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摘要:以1 a生爪哇木棉营养袋播种苗为研究对象,采用L25 (53)正交试验设计,研究不同施肥配比对爪哇木棉苗期生长的影响。结果表明:爪哇木棉苗木高生长最优肥料配比组合为N3P5K2,地径生长最优组合为N2P4K5,主根长最高为N2P4K5,而I级侧根数最高为N3P5K2;通过4个生长指标主成分分析及标准化计算,确定最优施肥组合为N2P5K1,即尿素肥10.87 g/m2 +过磷酸钙肥388.89 g/m2+硫酸钾肥0 g/m2。苗期施肥有利于幼苗的生长,能够有效促进侧根伸长和数量的增加,从促进苗木质量及经济价值考虑,爪哇木棉苗期施肥效益显著。


中图分类号:S792;S714.8;S718.516文献标识码:A文章编号:1671 - 3168(2012)01 - 0119 - 05

Growth Response of Ceiba pentandra with Different

Fertilizer Ratios

WANG Yang, TANG Junrong, GAO Zhu, ZHAO Weixin, FU Haihe, MA Huancheng

(Southwest Regional Biodiversity Conservation Key Laboratory, Southwest Forestry University, State Forestry Administration,

Kunming 650224,China)

Abstract: One year old nutrition bag seedlings of Ceiba pentandra were used to study the effect on seedling growth of different fertilizer ratios with L25 (53) orthogonal experimental design。 The best highgrowth portfolio of Ceiba pentandra seedlings is N3P5K2, the highest main root length is N2P4K5,and the highest number of Ilevel lateral roots is N3P5K2。By the principal component analysis and standardized computing of four growth index,to determine the optimum fertilizer combination is N2P5K1, namely, Urea 10.87g/m2, SSP 388.89g/m2, Potassium 0g/m2。 Seedling fertilization is good for the growth, and can effectively promote elongation and number of lateral roots, considered seedling quality and economic value; the efficiency of Ceiba pentandra seedling fertilizer is significant。

Key words: Ceiba pentandra; fertilizer ratios; growth index; optimum combination

收稿日期:2011 - 12 - 30.


作者简介:汪 洋(1986 - ),女,湖北钟祥人,硕士。研究方向:木棉组织培养。Email:wangyangzf@163。com

通信作者:马焕成(1962 - ),男,教授。研究方向:困难地段造林和植被恢复研究。Email:mhc@swfu。edu。cn爪哇木棉[Ceiba pentandra(Linn.) Gaertn ]又称吉贝、美洲木棉、青皮木棉,为木棉科(Bombacaceae)吉贝属(Ceiba)短暂落叶乔木[1]。原产热带美洲和东印度群岛,现广泛引种于东南亚及非洲热带地区,在我国云南、广西、广东、海南等热带地区均有栽培[2]。对土壤要求不严,耐瘠抗旱,适宜在光热充足的干热河谷地区生长,是该地区生态恢复及石漠化治理先锋树种[4]。爪哇木棉果实绒毛是一种优质的天然纤维,中空度高达86%以上,是人工纤维的2倍,具有光洁、抗菌、轻柔、保暖等优良特性,可以作救生衣、枕头填充料[5],广泛用于家纺产品,含量最高可达51%[6]。