文的解释说明,即回答为什么这样做的原因。例如:The present study was carried out to investigate the CLIL learning environment, in particular, the language use in the classroom instruction, in a public university in Malaysia. Although English has been prescribed as the medium of instruction, in practice, it has been observed that this policy has not been fully adhered to. (although引导的句子是解释现行研究的原因)


增补关系是指转折句(群)用于补充说明前面句(群)所阐述的内容。例如:These reports extensively examined past and present policies, which historically created a negative relationship between state bureaucracies and Aboriginal communities. However, although these reports identity the negative effects of some welfare practice on Aboriginal communities, they pay minimal attention to how language barriers hamper access to services for Aboriginal people. (however引导的句子是补充说明否定效果)


不同于增补功能,延展功能指的是就不同问题展开的论述。这一功能多适用于语境转折句式。由转折句(群)引出的句子,是对上文内容的扩展和延续,即提出新的观点、态度等。例如:Pollock (1989) has argued that adverbs modify the VP. As they are not complements and do not build up new projection, they are adjuncts to VP. In this position the adverbs can act as indicators for movement out of the VP…However, both frequency and manner adverbs can also appear between the surface subject and the main verb as show in the following examples…(however引导的句子引出新的话题并展开讨论)


转折关系还可以用来总结、概括段落或全文的重点、要点、重心等。表示这一功能时,转折关系多出现在段落或文章的尾部。例如:This, however, has led to the violation of the “Conditionally Relevant principle”, whichforms the heart of the adjacency pairs. (This指代前文的内容。此时,由however引导的转折关系是对前文观点的概括)

须指出,某一转折关系在文章中并非只用于表达一种语篇功能,很多时候,某一转折关系往往同时表达两种或以上的篇章功能。例如:Another prominent feature of ads in Japan is their use of celebrities, especially foreign ones, to promote various products…The use of celebrity appeals in Japanese advertising is not limited to foreigners, however. In an ad for Boss(canned coffee), which…


4 结束语



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杨玉晨. 小句关系的多元解释与研究方法的互补性[J]. 外语学刊, 2011(3).

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Mauri, C. Coordination Relations in the Language of Europe and Beyond[M]. Berlin. NewYork:Mouton de Gruyter, 2008.

Schiffrin, D. Discourse Marker [M]. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1987.

Winter, E. Clause Relations as Information Structure:Two Basic Text Structures in English [A].In M. Coulthard (ed.). Advances in Written Text Analysis[C]. 1971.

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Jennifer & Anna. Reliable Discourse Markers for Contrast Relations[J]. Proceeding of 8thInternational Conference on Computational Semantics, Tilburg, 2009.

Halliday, M. A. K.& Hasan, R.Cohesion in English[M]. Beijing:Foreign Language Teachingand Research Press, 1976.

Mann & Thompson. Rhetorical Structure Theory:Towards a Functional Theory of TextOrganization [J]. Text, 1988(3).

McCarthy, M. & R. Carter. Language as Discourse:Perspectives for Language Teaching[M]. Beijing:Peking University Press, 2004.

Hoey, M.On the Surface of Discourse[M]. London:George Allen & Unwin, 1983.




Serial No.163