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Verbal Communication Skills in Business Negotiation

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中图分类号:F08 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0745(2013)01-0089-01

Abstract:As China's increasing participation in multi-lateral trade, the affect of Business English is increasingly important. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the process of cultivating business negotiation skills; good communication requires both verbal and non-verbal skills to find solutions that respond to the underlying issue at hand. This report is meant to illustrate some verbal communication skills for international business negotiations.

Key words:negotiation, business, language, communication

1. For the part of narrating

The negotiator should state his or her position, opinions, and requirements, or refer to unreasonable points in the position, opinions, and requirements of your counterparts, so as to make clear the possibility, barricades, of your cooperation, and interests of both sides.

Here are some important points in narrating:

First, articulate; Negotiators need to express themselves clearly in order to speak with a devotion to the purpose of the negotiation. Second, being precise and concise; avoid presenting too many issues, highlight the strongest ones, being concise and get to the point without being blunt. Emphasize the main point often, and focus on the benefit to the other party. Third, pay attention to the opening and ending; before you begin any negotiation process, organize your thoughts, take notes and plan what you are going to say, and the summary must be realistic, must be worded properly or it will be suspicious. Last, negotiator should also focus on his or her tones. Set the tone early, offset any bad rumors, and be candid. But sometimes, silence can also be a powerful negotiating tool.

2. For the part of quest

The second important negotiation skills are clever questions. The question one asks will either elicit information or will invoke an emotional or irrational response. Asking questions the right way is both an art and a science, the negotiator should focus on the ways of questing: to select the quest, to clarify the quest, to explore the quest and to induce the quest, as well choose to quest after the counterpart end, between or before his or her speech.

The following are the most productive tips to quest in a negotiation:

To begin with, one should preparing questions beforehand. The trouble is most of us need time to think in negotiation. We often find we get our best answers in the car driving home. “Why didn’t I ask…?” So to prepare the questions in advance can help the negotiation to run smoothly. Next, avoid question that block compromise, balance the interests of both the customer and company to create a win-win situation. Then, stop questing when your counterparts refuse to answer, when you are asking questions to get information you need to evaluate the circumstances of your negotiation, you want your counterpart to work with you and not against you. Last but not least, don’t vie to quest, don’t chime in when your counterpart is answering and make short your questions, remember to avoid the ambiguity arising from cross-cultural exchange.

3. For the part of answering

In any business negotiation, the other party will ask something of you. They may ask you whether you want to take it or leave it, or whether you agree with the terms and conditions. In any case, you will have to provide the best answer you can.

The tips of answering questions lie in knowing what to say and what not to say. It does not lie in being right or wrong. Leave enough time before answering and remember do not answer what you are not supposed to answer. Quest instead of answering, which means answer questions with questions, listen and question the person you are negotiating with, as you may discover a better deal than you ever thought was possible, e.g. You are negotiating the price of a car. The purchaser asks, would you be willing to take $4,000.00 for the car? You would reply, if I were to take $4,000.00, would you pay me now? Last, repeat and interrupt inflexibly.

4. Conclusion

Communication is a major determinant of strategies and tactics in business negotiations. The language of a business negotiation is a complicated smorgasbord of sounds, words and non-verbal signatures. Language, the proper use of it, is more than words or sounds in a negotiation. It is the meaning behind them that reveals the real meaning of the speaker. It can be said that a reasonable use of language is very important for business negotiations, or even can decide the success or failure of negotiations.


[1] Roy J. Lewicki & David M. Saunders & John W. Minton, Negotiation, Published by Craig S. Beytien,2000

[2] Boston, Massachusetts, The Essential of Negotiation, Published by Harvard Business School Corporation, 2005

[3] Michael Schatzkl, Negotiation, Wiley Publishing Inc, 2005

[4] Michael C. Donaldson, Negotiating for Dummies, Wiley Publishing Inc, 2007
