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■ found的应用


例如:Another three residential quarters were founded in the same district later. 后来在同一地区又建起了三个住宅区。

【扩展】1. found a hospital创办一家医院;found a family建立家庭;found a college 创办一所学院

2. found...on... 建立在……上,以……为基础或根据

例如:You should found your opinion on facts. 你的观点要以事实为依据。


A: find,“发现,找到”,其过去式是found,过去分词是found;而found作为动词原形,其过去式是founded,过去分词是founded,应注意区别。

B: found / build / construct / set up

这几个词的共同意思是“建立,建造”,其区别是:build是最常用的,指一般的“建造,建立”,既可以表示具体的、特殊的又可以指比喻的和抽象的意义;found着重强调在建立之前打下基础;而construct则侧重动脑筋解决建造过程中的问题,即“构思”,不强调花费的劳动,特别是体力劳动;set up着重起点。

例如:When was this company set up? 这家公司是什么时候成立的?

Our school is planning to construct an office building. 我们学校正在计划建一栋办公楼。

Many houses in Japan are built of wood. 日本的许多房子是用木头盖起来的。

As is known to all, PRC was founded in 1949. 大家都知道中华人民共和国成立于1949年。

■ salary的应用

salary用作名词,是可数名词,表示“薪水”。与salary常用的搭配有:receive(get/draw/command)a salary领取薪水;earn a salary获得/挣得薪水;raise salaries加薪;basic salary基本薪金;fixed salary固定薪水;for such a salary为如此薪水。

例如:This is a foreign company paying good salaries in the area. 在此地区这是一家支付高薪的外国公司。

【辨析】salary, pay和wages


例如:He takes his wages home to his wife every Friday even after a day’s hard work. 每周五,尽管劳累了一天,他也要把工资带回家交给妻子。

Many families in the country live on their salaries. 这个国家的很多家庭都靠薪水生活。

The workers united together to be against the employer’s position on their pay. 工人们联合起来反对雇主在工资问题上所持的立场。

■ take over的应用

take over是动词加副词形式,意思为“接管,接替”(accept sth. from sb. else),其具体有两种用法:

1. 可以使用take sth. over

例如:The 25-five-year-old graduate took the old editor’s work over who retired last year. 二十五岁的大学毕业生接替了去年退休的老编辑的工作。

2. 也可以使用take over sth.

例如:The manager’s young girl will take over this factory in two years. 经理年轻的女儿二年内将接管这家工厂。

【扩展】take away拿开,拿走;把……带走;减去

take back 归还,返回;收回,撤回

take down 取下,拿下;记录,记下;拆卸

take from 摘自

take in 把……带入;吸入;欺骗,使……上当

take off 拿走,取下;去掉;脱去;起飞

take on 呈现;承担;雇佣,录取;冒险,碰运气

take out 把……拿出去/带出去;拔掉;拿出,掏出;提取,领取;清除,除掉

take to 带……到……; 到……休息;开始从事;喜欢,习惯于……

take up 拿起,举起;抱起;吸收;占用;补上

■ ruin的应用


1. ruin用作及物动词时表示“破坏,毁掉”(destroy or spoil completely),其后常用名词或代词。

例如:What a pity!Bad weather ruined our weekend holiday. 多可惜啊,坏天气毁了我们的周末假日。

2. ruin用作不及物动词时表示“破产,沦落”(get total loss of money)。

例如:His bank ruined completely after the economic crisis in that year. 那年的经济危机之后他的银行就彻底破产了。

3. ruin 的过去分词形式ruined可用作形容词,在句中既可作定语又可作表语。

例如:Nearly all the beggars lived in a ruined temple. 几乎所有的乞丐都住在一座破庙里。

【辨析】ruin / damage / demolish和spoil


例如:Too much pepper spoiled the soup Mum made for lunch. 妈妈在午餐的汤里放了过多的胡椒,破坏了汤的味道。

Your plans for a party will be ruined if you get sick. 如果你病了,你的聚会计划就毁了。

Now many buildings in some provinces are demolished before new highways can be built. 现在都在拆毁许多建筑建设新公路。

The bad sandstorm damaged crops and even killed farm animals. 那次糟糕的沙尘暴毁了庄稼,甚至害死了牲畜。

■ memory的应用

1. memory用作名词表示“记忆力,记性”时是不可数名词,可指把已不复存在的事物在脑海里复现的能力,也指记忆所学到的事物的能力,还可指辨认从前知晓事物的能力。

例如:I have a bad memory for telephone numbers. 我对电话号码的记忆力很差。

2. memory用作名词表示“记忆中的人或事”时是可数名词,可指单一事物,也可指整体事物,强调记在心里,珍藏于心中。

例如:It seems already a distant memory. 这好像是很久以前的事了。

3. memory用作名词表示“记忆系统,储存器”时也是可数名词,一般用于专业领域。

例如:The computer in my grandfather’s house has a 128 M of memory. 我爷爷家里电脑有一个储量为128兆的内存。

【扩展】in memory of 作为对某人的纪念;lose one’s memory 失去记忆


A: lose one’s memory / slip one’s memory

这两个短语都有“失去记忆”的意思,其区别在于:lose one’s memory的含义是说也许永远也想不起来了;而slip one’s memory则是指某人一时想不起来了。

例如:He lost his memory after the serious traffic accident last year. 去年那次严重的交通事故之后他就失去了记忆。

Her name slipped my memory when I met her this morning. 今天上午我碰见她时一时没想起她的名字。

B:memory / mind / remembrance / recollection

这几个词都有“记忆,回忆”的意思,其区别在于:memory通常指记得经历过的事情;mind是指“记着,想着,放在心上”;remembrance是指“回忆,回想,纪念品”; recollection是强调记忆的过程,追忆往事。

例如:I shall keep what you told me last night in mind. 我会把你昨晚告诉我的话放在心上的。

The pianists played the tune from memory. 钢琴家们是凭记忆来弹奏这首曲子的。

The old man’s recollection goes back to twenty years ago. 老人的记忆回到了二十年前。

The workmates always have many happy remembrances of their days together. 同事们在一起的时候经常有很多美好的回忆。

■ 即学即练

一、 根据所给中文完成下列句子

1. 小王的固定薪水并不高,但他还有奖金。

Xiao Wang’s ______doesn’t come too much, but he gets awards too.

2. 80后将在不久的未来接管整个社会。

The young who were born in the 1980s will______the whole society in the near future.

3. 他还不到三十岁,但身体已经垮了。

He was under thirty but he ______.

4. 在很多欧美电影中城堡都建在坚硬的岩石上。

Castles are______solid rock in many European-American films.

5. 这对夫妻之间的柔情已荡然无存,留下的只是那无休止争吵的痛苦记忆。

The affection between the husband and wife has worn off, leaving______endless quarrels.

6. 我记忆最早的事情之一是在厚厚的冰层上溜玩。

One of my earliest______ is of skating on the thick ice.

7. 前几天开始集资竖立一块纪念碑以纪念为人民自由而战牺牲的殉难者们。

The other day money began to be collected to set up a monument

______the dead who fought for people’s freedom.

8. 在去年一次意外的医疗事故之前小姑娘就失去了记忆。

The little girl ______before the unexpected medical accident last year.

二、 单项选择

1. These kinds of magazines especially published in recent years are never allowed______the library.

A. taking back

B. to be taken away from

C. being taken away

D. to be taken out

2. I called her on my way home but I walked into her house, ______ she was out.

A. found B. founded

C. finding D. founding

3. There are many dangerous classrooms in that area ______in the earthquake, even though no one was killed.

A. ruined B. spoiled

C. demolished D. damaged

4. Every summer many graduates pay much attention to how ______they can receive if they are employed every month.

A. much salary

B. much pay

C. many wages

D. many money

三、 用memory, mind, remembrance, recollection完成句子

1. Do you ______if I smoke here?

2. Lots of people have the same feeling that they slip their ______at the moment of speaking something out.

3. Every student must keep everything in ______that teachers emphasize in class.

4. Large quantities of seventies have sad ______of their younger day during the war.

5. Visitors often buy monkey toys as______ of having climbed Hua Guo Mountain.

Keys: 一、 1. fixed salary; 2. take over;

3. was ruined; 4. founded on;

5. a sad memory of; 6. memories;

7. in memory of; 8. had lost her memory.


三、 1. mind; 2. memory;

3. mind; 4. recollections; 5. remembrances.