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One of my friends did business in collaboration1 with somebody else a few years ago. Their freighter2 was upturned by storm at sea and their hope, together with their merchandise vanished3 all of a sudden. He was so upset by the blow that he became low-spirited and couldn't even concentrate his attention. His partner who suffered the same catastrophe4 never lost heart. His days went on as colorfully as before. My friend asked him how he could manage it. He said: "You curse, you grieve5 , life goes on as usual; you are happy and enjoy yourself, the world runs as usual. Which course do you follow?"

That's how a person leads his life. When you are optimistic and in a good mood, your future seems sunny and bright. On the contrary, when you are worried and have your mind caged in sadness, your future will turn dark. The later situation, if you allow it to last, will cost you a great deal. You will lose confidence and courage to fight for the better. You will let go the joyfully things that come your way. They are, like the air around us, really the most important, the most reliable part of links of our life. If they get loose and drop one after another, how can you keep happiness?

There's a poem which says: "Whether you are aware or not, whether you like or dislike, show attention or ignore, flowers bloom luxuriously all the same." Yes, that's it. Just as flowers keep blooming, fine days are, passing away one after another. How to spend your days joyfully or sorrowfully will entirely depend on yourself.


1 collaboration n.合作

2 freighter n.货船

3 vanish v. 消失

4 catastrophe n. 突如其来的大灾难

5 grieve v.使伤心;(对某事)感到懊悔

我的一个朋友,几年前跟人合伙做生意,运货的船突遇风浪,翻了,他们所有的财产和梦想也随之坠入了海底。他经不起这个打击,从此变得萎靡不振,神思恍惚。当他看到另一个跟他一起遭遇变故的人居然活得有滋有味时,就去问他。那人对他说:“你咒骂,你伤心, 日子一天天地过去;你快活,你欢乐,日子也是一天天地过去,你选择哪一种呢?”

人就是这样, 当你以一种豁达、乐观向上的心态去构筑未来时,眼前就会呈现一片光明;反之,当你将思维囿于忧伤的攀笼里,未来就变得黯淡无光了。长此下去,你不仅会将最起码的信念和拼搏的勇气泯灭,还会将身边那些最近最真的欢乐失去。对每一个人来说,那些如空气一样充塞在身边的欢乐才是最重要的,它组成我们生命之链上最真实可靠的一环,你一节一节地让它松落了,幸福怎么能向下延续呢?
