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摘 要:


>> 民事检察建议权的价值分析 论民事执行中的检察监督 论民事检察监督范围的拓展 论民事调解检察监督的完善 论检察权的性质 论检察机关对民事调解的检察监督 民事公诉制度的检察权基础――从检察权运行范畴的角度 论民事审判中的释明权 论民事执行检察监督的制度价值 论民事诉讼中的检察参与 论民事执行检察监督制度的构建 论民事执行检察监督制度的完善 论民事执行检察监督的制度构建 论检察机关对生效民事裁判的监督 论民事诉讼检察监督的加强 论民事执行检察监督的内涵与任务 论民事检察监督中的利益平衡 论检察权的独立行使 论检察侦查权的属性 论检察机关的建议权 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.


[7]傅国云.论民事督促——对国家利益、公共利益监管权的监督[J].浙江大学学报2008,(1) :45-54.

[8]正义网.浙江检方办理民事督促3179件 挽回损失76亿余[EB/OL].(2012-04-30)[2012-10-15]..






On Rational Deduction of Civil Procuratorial Power:

From the Perspective of the Amendment of Civil Procedure Law

HU Jinlong1, ZHANG Jianfeng2

(1.The The People’s Procuratorate of Wenzhou, Wenzhou 315300;

2.The People’s Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310000, China)


Centered on the conjunction of the right of appeal and jurisdiction, the civil litigation system is a platform of benefit distribution. When the civil procuratorial power with the character of state intervention enters this field in responding to social needs, rationality, legitimacy and appropriateness are necessary. Therefore, by examining the history and present situation of civil procedure power, the present study analyzes the historical origin and realistic foundation of its legitimacy. Consequently, only when the traditional ideas shall be changed, the mechanism be improved, the methods be regulated, the gape between “ought to be” and “to be” be bridged, and the requirement of appropriateness be satisfied, can the effective presentation and integration of right and power be realized.

Key Words: right of appeal; jurisdiction; civil procuratorial power; legitimacy; appropriateness