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【对应连词】when/ while, before, after, until/ till, since, as soon as

【用法指要】(一)词义:when/ while当……时候;before在……之前;after在……之后;until/ till直到……(才……);since自从……以来;as soon as一……就

(二)辨异:while从句的谓语要用延续性或状态性动词,when从句的谓语动词则无此限;when, before, after, until/ till和as soon as从句的谓语要用一般现在时表示一般将来时概念,用一般过去时表示过去将来时概念,用现在完成时表示将来完成时概念;since从句的谓语通常用一般过去时,主句的时态是现在完成时。


1.(2012年安徽卷)―Whats your plan for the summer holidays?

―Ill go to Beijing the school term ends.

A. in order thatB. so that

C. as soon asD. even though

2.(2012年上海卷)Peter will cook for his parents the International Day of Families comes.

A. unlessB. when

C. untilD. though

3.(2012年绵阳卷) I was in he US, I made a lot of American friends.

A. WhileB. Although

C. UnlessD. Until

4.(2012年荆州卷)―When shall we leave for China?

―We wont we have visited all the places of interest here.

A. untilB. while

C. asD. since

.(2012年铜仁卷)he bus driver always says to us, “Dont get off the bus stops.”

A. whenB. while

C. untilD. if

6.(2012年黄冈卷)―Excuse me. Could you wake me up when my friend here?

―Of course. But we still dont know when your friend here.

A. comes; will come

B. comes; comes

C. will come; comes

D. will come; will come

7.(2012年泰安卷)―Mum, when can I watch V?

―As soon as your homework .

A. finishB. finished

C. is finishedD. will be finished

8.(2011年包头卷)You cant watch V you finish your homework.

A. beforeB. if

C. whileD. as

【解析】1. C。as soon as表示“一……就”,从句的谓语ends属一般现在时表示一般将来时概念。

2. B。when表示“当……时候”。句意是:当国际家庭日到来时,彼得将为他的父母亲烧菜做饭。

3. A。while表示“当……时候”,从句中的谓语was属表示状态的动词。句意是:我在美国时,交了许多美国朋友。

4. A。until表示“直到……才”,not until表示“在……之前不/没有……”。该从句的谓语have visited属现在完成时表示将来完成时概念。

. C。该从句的谓语stops属一般现在时表示一般将来时概念,句意是:车未停,不要下车。比较:Dont get off until the bus has stopped. 车未停稳,不要下车。

6. A。上句中的when从句属时间状语从句,其谓语要用一般现在时comes;下句中的when从句属宾语从句,其谓语要用一般将来时will come。

7. C。as soon as引导的时间状语从句,用一般现在时表示一般将来时概念;该句的主语是your homework“你的作业”,谓语要用被动语态,因此应选择C项。

8. A。before表示“在……之前”,从句的谓语finish属一般现在时表示一般将来时概念。


【对应连词】because, as, since



1.(2012年临沂卷)he family had to stay at the hotel, it was raining hard.

A. becauseB. although

C. untilD. unless.

2.(2012年大连卷)Mark isnt coming to the concert he has got too much work to do.

A. soB. until

C. althoughD. because

【解析】1. A。从句“正在下大雨”和主句“这家人不得不待在旅馆里”之间存在因果关系,因此应选because引导原因状语从句。

2. D。分析句意可以看出,“马克将不会来看音乐会”的原因是“他有太多的工作要做”,因此应选because引导原因状语从句。


【对应连词】so that, in order that

【用法指要】中考英语单选题中,常用so that来考查目的状语从句,in order that很少用到。so that引导目的状语从句时,其谓语常由“can+原形动词”构成,表示“以便能……”或“为的是能……”。判断句中是否应用so that,关键是看从句表达的意思是否就是主句中“做某事的目的/意图”。


1.(2011年绥化卷)Mr. Green speaks very loudly all the people can hear him clearly.

A. whenB. so that

C. because

2.[CM(16*3/4](2011年德州卷)hey develop theirskills they can do things better andbetter.

A. howeverB. because

C. sinceD. so that

【解析】1. B。从句“所有的人都能听清楚他说的话”正是主句“格林先生大声地说”的“目的”,因此应选so that引导目的状语从句。

2. D。主句“他们不断提高技能”的目的是“为了能把事情做得越来越好”,因此应选so that引导目的状语从句。


【对应连词】so, so that, such that

【用法指要】中考英语单选题中,常用so, so that和such that来考查结果状语从句。so that和such that都表示“如此……以致……”。so that的结构是:“so+形容词/副词+that”和“so+形容词+a/ an+单数可数名词+that”。such that的结构是:“such +a/ an +形容词+单数可数名词+that”;“such+形容词+复数可数名词+that”;“such+形容词+不可数名词+that”。解题时,要依据so that和such that结构的正确表示法来进行筛选。


1.(2012年上海卷)Martin and his friends didnt eat up all the food they ordered, they took the rest away.

A. forB. or

C. soD. as

2.(2012年苏州卷)It was lovely weather we decided to spend the day on the beach.

A. such a; thatB. such; that

C. such; asD. so; that

3.(2012年连云港卷)he First uaguoshan International Golf Open was success that we enjoyed ourselves very much.

A. such a greatB. a such great

C. so a greatD. a so great

4.(2012年贵阳卷)eresa is nervous she cant talk in front of the class.

A. such; thatB. too; to

C. so; that

【解析】1. C。分析句意可以看出,“马丁和他的朋友们没有吃完所点的食物”的结果是“他们把剩余的都带走了”,因此应选so引导结果状语从句。

2. B。weather属不可数名词,要用“such+形容词+不可数名词+that”结构,因此应选择B项。

3. A。本句中success表示“成功的事”,属可数名词,要用“such +a/ an +形容词+单数可数名词+that”结构,因此应选择A项。

4. C。第一个空格后是形容词,且该形容词后没有名词,属“so+形容词+that”结构,因此应选择C项。


【对应连词】if, unless, so/ as long as

【用法指要】if的意思是“如果”;unless的意思是“如果不、除非”,相当于if not;so/ as long as的意思是“只要”。中考英语单选题中,常用if和unless来考查条件状语从句。如果试题的选项中既有if也有unless,解题时应特别注意推敲主句和从句之间的逻辑关系。



1.(2012年济南卷)―You have to drink more hot water you have a cold.

―hanks, I will.

A. and B. but

C. ifD. or

2.(2012年河北卷)Studying in groups is necessary you want to do well in school.

A. ifB. until

C. unlessD. though

3.(2012年泰安卷)―Could we go and watch the football game?

―No, you have the tickets.

A. ifB. unless

C. becauseD. since

4.(2012年无锡卷)he old theatre will close soon some extra donations are made.

A. soB. if

C. becauseD. unless

.(2012年衢州卷)We will go for a picnic if it tomorrow.

A. doesnt rainB. wasnt rainy

C. wont rainD. wasnt raining

6.(2012年广东卷)If our government attention to controlling food safety now, our health in danger.

A. wont pay, is

B. doesnt pay, is

C. wont pay, will be

D. doesnt pay, will be

7.(2012年南充卷)What would happen if he back home?

A. goB. goesC. went

【解析】1. C。句意是:如果你得了感冒,你就得多喝热水。

2. A。句意是:如果你想在学校里表现出色,参加小组学习是必要的。

3. B。unless意为“除非”。句意是:“我们能去看足球比赛吗?”“不能,除非你有票。”

4. D。“这个旧剧场不久将会关闭”与“进行额外募捐”之间存在“如果不/除非”的关系,因此应选unless。

. A。条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示一般将来时概念。

6. D。条件状语从句的谓语是一般现在时,主句则常用一般将来时。

7. A。主句的谓语是would happen,说明本句属虚拟语气,if从句的谓语动词要用一般过去时,因此应选went。


【对应连词】though/ although, even if/ even though

【用法指要】中考英语单选题中,常用though/ although来考查让步状语从句,even if/ even though很少用到。though与although用法基本相同,都表示“虽然、尽管”。汉语中,我们可以说“虽然……,但是……”,但英语though或although不能和but用在同一句中。判断句中是否应选though或although,关键是看从句和主句之间是否存在“转折关系”。


1.(2012年河南卷)We should give the boy another chance he has made some mistakes.

A. thoughB. when

C. unlessD. because

2.(2012年济南卷) he is old, he can walk fast.

A.OrB. But

C. SoD. Although

3.(2012年温州卷)Frank lives a simple life he has lots of money.

A. althoughB. because

C. soD. if

【解析】1. A。“那个男孩犯了错误”与“我们应该再给他一次机会”之间存在“转折关系”,因此应选though。

2. D。“他年纪大了”与“他能走得很快”之间存在“转折关系”,因此应选Although。

3. A。“弗兰克有许多钱”与“他过着简朴的生活”之间存在“转折关系”,因此应选although。


【对应连词】than, as

【用法指要】在more than结构中,than是连词,用于比较;在as as结构中,后一个as是连词,也用于比较;在“the+比较级词……,the+比较级词……”结构中,前一个“the+比较级词”起的作用相当于连词,用于对比。解答比较类和对比类的试题时,既要注意推敲句意,还要注意比较和对比的对应表达形式。


1.(2012年荆州卷)―Do you know sound travels very fast?

―Yes. But light travels sound.

A. as fast asB. a little faster than

C. much faster thanD. slower than

2.(2012年黄冈卷)―Can you tell me why you learn English so well?

―Its very simple. you work, grades you will get.

A. he harder; the best

B. he hard; the better

C. arder; better

D. he harder; the better

3.(2012年鸡西卷) exercise you take, youll be.

A. he fewer; the fatter

B. he less; the fatter

C. he less; the more fatter

【解析】1. C。根据常识,光比声音传播得要快得多,因此应选much faster than。

2. D。本题属“对比”,所给的四个选项中,只有D项属“the+比较级词,the+比较级词”的正确表达形式。

3. B。根据常识,锻炼越少就越容易发胖,因此只有B项才是本题的正确答案。


1. ―Mary has gone to Paris. ow can I get in touch with her?

―Dont worry. She will phone you as soon as she there.

A. will getB. is going to get

C. getsD. got

2. ―here is something wrong with the machine.

―Yes. it is repaired, the machine is no use.

A. IfB. Unless

C. BecauseD. After

3. ―Dont speak until you to at the party.

―But why?

A. are spokenB. will be spoken

C. speakD. will speak

4. Well go for a picnic next Sunday weather permits.

A. thoughB. so that

C. ifD. even if

. ―Did the flight finally reach New York safe and sound?

―Yes, but it was already half past eleven his flight arrived there.

A. whileB. when

C. asD. then

6. My father and I watched the flagraising ceremony we were in Beijing.

A. untilB. as soon as

C. asD. while

7. Because it was late autumn, the nights were already a little cold.

A. soB. that

C. whileD. /

8. ―Mr. Green has at least ten million dollars. e must be very happy.

―No. he has a lot of money, he doesnt live a happy life.

A. AlthoughB. Because

C. UnlessD. When

9. Everyone in the office has been under a lot of pressure the new manager came last September.

A. whenB. until

C. sinceD. if

10. Mr. White has been working in our school ever since he from the college the year before last.

A. will graduateB. graduated

C. has graduatedD. had graduated

11. we climbed, the weather became.

A. he high; the cold

B. he higher; the coldest

C. he highest; the coldest

D. he higher; the colder

12.―What was Mrs. Brown doing?

―She was watering the flowers in the garden.

A. when did Jack come back

B. when Jack comes back

C. when Jack came back

D. when Jack had come back

13. he Englishman took medicine on time he could get well sooner.

A. becauseB. since

C. so thatD. as soon as

14.My grandma can walk faster a young lady though she is well over seventy.

A. thanB. then

C. asD. as if

1. Linda doesnt speak as well her friend, but her written work is excellent.

A. thanB. so

C. suchD. as

16. It was it rained heavily that they didnt go to the concert.

A. asB. because

C. forD. since

17. My father is busy with his work he often forgets rest or meals.

A. very; thatB. so; that

C. such; asD. enough; as

18. ―Do you usually watch V in theevening?

―Yes, I have to study for an examination.

A. unlessB. because

C. whileD. when

19. ―Lots of tall buildings have been put up there used to be wasteland.

―hats true. Great changes have taken place in the past few years.

A. thatB. which

C. whereD. when

20. Scientists say it may be five or ten years it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.

A. sinceB. when

C. afterD. before

21. ―When will your father be back?

―ell be back before you .

A. will leaveB. will have left

C. leaveD. would leave

22. Why do you want to find a new job youve got such a good one already?

A. thatB. when

C. whichD. where

23. ―[CM(1]May I play computer games now,Mum?

―No,you cant you finish your homework.

A. beforeB. after

C. ifD. when

24. I wonder if I time this Sunday. If I time then, Ill go for a picnic with you.

A. have; haveB. will have; will have

C. have; will haveD. will have; have

2. we work together, we can make the impossible possible.

A. As far asB. As long as

C. As well asD. As soon as

26.―he manager left for Australia on business last Saturday.

― he left, everyone in the office looked relaxed.

A. WhileB. After

C. UnlessD. Since

27. It was beautiful house we decided to buy it.

A. so a; thatB. such; as

C. such; thatD. such a; that

28. ―Shall we stop to have a short rest?

―We had better hurry it is getting late.

A. andB. or

C. soD. as

29. ―he old parents dont go to bed their son comes back.

―Parents love is universal! here are no parents who dont love their children!

A. ifB. since

C. untilD. while

30. I wont give you any help you tell me the truth. Its none of my business.

A. even ifB. since

C. ifD. so that



11~1 DCCAD16~20 BBACD

21~2 CBADB26~30 BDDCA