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Globally, young people between the ages of 15 and 24 represent 18 per cent of the world’s population or 1.2 billion people and majority of them live in developing countries. Youth are a great resource for building the economies of cities, and indeed of countries. This is why UN-Habitat is working hard to improve employability and entrepreneurship among young people.

Taking this into account, UN-Habitat in cooperation with Municipal Authorities initiated the global partnership initiative on urban youth development to create One-Stop Youth Centres in urban settings where young people could be trained in Information Communication Technology (ICT), Entrepreneurship, Business incubation skills, and employment generation. The first Centre was established in Nairobi in 2003, since then, One Stop Youth Centers have been established in five cities in Africa. Plans are under way to expand the programme to Asia and Latin America.



The One Stop programme is based on the belief that youth engagement and empowerment through training and capacity development is key to addressing the challenges faced by young people. Although each Centre is unique in the programmes it delivers, the main areas of focus include programmes related to the promotion of youth employment and entrepreneurship, arts and sports, skills training, mentorship and HIV/Aids.. The Centers also strengthen the capacity of cities to engage youth in local decision making and city development strategies that address youth issues.

In a similar initiative, UN-Habitat in collaboration with partners such as Altaawon has also opened satellite centers in informal settlements in Nairobi and Mombasa for young people in those areas to access services such as Information Communication Technology training, computer and internet resources as well as HIV/AIDS education, entrepreneurship training.



Kajjansi Youth in Development Initiative, Uganda


Kajjansi Youth in Development Initiative (KYDI) is a youth-led group started by Kenneth, a youth trained in Entrepreneurship at the One Stop Youth Centre in Kampala. Before the training, Kenneth was jobless and had dropped out of college due to financial challenges. Given his commitment to empowering young people, he was selected to participate in the UN-Habitat Training the Trainer Entrepreneurship programme that was held in Nairobi in 2009. Kenneth says that, the training is the best thing that happened to him because it helped him identify the opportunities that existed in his home town of Kajjansi in Uganda. Kenneth used savings of the training allowances to pay his fees and decided to start up KYDI to support other young people. He identified unemployment problems faced by many young people and the poor such as the challenge of solid waste management and disposal in and around Kajjansi. In addressing this, in 2009, Kenneth established a Garbage Management Unit that provides garbage collection as well as gardening services in Kajjansi 8 kilometers from Kampala city. Kenneth is happy to report that the initiative that started only with 3 clients has expanded to over 80 registered clients and employs 8 young men and women today. Currently the group has been recommended to undertake a contract with an upcoming Private Sector Recycling plant.


“I am happy that the initiative that started as a dream has grown and I am able to earn a living from it. Impacting on the livelihoods of other young people and my community gives me the confidence to carry on.” states Kenneth.

The group that started with only 3 clients in 2009 in Kajjansi has today expanded to include a wide range of clients around Lweza, Hossana Estate, Kajjansi, Kawotto, Kitende , Jomayi Estate and Bwebajja. Youth are being employed hence improving on their livelihoods and those of their families; with a perceived reduction in idleness hence lesscrimes. A good practice of solid waste management has been established within the communities, with possible impact on issues such as climate change.

Kenneth’s major challenge is that the project uses hired trucks and due to constant increase in fuel price, the owners keep on increasing their charges, and this affects the project profits. However, as the project expands he plans to purchase a truck.


这个2009年只有3个客户的小公司,现在的客户网已经拓展到卢万泽, 霍萨纳, 坎江锡镇, 卡瓦托, 柯特德, 周马义和波位巴甲等多个地区。不仅帮助青年解决了自身就业,同时也使得他们的生活得到了改善,家人的生活也得到了保障,同时由于不再闲置在家,青年犯罪率也大为减少。社区内逐渐形成了一个良好的固体垃圾管理的风尚,这些垃圾对气候变化的影响也大大减少。


Daniel Omband


Daniel Omband is now a household name around Korogocho when it comes to parties, weddings, and even burial ceremonies. Daniel is one of the young people who ventured into photography and videography as a career. He attributes this to the IT skills he learned at the Altaawon Youth Satellite Centre.

He recalls that immediately after the training he was sure of what he wanted to pursue; photography had been his childhood dream and, with the newly acquired IT skills, he also became interested in video production. He was offered apprenticeship opportunities in video coverage and photography. In December 2010 he was ready to start his business.

Using the IT skills that he had learned (record keeping, Publisher, Photoshop, and video editing), coupled with training on video and photography, Daniel was able to start a business beginning with few clients. Recognizing his expertise, his clients started marketing him and now Daniel works as a videographer for wedding ceremonies, birthday parties and other special occasions. He also produces documentaries and short films for non-governmental organizations and companies.




“Altaawon training has truly opened up my horizon. I am now totally self-reliant and saving some money to expand my business in the future. I am currently planning to register a company in order to get more credibility and also access bigger market,” says Daniel.

Daniel’s work does not come without challenges; he cites lack of equipment as one of these, since he must take care of all his video editing work at the Altaawon Satellite Centre. However, he is working towards purchasing his own computer to cut production costs and to also work in the evenings from his own home.

Daniel is thinking about diversifying his business to deal not only with production, but also advertisement, event management and news coverage.


