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Part 1 Seeing the Problem

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Kristie: Oh, hey, Bryan! Good to see you!

Bryan: Same here! Haven’t seen you since last week, if I recall. How’s it going?

Kristie: Pretty well, but I just got my English test back. My parents won’t be happy when they hear about my grade!

Bryan: That bad, huh? But you’re usually such a standout student!

Kristie: Well, thanks, but English has been getting harder and harder for me.

Bryan: Don’t let it get to you. I’m sure it’ll get better. Hey, what’s that?

Kristie: Oh, this? I just bought that new 1)spy thriller that everyone’s talking about.

Bryan: ①Right on! So, how do you find it?

Kristie: It’s almost impossible to follow!

Bryan: That bad, huh?

Kristie: It’s got so many characters, so many 2)plot twists, so many little details…

Bryan: Sounds like a good spy novel, then.

Kristie: If I let one thing get past me, then nothing else makes sense!

Bryan: And that happens a lot?

Kristie: On just about every page. Sometimes I have to read a page two or three times to make sure I get everything.

Bryan: Oh, I think I see what’s happening!

Kristie: Well, ②that makes one of you. Wanna share the secret?

Bryan: It’s not a secret. It’s a really common thing these days. It’s called “shallow reading.”

Kristie: Never heard of it. It sounds like reading while sitting in the shallow end of a swimming pool.

Bryan: Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Shallow reading is what happens when people lose the ability to read carefully. Kristie: That sounds ridiculous. Can people really forget how to read?

Bryan: You 3)betcha! It’s happening all over the place these days. There’s so much news and information out there, it’s hard for people to focus on just one thing and read it carefully, which is called “deep reading.”

Kristie: ③I don’t buy it. Sounds 4)made-up to me.

Bryan: But think about it―your English grades are going down…

Kristie: Don’t remind me!

Bryan: …and it’s getting hard to read difficult books.

Kristie: You’re saying I’m becoming a shallow reader?

Bryan: ④I don’t want to put too fine a point on it, but that might be the problem.

Kristie: Well, forgive me if I don’t believe you. Anyway, it’s time to go―I’ve gotta study for my next exam!

Bryan: Good luck with that! Let me know how it goes.

Kristie: Will do! Have a good one!

Bryan: You, too!

Smart Sentences

① Right on! 太好了!

right on: used to express support or approval, same as “wonderful”(表示支持或赞同,等同于“wonderful”)。例如:

―Hey, Dan, I finally got The Artist downloaded.


―Right on! Let’s call your brother over and watch it tonight.


② That makes one of you. 也只有你才能想得到。

that makes one of you: only you think this way(只有你这么想)。例如:

Having a vegetarian dinner for the Chinese New Year? Well, that makes one of you.


③ I don’t buy it. 我不同意你的说法。

I don’t buy it: expresses disbelief or rejection of an idea or a theory(表示你不相信或拒绝接受某个想法或理论)。例如:

The news said the food poisoning was caused by the weather. Well, I don’t buy it.


④ I don’t want to put too fine a point on it, but that might be the problem. 我也不想那么直截了当地说,但那可能是问题的所在。

not put too fine a point on it: used to express that one doesn’t want to offend anyone while saying exactly what one feels(直言不讳,有话直说)。例如:

Well, Dad, not to put too fine a point on it, your new haircut is terrible.
